Mar 31, 2018


Why are people taking away their lives? why are people acting like crazy? why are people panicking? why most people are mad and impatient? it's simply because they don't know that they are feeling bad. They let the negative emotion control their minds, they are not thinking right. They just want to feed that negative emotion even more that results to chaos and bad outputs.

You have to know if you're feeling bad, once you learned that you're feeling something that is not helpful... process it, think that it's not good for you.

For example fear, once you feel it... be aware that it's fear, don't panic, don't think that it's bad. Give it another meaning, just think that it is there to make you grow because it does. Once you feel the fear... face it, look it in the eye. If it can't kill you then all it can do is make you strong. Feel the fear and move forward, keep moving, enjoy it, it's a feeling so be happy that you are feeling it. If you can't feel fear anymore then that's scarier even more because it means you're brain is not working right.

A lot of people were so scared to admit that they are scared, they were full of ego, they were full of pride, they want to look brave that's why they can't make the right decisions in life. Fear is something that is really helpful, it will make you a better person, it will make you tougher so you need to feel it every now and then to become successful in life, if you can put the right perspectives on it and use it the right way then you will achieve something great in life. Great people were not fearless, they have the ability to learn that what they're feeling is a fear and they can convert it into a more useful state which is excitement. They can manipulate how they feel and make their brains believe that they can still win even if they are scared.

Laziness is fear, you are scared to take actions, you can't admit it because you're full of excuses, you don't want to face the tension of working hard and doing what is needed, you just want results right away. If you can process that emotion then you will be able to move, detect that laziness is a negative emotion and you need to do something about it or else it will eat you alive, it will ruin your day.

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