Mar 26, 2018


It's all the same, happy or unhappy... it's the same, you still feel an emotion. You are still alive, there is nothing to worry about. Any emotion will change, if you're happy now you will become unhappy later.

Forget the emotion, just focus on your goal, focus on what you want to achieve in life. Life is too short and precious to be focusing on emotions, emotions are just indicators that you're alive, it has nothing to do with success. Whether you're happy or not... move, take action. You will become happy today then you will become sad tomorrow, the cycle will never change, there is no permanent emotion, you have to deal with it.

The reality is... you can still do some positive things in your life  whether you're happy or sad, there is always something you can do for sure. Stop acting like a spoiled diva, stop acting like a bitch. Do something in your life now and never stop until you succeed.

Don't be too emotional, weak people gets very emotional all the time that's why they can't accomplish something with their lives. Being emotional means you're weak, being emotional means you only want happiness in this world, you want comfort and security everyday which will never happen.

Happiness will come naturally, if you're struggling now, if you're depressed now.... just wait and you will become happy again. You have to realize that it's the pattern of life, you will never become happy forever even if you're rich or successful.

Stop taking anti depressants, it is for the weak, it will only poison your mind, once you become too dependent from it... your life is over, you will never be able to live normal again because your mind will be programmed that you have to take it everyday just to become happy.

If you're always depending from something to become happy then it means you're weak. Look at those people who were dependent from marijuana, pain relievers, alcohol and any other substances... their lives sucks. Their happiness were too shaky.

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