Mar 30, 2018


Every time you do something stupid... you are losing, you are pushing yourself back from where you belong, you're simply wasting your time. Everyday you are losing, you just don't know it because you're not careful you think you have a lot of time, you think you have a lot of chance.

Every time you hang out with the wrong people... you are losing, you are wasting your time, that time you lost could have been use for making your life better. You are underestimating time too much, you're wasting a lot of seconds, you think you have more of it, you think you can buy time but the truth is... time once lost will never go back to you anymore, it's gone forever.

You don't know that you are losing, you try to impress people, please people, you are not doing anything to make your life better, you are losing your life but you don't know it.

Every time you do the things that you don't like, especially doing it just for the sake of a little comfort... you are losing again, you are not living your life, you're taking your life for granted.

Something that has no benefits is just a waste, something that will not make you better is just a waste of time, you should invest your time with things, people, food, activities that will contribute to your growth, never waste your time for stupid things that will give you burden, bad emotions and bad timing. Never do something that will take away all of your momentum.

Look at your life, honestly tell yourself if you're winning or not, answer all the questions running inside of your head... is what you're doing making you happy and grow?

Sometimes even if you're gaining you're still losing, why? because you are letting a better opportunity escape, you get satisfied of something small that will make you smaller one day.

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