Feb 28, 2024


If you fail so be it but don't ever waste time, don't delay something because it will get worse. The more you waste time the more you put yourself on a difficult position. So if you need to do something now, if you have an idea... do it because someone might steal it or something might change, something unexpected will happen and you will regret it. Just like a student who have an exam tomorrow, it will get worse if he decided to study tomorrow because a lot of distractions will come, he will never be able to focus, traffic might disturb him, his friends might take away his focus, he will never be able to concentrate and the result is failure. Just like deciding to fix your health next month... it will get worse, you will get fatter and more undisciplined, you will have a harder time, it will get worse, you will have lesser willpower to force yourself to take the right steps. 


You want to do it then why not do it now? you need to do it then why not do it now? what is the delay all about? you are only making things harder for yourself. It will be harder if you do it tomorrow, there is a big chance that you will not do it anymore. Time is running, stop looking at the clock because you can never stop it. Do it now while you still have a chance, become a starter and a strong finisher, you need to develop a killer instinct, have that killer mindset of just allowing yourself to take actions and never holding yourself back. The faster and earlier you are the better it will be, you will have more time if you are fast, you will have more room for adjustments if you are early, you will be in control and in power if you will never delay something. So if you don't want leftovers or ugly situations then do it now, stop waiting for everything to become perfect before you move because it will never be. Force yourself, stop being lazy because laziness will lead to disaster, you need to value your time and never take any single second for granted. If you are scared it means you are not forcing yourself to take actions, there is something you can do and you have to do it. There's no reason why you should stop yourself, only weaklings do that. Don't wait for everything to get comfortable before you live life, you can live your life now, you can do something about it, stop being a chicken and just give your best, try to become happy as you can be, try to become patient even if your situation is really hard. The delaying game is for losers, it's for coward, it's for the weak. You need to become fast, early, tough and bold. Stop being too soft because all you need to do is take actions and that's it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


You feel powerless, you feel out of control, you feel so weak and like a victim because you're not trying to get better everyday. You're relying on someone else to do it for you, you are relying on luck, you are dependent to help and support, that's why you feel so weak like a chicken. Keep behaving like that and you will lose your power to create forever. Just like a weak basketball player who is looking for a stronger teammates, just like a useless father who is always looking for a help to support his children, just like a victim who keeps on complaining... they will always feel like a slave, they will always feel unsure of themselves because they don't want to take matters into their own hands, they're always looking for something to save them. But if you simply choose to get better everyday then you will catch a break, you will feel much better and in control. You will feel like a leader, you will never feel inferior anymore. Choose to get better, take it one step at a time and your confidence will start to build up, you will no longer ask for help. Actually, they will be the ones who will seek for your support. 


Practice, prepare, study, work hard everyday. You will improve fast if you are consistent because time is very fast. You are making small improvements everyday, you may not see or feel it but it's really happening. A small improvement will create a belief, you will start to believe in yourself and everything that you do, you will start to become confident and bold, you will start to take risk and do it your way. You will feel more powerful, you will never be afraid of challenges anymore, actually... you will look for it and will test yourself. So focus on small improvement instead of looking for shortcuts, you need to be moving forward all the time and doing whatever it takes to get a little bit better each day. All you need is patience and willpower, force yourself to move even if you can't see any progress. Just keep trying and you will find a way. It's the only way to become confident... trust the process and never stop. Anyone can improve, even babies can improve, even the oldest man can improve, it's a mindset, it's a culture. 


It's just a matter of choice. You can do 30 push up today, walk or run for 15 minutes, you can study something today, you can read a book, you can start learning a new skill, you can force yourself to take actions anytime, it's just a matter of choice. If you feel like it's very hard to start then slap yourself and then just start. Stop acting like a spoiled diva because you're not entitled of something. Stop asking for more if you are not exerting any effort at all. You are either going down or going up, you are either improving or getting worse everyday, it's your choice, nobody is choosing it for you. You are the director of your story so stop complaining if things are not going your way because you did it to yourself, you are the one responsible for your results may it be good or bad. So stop wasting time overthinking and just start something, the journey starts today, keep walking and never stop. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Once you convince yourself that it is easy then it will be easy, the reason why is it so hard is because you're always complaining, whining and crying about it. You're not giving yourself a chance to develop in a given situation, you're not patient, you just want to finish it fast, you want to become successful fast that's why it gets harder and harder each day. Stop acting like a baby and go hard, take the first step and keep moving forward until you're done. Nothing is hard, you just need to convince yourself that you can do it and you will be able to do it. Laugh at the challenges, feel nothing about your mistakes, never punish yourself whenever you made a mistake... just try again for one more time. It is what it is, it's going to feel uncomfortable but it is only temporary, once you get use to it... it will become very easy, it's like slicing your favorite cake. 


