Dec 7, 2019



Most people will withdraw on their plans especially if they can't see that it is not working. They will quit on the first month or even on the first week after learning that their plans are not working. The key to success is pick a plan and die with it, make it work, have a mindset of all or nothing, don't be afraid to fail, you need to check if the plan will work until the end. Because any sound plan will not work if you will not give your all. The plan B is to execute the plan A, there is no changing of plans if you want to become successful. It's either you fail big time or win big time with it, there is no in between. You have to take risk in believing that plan and never change it just because it's not working for now


If your plan is not working it means you're not making it work, you quit so fast every time you face a difficult challenge, you always look for an easy way out, you don't want to go the extra mile anymore because you're thinking that it's too hard and there is no way you can make it work. Persevere and work hard and that's it, it's too simple right? if you fail try again, if you fall stand up again and execute your plan again, never give up on your plan, try to make it work no matter what, make it work even if it feels so heavy. You don't need a lot of fancy techniques here, all you have to do is keep moving forward while using your plan, just do something, never settle, never pause, never rest, work on your plan and go further as much as you can.

Are you working hard enough? if yes then you should be seeing small results by now, if you still can't see small results then it means your hard work is fake or you still need to exert more effort. Just keep pushing, keep persevering... you will make it work if you're really making an effort.


Forget about the results and just execute the plan... that's how to make your life simple, that's how to make your mind quieter and calm. You can't become successful because your mind is always crowded with thoughts that are not helping you at all, you're always entertaining negativity and worries and feedback from other people. But if you will forget the results and just execute the plan then for sure you will be able to get bigger progress because you're focused and not thinking about anything else. Thinking too much will kill the process, it will create fear. You just need to think that your plan will work no matter what, the universe will conspire, you will get rewarded for the hard work that you put it. Just focus, think about what you want and get it no matter what, get it even if the world is melting, get it even if there are lot of obstacles along the way. Ignore what is not working and focus on what is working a little bit... that's how to get the job done, that's how to become successful. Make your life simple and just follow the plan. Your life will become a little bit boring but it is what it is, you want it so bad right? then you need to focus and take care of your time, use your time wisely and use it only for your goals, never waste it nor squander it for nothing. Your time is so important, it is your most valuable resources.

You can make any kind of plan successful if you will die with it, meaning you will do whatever it takes and you will never give up until the end. Perseverance is magical it can move mountains, it can revive a dead, it can dry the ocean, it can surprise everyone. So just execute your plan and go further as much as you can, keep moving forward everyday and never stop until you become finally successful. Simplicity and fast execution is the key, stick with the basics and forget about what other people are doing, just because they are getting successful with their own process doesn't mean you have to follow them, you can create your own journey here, you can create and believe in your own process. The problem with most people is they get jealous with someone who is getting successful and they want to emulate the same success. And that is why they end up failing, it's already too late for them to know that copying someone's path will lead to nowhere.


Keep working on your plan even if it's not working... yet, don't worry because it will work later. Just keep working hard even if it's hard. It's like punching a very thick wall until it breaks down, do this everyday and you will be able to break that wall, you will be able to break a mighty barrier. It's all about not giving up and hoping that you will become successful. You have to give everything you've got no matter what, you have to use all of your power, time and energy and focus it on one thing. Focus on what you want and work on it every single day, use your time wisely and only do the things that will give you progress. Something will work, something will click, don't worry about anything else because something will work if you are really working hard for it. Just do something about it, just start, you will be able to figure it out later, you will find a clue, you will find a way, but you have to stick with your plan first and fully believe in it. Never change your plan, never compare it with other people's plan, never look for approval because that will weaken your will, be the authority and always think that every action is the right action.

Don't worry because it will work later if you are really serious on trying to make it work. Focus on your work, focus on becoming successful... that's it, that's how simple it is. Always remember that no matter how weird your plan is... it will work if you give it a lot of time and effort, it will make you successful if you're full committed and really believing it.

Make a stand, most people can't make a stand with their plan, they're abandoning their plans once it is failing and looking so funny to the eyes of other people. If you really believe in your plans then you will die with it, you will protect it and you will never let other people affect you and change your decisions. The plan B is to make the plan A work and nothing else, close your ears so that you will never hear what other people say, be a single minded individual and stop changing your plan all the time, execute it and try to make it work... that's the only path to success.

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