Dec 6, 2019


rugged breed

Everyone is asking me where I am getting my motivation, they were wondering how was I able to maintain a rapid pace, they were mystified by my source of motivation. The answer to their question is very simple... my source of motivation is the FIRST ACTION. That's it, it's the first action, you will only become successful if you will take the first step. Just take the first step and stop thinking about something else. Always stay focused and committed. Once you take the first action... never stop, just do it, keep the fire alive and never feel tired whenever you're tired, always ask your body... "is that all you have" and keep going further, keep going further and further as much as you can.

So if you don't feel motivated at all... just do the first step and that's it, stop looking for something else that will give you motivation because you're just making and building excuses by doing that. If you want to become motivated all the time then just do it, stop thinking and just do it, stop thinking if you're going to succeed or fail and just do it, stop worrying about the outcome and just do it. Just do it and do it and do it... you will succeed for sure.


Success is a habit, success is choosing the right habit. If you can just create a thought pattern and build the right habits to succeed then it will be easier for you to become successful, money will become automatic, opportunities will be there, it will feel like magic because thousands of breaks were being attracted to your life. Creating a good habit is simply repeating an action that creates results in the future, you repeat it over and over again until it is ingrained into your system, it's so simple and basic yet why can't you create it? it's because you're so afraid of getting bored, you don't want a boring process. You also wanted to get results fast that's why you don't want to repeat a process long enough until you become finally successful.

The truth is you will never become motivated everyday but if you already created good habits then you don't need to motivate yourself anymore, you will just do it even if it feels uncomfortable, you will do it because you will feel worse if you didn't do it.

You just need to become patient while creating the habit, you just need to take it one step at a time. Enjoy every step, don't be afraid to focus and get bored, don't be afraid to go all the way and dedicate your life for something, don't be afraid to face the pain of change.

If you're going to waste time, why not waste your time for the best? why not waste your time to create your new self?


If you're focused on chasing your goals, if you want to test yourself, if you really want to know how great or strong you are then you don't need motivation anymore. Just think about your goals, what are the things that you really want to achieve? go for it, don't stop and just go for it... as simple as that. You don't need to think about anything else, you don't need to look for what is missing in your life, you don't need to wait and wast your time overthinking... you will just do it no matter what.

You don't care if you're too bored chasing your goals, you will still chase it, you know that it is the main thing and you keep it as the main thing then you will never have a hard time looking for motivation anymore, motivation will come out naturally. You don't need to squeeze your mind and produce motivation, you will feel it right away after taking the first step.


Because being too soft on yourself will never work. Being too dramatic and complaining too much is only poisoning your freaking mind, it is making you lazier even more, you are going down bit by bit by doing it. You need to drag yourself and force yourself to take actions, stop thinking too much and do it. Just do it even if it's too hard, do it even if you feel lazy. Stop being too comfortable with your situation now and do the first step. Focus, discipline yourself to stay on the task that you are doing. Stop checking your emails and messengers, stop looking for an escape, stop looking for an entertainment, stop looking for a food or juice or anything that will amuse you and make you forget the stress... face the stress... that's how to stay motivated all the time. Because nothing will happen to you if you will continue to pamper yourself, stop looking for comfort because there is no growth on that place, you will become stagnant there, you will become rusty and you will start to fall down.

Face the pain, face the casualty, face the adversity and try to overcome all of it. You can do it if you will drag yourself to take actions and simply do the right thing. It's too obvious that being lazy will never get the job done. It will only make you poor, broke and depressed. You have to trust hard work and the philosophy of simply doing it no matter what, stop thinking too much and just allow yourself to take over, take charge, take full responsibility of the outcome of your life. Because if you will not take charge then who will? your neighbor? your girlfriend? your cat? You are the owner of your life, you are the one who can change it and make it better as you wish.

So whenever you are procrastinating... feel guilty about it and do something, drag your hands and feet. Shut down the part of your mind that is telling you that you can't do it and just do it. Shut down the part of your brain that is telling you that it is hard and simply do the task that is needed to be done.


Motivation will never run out, even if you feel so tired and exhausted... it will never run out. Just make sure that you will still move and never stop no matter what. There is an infinite source of motivation, all you need to do is stop looking for it and focus on taking actions. Because it is easy to get motivated if you're taking actions, it's hard to feel it if you're not doing anything at all, you will never even feel it if you have no plans of taking actions now. So start now, just do it, stop thinking too much and force yourself to take actions. Force fate, never give up, never think that you are too tired... just do it over and over again until you succeed. 

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