Even if you know that you're going to fail, even if you don't know how to win... just do it. Give yourself a chance to get lucky. The harder you work and the more you try the luckier you get, it's just a law of average thing. All you need to do is try and you might get lucky. Keep trying, there is no harm in trying, so what if you fail? so what if you're struggling? so be it but never take your life for granted. Stop being a coward like others who were so afraid of trying, they were so allergic on taking risks that's why they're stuck in a mud up to now. The time is now, stop being a chicken and pretend that you're brave, take the firsts step and carry on, follow through as much as you can, keep going further and never stop. Doing it even if you are scared will make you happy, it's because facing your fears will make you feel confident and free, you will feel so light, your burden will go away. 


you will never die after failing, you will never go to jail, what's the point in being scared of it? you're just wasting your time and energy, you have to fail now, you have to make a move now because time is running. The world will never wait for you, you will never feel good, you will always feel scared but the good news is... you can still take actions despite of feeling bad, you can still try despite of being scared like a chicken. It's all in the mind, force yourself to move now, never wait for the right timing because it will never come. Take the first step and keep going further, stop being soft and use brute force to make something happen. Actually, it's really good if you are failing because you will be able to build resilience and mental toughness, you will become stronger and experienced, how good was that? You are in a win win situation if you try, you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. So just start and never look back, never think that you can't do it and find reasons why you can. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


If you're focusing on them it only mean one thing... you don't believe in yourself, you don't have a dream or maybe you have one but you don't believe you can get it. It's true, why will you focus on something that will not even make you better? why will you waste your time on people or things that will not give you any edge? it's a waste of time and energy, you are only fooling yourself by doing that. Focusing on them will make you lose yourself, you will never know who you really are. Focus on you and start improving everyday. Improve your skills, improve your mentality, improve your work ethic. If you really believe in yourself, if you really think that you're going to become successful then you will never waste a single second worrying about what other people are doing or thinking, you just don't care at all, you just knew it's a waste of time and energy. You don't need to convince them, you don't need to impress them, just let them be while you focus on your own journey. 


The only way to change your life is to rewire your mind, it will only happen if you stop caring about other people's lives. Visualize what you want to happen with your life, stop thinking about negativity, stay present in the moment and never think about the past, always believe that something good is about to happen. Believing in yourself is a skill that you need to develop, the more you focus on yourself and in your work the more you gain confidence. Focus on yourself, focus on what your mind is thinking and change a thought that is not even related to what you want to happen, you have to be mindful and conscious, never let your mind be in an auto pilot mode. This will take a lot of work and willpower but it is worth trying. Always believe that something good is about to happen, always feel better, always work hard and ignore the external things. 


The reason why you always feel tired and fatigued is because you're too busy about different things that is not even helpful to your life. You're too well informed about different useless topics that is only eating a lot of your time. If you are focused then you will have more time, if you concentrate your life to the basic things that you need to do then you will feel that you have more energy, you will feel that you only have few responsibilities in your life. Focus is a very powerful thing, discipline will create more space in your life for better activities that will help you to thrive. You will never get so busy anymore if you're focused on yourself and what you're trying to build. You don't need to do a lot, you just need to give more time for your goals and dreams. 

Never care about celebrities, gossips, problems of your country, crimes, news, trends and focus on your life, you will bocome great in just a short period of time because all it takes to become great is being passionate about taking care of yourself and making yourself a little bit better everyday. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Just start and keep going, this is the best game plan ever. You don't need anything before you start, you just need to start, whatever you have... use it and make the best out of it. Just start and follow through, nothing can stop you. Be bold, be brave a little bit, ignore everything that is giving you a resistance and just go for it, keep pushing, make yourself relentless and unstoppable because that's the only way to feel much better. You feel weak because you're not living up to your full potential, you know you can do more but you choose to become stuck, you choose to feel weak and not do something about it. You can do a lot but you choose to do less, what kind of mentality was that? you want to win but you're playing not to lose, you want to get to the next level but you're not taking enough risk, you're playing too safe, you're not pushing yourself to the limits. You need to go outside of your comfort zone, be the best that you can be and never give up, as simple as that. You will never win if you don't try, so stop acting like a chicken because your time is running out, you must be in a sense of urgency, you must feel that every second matters. Every action and decision is counted, one small stupid and lame decision will affect you. 


