Dec 27, 2019


Never hesitate to take small actions, those mini actions will create huge results in the future. All you have to do is be consistent and never give up. Small actions lead to bigger actions, small actions creates powerful momentum, it creates strong foundation that will lead you to greater heights. Start now, stop waiting to feel good before you start, stop looking for any motivation or spark before you draw the first blood. Stop thinking and just start, once you start never stop and keep moving forward all the time... that's how to get the job done. When you fast start you will finish start, you will be able to do more things. The first step is the hardest but once you were able to do it... everything else will be easier. 


Have that killer instinct, have that assassin mentality. Once you start... you will finish no matter what, you will never leave it hanging in the air, you will push yourself to the limits until it is done. Be a finisher no matter what, look for a strong finish. Most of use were only good in starting, were only good while were having fun, were only good when were are in control of the situation but when the chaos comes in... were not interested in finishing anymore. If you can't finish then you will never win, have a mentality of a strong finisher if you wan to go further in life. Once you start something... never think about anything else other than finishing it. Focus, take it one step at a time. Develop a habit of finishing something because you will feel weak once you start something and didn't finish it. So if you want to feel powerful all the time... be a finisher, always look to finish and never stop once you start something, always look for the next move and execute the next step. Being a finisher will raise your confidence to another level. Because one great quality of successful people is they have killer instincts, they don't start something and just leave it unfinished, they don't have unfinished business, they were serious in finishing something, they can't sleep if they can't finish. 

So change yourself, make yourself a finisher, I know you're just good in starting and very poor in finishing. It's ok if you're like that, you can always change yourself, you can change now. Pick something, pick a task, start it and finish it no matter what. Never eat until it is done, never rest until you finish all the steps. Finishing is all about facing the pain, it's really difficult to work in the end because you're already stressed and tired but if you want to separate yourself from the pack and become one of the kind then you need to stick with the process and do whatever it takes to finish the task.


You get overwhelmed with the task in front of you because you're thinking about the steps, I mean hundreds of steps to finish it. The best way to make the task easier is to dissect the steps, look for the easiest steps first and then do it. Once you establish a momentum then look for the other steps that you can do and do it. There is something you can do, you can always make a progress, it's just a matter of choosing to move and stop worrying too much. So what if it is difficult? so what if it is impossible? it doesn't mean that you can't move anymore. You can always do something, you can always make a move, you have to decide now and move fast before it's too late. Just do it, stop thinking and just do it, commit to actions, stop over planning because it will make you stuck. Choose action over procrastination, if you're planning too much and thinking about different things for so long then you're already procrastinating. If you're talking too much and not doing anything then you're wasting your time. 

Trust the small actions that you can do, trust the process, begin now and never stop until you're done. Even if the task is so difficult there is always a small action that you can do, and once you do that small action, once you're done with that easiest step... you can still do more, your ability to do something is infinite, you just think that it's hard because you're limiting yourself too much instead of pushing yourself and going further. Success is about who can push harder, it's not about how talented you are, it's about how much you can push and how much pain you can endure. 


Sometimes the reason why you can't succeed is because you're focusing too much on the outcome, you're too hooked with the prize and that's why you're not moving anymore. But if you focus on the process and simply enjoy it then you will achieve more. The truth is, you can never always control the outcome, sometimes the results will not fall according to your plan, sometimes you will be disappointed, you can never control everything. The only thing you can control is your effort. So focus on working hard and let the results come to you naturally. You will get something if you're really serious about it, you will be rewarded, it's impossible to fail if you give everything you've got. Trust the process and keep doing it. Never stop, forget the outcome because you can never control it, look for what you can dominate and that is your ability to move and do something. 

So convert yourself from being a watcher to doer, convert yourself from being a procrastinator to an executor. Execute all the time, once you have an idea inside of your head do it right away and never think about anything else. Never think that you are wrong, never judge yourself. 

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