Mar 24, 2018


Being fast means being disciplined too. You will do it right away, you're not thinking anymore, you're not worrying, you will just do what is needed regardless of how you feel. If you are fast then you will be able to experience a lot, you will be able to do more, you will make mistakes more which is a good thing because it will make you a better person... you will know what is right next time.

If you are fast then your time will become fast too, you will never wait anymore to become successful, you're just enjoying your journey even if it's hard, you just knew that one day you will taste that success that you're longing for for a very long time.

If you are fast then you will move fast, the moment you wake up... you will go to your work immediately, you will be able to finish a lot of things, more opportunities will come to you. Being fast but not that good is better than being talented but slow. A slow but talented person will never go far, it's because he's not in a sense of urgency, he thinks that he as a lot of time, he thinks that the universe always got his back which is not real.

Move fast, never hesitate, if you're wrong then you're wrong, if you fail then you fail. Don't worry because you can always make adjustments later, you will discover the right things to do.

You want to become fast because you want to know how far can you go, you want to see your true potential, you want to experience what is possible in your life. You just keep pushing and pushing because you love, it you don't want to stop, you love getting small results, you are satisfied in forging small momentum every now and then, you love what is going on with your life.

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