If they're thinking about you then it means you're making an impact, if they're not then good too because it means you are free. The truth is they're not even thinking about you, who the hell do you think you are? you're not even a star. If you want to become more, become big then never think about what people say, stop being co conscious and start exercising your freedom, you are free to move. Stop feeling like a star and just do what you need to do.  You will feel weak and conservative every time you think that they're thinking of you, you're a nobody, forget about your reputation or identity and try to express yourself as much as you can. 


If you want to survive, if you want to win you have to believe. Never care about the struggle, pain, consequences, future, time and future. Just believe, keep pushing, believe that you can get better, believe that all you need to do is weather the storm and you will make it. Believe in yourself, this is the best gift that you can give to yourself... believe in yourself with all your heart and never give up, as simple as that. Just believe, you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain, believe and of course work as hard as you can, this will make you feel stronger than ever. 


That's the best prize you can ever have... giving your all, that's how to become great, you need to give your all and never look back. That's how it feels to become great... not holding yourself back, not wasting your time for useless things, you have to stay focused and committed if you really wanted to win in life. This is very simple, drop all the useless activities in your life and just give your all no matter what. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Feb 27, 2024


Never waste a single day thinking what you should do and what you could have done, the game plan is very simple... it's to fight and survive. You fight any challenge, you survive any kind of storm, this is a marathon, this is not a race. Just live for today and carry on, you can move forward as much as you can, you can become unstoppable. 


When you think you don't need anything that's the time you win. Because all you need is some fresh air to survive, actually you can even survive with a polluted air. If you think you don't need anything from anyone then that's the time you become free, nothing can control you, every gain you have is just a bonus. Just live your life, give your best, if the universe give you something then be happy for it, if not then still be happy because you may get something on the other days. You don't need respect from anybody, you don't need help from anybody, you don't need their fake love, you don't need toxic friends, you don't need anything to impress anybody, you just need to be yourself, you just need to live and simply do what is best for your life. There is something you can do, you have to do it now, stop worrying and just focus on taking actions. If you can hope for nothing and just appreciate what you have then you will become very powerful. You can aim for something but never let it control you, just treat it like a game, you chase something you want but never feel bad when you fail, just give yourself a chance, always think that you have nothing to lose here, this will take away the pressure you are feeling. Just enjoy and never compare yourself to others, focus on your own business and just keep fighting. You can survive any given day, just fight, everything will be alright. 


You thought once you have that shoes, car, money, house, peace of mind then everything will be perfect. That's not true, problems will still exist, there will be a new challenge, this is a never ending process. You will still face challenges, you will still see something wrong with your life, this is life... it will not be easy, if it's easy then it is not life. I guess that's the price you have to pay for living... you will be tested all day, your toughness and endurance will be challenged. The best thing to do is stop hoping for results and start building mental toughness, condition your mind that you will be alright no matter what. You get zero you will be alright, you fail you will be alright, nothing can put you down. Develop resiliency and discipline, just show up everyday and face your responsibilities. You don't need anything, you just need to stick with the basics and be appreciative of what you have. Stop looking for what is missing in your life because it will only create depression. Accept your life and try to make the best out of it, little by little... keep moving forward and never stop.

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


The more you believe in yourself the faster you become. The more you take it seriously the harder you work. If you really want it then you will do everything to get it, you will never slow down,  you will never get lazy. You will push yourself to the limits and will always try something new, you will experiment, you will go hard as much as you can. You will never stop, you will always look for what is possible, you will always find an opportunity to make a progress. You're hungry and you never care, you don't care about the rules, you don't care about the time, you don't care about how many millions steps you need to take to get there, you just believe that you will win, you are patient but very fast when it comes to taking actions, you are a doer, you pull the trigger even if it's uncomfortable, you beat laziness easily, you can drag yourself or force yourself to take actions anytime you want. 


Form being impatient to patient, from laziness to hard working, from scared to motivated, from frustrated to passionate. You can switch your mind so fast, you can change your mood so fast because you wanted to win. You go from weak to strong, from powerless to powerful, from bad mood to good mood, from a loser to a winner. Your mind can switch fast because you don't want to waste time dwelling on negativity because it is such an energy draining. You can switch mindset so fast, you can change your thoughts right away. Learn to control your mind, learn to filter the thoughts that are not giving you any power. This is just a mind game, if you can think positively then you will win for sure, you will be able to do more and avoid being slow. 


