Mar 3, 2018


That's the big question... do you own your 24 hours a day. If you're really the boss then you must hold your whole 24 hours a day. Nobody should get some of your hours, nobody should be commanding you. That's the number one rule of being the real boss. Owning your time is a great privilege, if you can make money on your own without somebody telling you how to do it then you're the real boss.

If you can do anything with your 24 hours the whole day then there is a big chance that you will become very successful. All you need to do is think of something that will give you some money, become very creative and focus on it. If you are lending some of your hours like working for a company for 9 or more hours, maybe you will spend your time for 15 hours a day including traffic, doing the things or job that you don't love. That life sucks, you don't have total control. But if you hold your 24 hours on the palm of your own hands and you're the only one who can tell yourself what to do then your life will become amazing. The opportunities of earning big cash is unlimited, you can focus on growing your own empire, you can do everything you want.

But of course you need to take care of business, you need to do the right things. A lot of people were so arrogant, they keep bragging about they are their own boss but they are so lazy the whole day, they are wasting a lot of time. They are not doing something profitable. All they do is be arrogant, lazy and wait for a blessing that will never come.

If you really want to become great at something then you should use all of your time and energy for something. You must be really focused and determined, your dedication should be insane, it should be unbreakable. Use all of time and energy for something great, never use it for something that is just a waste and will derail your progress.

If you own your time and nobody can borrow it from you then your potential is unlimited. Do something productive, pick something where you can be great at and do it for 24 hours a day, never waste any single second, keep grinding until something good shows on your way. It is what it is, I know you're so sick and tired of your life. It's time to do something different, it's time to make something great.

Destroy your laziness, own your time, do something productive for the whole day and you will see how good you are, you will see great opportunities for making money or simply making your life better.

Value your time, time is biggest capital that you have in order to produce something great. If you will waste a lot of time then you are wasting a lot of opportunities and money. Use it for a better cause, never waste it for something that will only put you on a bad position in the future.

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Don't wait because it will never come. The money will never come you have to go and get it. If the job is not hiring you, go and create ...