If you want to become fast you need to focus on the process, speed equals success, just be fast and never slow down. If you want to do more then never think about winning, just remove all the resistance, stop expecting to become great right away and try to enjoy what you've been doing, success will come naturally. Just don't waste time and that's it. Don' think about success because it's creating a lot of resistance, worries and anxieties... thing about taking actions, try to enjoy as much as you can and never stop. Just keep moving forward all the time. Trying is a privilege, you must be opportunistic, abuse this privilege and try as much as you can. If you try then you already won, there is nothing to lose here. 


Don't look for results and just trust the process. Take it one step at a time, just do it and never stop, consider the process as the prize. Forget the future, forget the outcome and just face what needs to be face. Make yourself vulnerable, expose yourself to pain and welcome everything that may happen. To experience a different kind of experience you must be ok with discomfort and uncertainty, you must be ok with the worse things that may happen. Just do it, just show up, all you need to have is a little courage to move, you don't need so much strength to pull the trigger. Do it now and carry on, never care about what's going to happen next. Ask yourself what's the worst thing that could happen? nothing right?

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


"A man who is trying is 100x better than a man who is just thinking" - Marko Perpektus

If you're trying to become perfect all the time then you will never make a progress, it is because you will always overthink, you will be worry and you will never take any risk. Without risk there is no progress, without any mistake there is no room for improvement. You're always being cautious of your actions that's why you can't become productive. You're always judging yourself, you're always worried about the future, you're always giving an importance to what people say and that's why you can't move, that's why you're stuck in a mud up to now.


learn to adapt and improvise, be resourceful and creative. Stop waiting to have all the perfect resources and support system before you start. Accept what you have now and just do what you can do. You have what it takes to win, you can take actions anytime you want to. You don't need a brand new shoes to run, you can do it barefoot. You don't need a stupid coach to tell you what to do, you can do it on your own. You don't need a help to try, you just need to force yourself to take actions. Don't look for what is missing in your life because that is weakness, you have everything you need, it's inside of you. Just take the first step and follow through. 


Is there something you're scared to do? do it and you will feel much better, you will feel relieved because the questions will be answered, you will know what will happen if you try, you will have a closure. Unlike thinking everyday what will happen if you do it, it feels stressful and weak. You will feel empowered when you try, you will feel more confident if you force yourself to take actions. It is because you will knw who you really are, you will know what is waiting for you, how good was that? Stop wasting time worrying and feeling overwhelmed, be like an ant who doesn't worry, it only moves forward no matter what. If you can have this kind of mindset then you will become unstoppable, stop overthinking, stop trying to be perfect, stop waiting for the right time and just do it now, the best time is now, not later or tomorrow. Because for sure you will still procrastinate tomorrow, you may say that you will chill now and rest and work super hard tomorrow but it will never happen, if you can't force yourself to take actions now then how come you can force yourself to do it tomorrow? there is no momentum, there is no confidence, there is no history that you can work hard so stop fooling yourself that you can do better tomorrow if you can't do better now. It's always in the now, be present, do what you can do today even if it's already too late, just start and keep going. This is a journey, you can never lose here, you're just playing the game of life, you're just giving yourself a chance to win, there is no harm in trying, you have nothing to lose here so just keep going and never stop. Never be afraid of failing, don't be scared to make some mistakes. Just keep pushing forward and avoid trying to become perfect. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Feb 26, 2024


You are the leader here, life will just follow you. You are what you repeatedly think, say and do. Watch yourself because every small decision is creating your reality. Whether you like it or not, whether you admit or not your life is composed of your small decisions in the past combined together. Life is just following your actions, there is a reaction for every action. SO if you keep on eating junk food and you're not taking care of your health then you know what is next, stop thinking that life is unfair, stop thinking that life is punishing you, it's just following you. So if you keep on spending your money and not saving something, if you keep on buying stupid stuffs and not investing then you know what's next, it's either you become broke or you're drowning in debt. If you are lazy, if you're not getting better everyday then don't expect any improvement in your life, life is just following your orders, it's just giving you what you deserve so stop complaining how hard life is, you get what you invested, you become what you repeatedly do. So look at yourself, what are you doing now? is it helping or is it making you worse? you're the one who is in charge of your life, stop thinking what you did wrong or what went wrong because in the first place you are the one who is responsible for your actions. You can do what you want, nothing can stop you but the question is are you on the right track? you always knew it, you don't need a strict mother to tell you what is right or wrong, you always knew it, you're just pretending that life is hard because you always wanted an easy life, you wanted pleasures, you wanted comfort, you wanted to impress people but having that kind of attitude is only putting you on a bad scenario. 

So if you are working hard and giving your best then you will attract the best, you will succeed, as simple as that, you will get the equivalent of your labor, nothing can change this formula. 


If you don't know what to do, if you're lost with your life, if you're so sick and tired of living the same way over and over again then here is my advice for you... chase something, pick a goal and work hard for it non stop. The pace should be fast, you should never think and worry, you should only take actions towards it. Every step must be related to your goal. You can become a machine if you want to, it's just a matter of pushing yourself and not stopping, whatever you can do... do it and never give up, as simple as that. If you really want to get to the next level then being a cry baby is not an option, you have to push yourself to do what is hard and uncomfortable. It is possible to keep moving forward all day long, if you can make yourself a machine then your chances of winning will go every high, it is impossible to lose if you will give your very best. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Feb 25, 2024



If you are not moving you will become scared even more, if you're always thinking, if you're focused on what people say then you will never move and that results to being scared and too cautious. Inaction creates fear, the moment you feel anxious a little bit and nervous... move right away, force yourself to force something. Move your hands and feet, decide that you're going to fight, go against your emotions, being soft and always waiting for the right timing will never get the job done, you have to take matters into your own hands and create the results that you want. And even if you fail... you will feel so much better when you try, you will have no regrets. You must have a game plan no matter what, the best game plan is to force yourself to move even if it's scary and risky. The right time for taking actions is now, not later nor tomorrow, it's always now. When you do something you are scared of... you will become confident, you will feel so much better than before. Because fear is immobilizing you, it's making you play safe, it's forcing you to play not to lose. The game plan is to move forward and try no matter what, it's to take risks and never listen to what people say. You may lose, you may commit a mistake but so what? they can never stop you from taking an action, they can never stop you from taking matters into your own hands, you have the power to move, you just need to allow yourself to embrace everything and be not afraid of failing. People can't move for two reasons, they're so scared of failing and they're so scared of what people might say. But if you will think deeply, what's the worst thing that could happen? getting criticized and not getting anything? will it kill you? will it make you broke? of course not, that's why you have to try. Be ok with trying, that's your main goal should be... to keep trying and never give up. Try and try until you succeed, there is no harm in trying, you will never die if you try a million times. So keep pushing, express yourself and never hold back. Never care about what they might say, let them be themselves while you are doing your own business. What they say is none of your business, you don't have to worry about them because they're irrelevant. Focus on what you do and what will do, focus on your game plan and never care if you embarrass yourself in front of a lot of people. Just embrace heir mockery and you will feel invincible, understand that it's just words, they can never kill you, they can never jail you, you have nothing to lose here. Just g all the way, with all your heart and power... keep pushing so that fear will go away. 

fear is just a choice, you feel it because you don't want to move. The truth is... you can still try even if you are scared, you can still move even if fear is trying to freeze you. It takes a lot of willpower but it is possible. Embrace the hate, embrace the mockery and try to enjoy it as much as you can. Keep trying, let them blame you, let them laugh at you, let them say everything to you bust go inside of yourself and remind yourself that words can never hurt you, they can never stop you so let them watch, just be yourself and never quit. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Your power is unlimited you just don't see it, you just don't believe it but the truth is nothing can stop you if you will decide to become unstoppable. If you will not force yourself to change then you will be forced to live in pain, you will only get leftovers, you will have limited choices, you will become restricted, you will have lesser options and there is nothing you can do about it because you are weak and powerless. Embrace change, it means you are progressing, it means you are doing everything to have a better life. Just do it, just start and never stop, you can force the change today, it's just a matter of wanting it so bad and practicing delayed gratification. 


the reason why you have a very weak willpower is because you lack focus, you are always drifting anywhere, your energy was scattered everywhere and you're not doing something to fix it. Focus on what you want, focus on what kind of character do you want to play, do you want to become lazy or do you want to become a hard worker? Focus and never stop, tame yourself to stop looking at the external things that doesn't elevate you. Focus on where you're trying to go and take a million steps to get there. Never give up, never change directions, it is now or never, it is all or nothing. 


Nothing can stop you, you are the only one who is trying to stop yourself. Stop being a bum, stop being a chicken and just do the work, as simple as that. If you're not wasting time then you're already changing. Don't be scared to try, taking risk is already changing. Don't expect too much of yourself, this is a process, you just need to take the first step and go further as much as you can. You don't need to become successful or great right away, it will take time but once you decided to change your life and you're taking actions then you're already changing. Stop waiting for the perfect time because it will never come, the right time is now. The right time is when you feel uncomfortable. Whenever it is hard, whenever you feel lazy... do it and never hold yourself back. 


That's it, just start and never stop. Start a business, start taking care of your health, just start working hard, start changing everything about you and keep going further, don't stop even if it is hard, don't stop even if you are failing. Changing life is very simple, it's very basic, you don't need to get a lot of money, you don't need to become super great... you just need to change your attitude and behavior. Change your habits change your mind... that is how to change today. Change doesn't mean you need to become great, change is a process, it is a forever commitment, you try to get better each day and you never let temptations distract you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


If you can't control your mind, temper, actions and thoughts then something else will control you. If you can't stay disciplined and follow your own philosophy then somebody will control you and you don't know who will be the one. Someone or something will control you unexpectedly because you will become powerless without self control, the only way to control you life is to be in control of your habits and way of thinking. Set rules for yourself and follow it, set boundaries, prioritize the things that will give you power, energy and motivation. 


You will have complete control of your life if you will chase your dreams. It is because you will have no time for useless people and topics, you will have no time for useless arguments. You will only have time for your dream and all of your actions will be connected to it, you will no longer waste time, you will value your time and will never use it for something that will never help you to have any leverage. Do something, don't just sit there like a chicken waiting to get cooked. You need to chase your dream a and never give up, if you're a man on a mission then nothing can ever control you. Nothing can ever manipulate you, you are the captain of your ship the driver of the steering wheel. You will never follow orders from anyone even if they're rich or whatsoever. 


If you don't know what skills to develop then focus on what you can't see. Focus on working harder, being earlier, being more disciplined, being bolder and faster, being decisive and avoiding procrastination. Focus on these basic principles and you will improve. The right skills will be developed naturally if you will just stick with the basics. Watch yourself all the time, are you slow? are you lazy? are you wasting your time? focus on being strong, focused and disciplined first and the better opportunities will come automatically. Take it one step at a time, watch yourself and anything that you do, you don't need to rush here, just be patient, it's ok if you are slow but don't ever waste some time. 


Doing what is harder but beneficial. Doing what you don't like but is important, staying away from pleasures, being early, being focused... discipline will make you a beast, it will make you stronger and better so why are you so afraid of it? why do you hate it so much? You will feel much better and confident if you are disciplined and committed to greatness. Stop wasting time for nonsense things, be man enough and old enough to know what is better for your life. Because what you are doing now is either helping you or making you worse. The saddest thing is you know what to do but you are not doing it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Resting and doing nothing is not a waste of time, scrolling on social media is. Meditating and staying still is not a waste of time, playing video game is. You have to know what really a time waster is, you can't be making excuses that you're just doing something to relax and give yourself a break, why will you relax? did you really worked hard? did you really pushed yourself to the limits? stop making excuses and building false beliefs that you are doing something because it takes away your stress. 


The best reward you can give to yourself is by being disciplined and not wasting any single second because it will force you to take the right actions, it will force you to get better. Just don't waste time and you will automatically fix your life and do the right things that will put you on a better position to have a more beautiful life. Just stick with the basics, focus on what you think will make you stronger, richer smarter and faster. Focus on these things even if you're only giving you small results, focus on them and never give up. Being disciplined means you love yourself. You start fast and work hard to give yourself a better life. You don't have time for nonsense gossips because you're protecting your mentality. You don't indulge in instant gratification because you love your health, you practice delayed gratification because yo want to have a better life. Just go hard, choose what is hard, take care of yourself, take care of your life and you will only improve if you are not wasting any single second. Instant gratification is killing you, it's making your life worse. You have to be mindful of what you do. 


Your comfort zone is procrastination, laziness, pleasures, instant gratification, gossips, TV and any other things that are are but not giving you anything in return. There is no reward in doing easy things, there are only punishments. You will get punish one day for not eating healthy foods, your health will break down. You will get punish for being lazy, you will become broke. You will get punish for being a time waster, you will get weak and will lose a lot of opportunities. Remember that it is ok to be slow, it's ok if you're only making small progress, just don't waste time and devour everyday to get better. 


Limit the number of times you open your cellphone, limit the number of minutes you spend on television, limit the junk foods you eat everyday. If you can't eliminate them permanently then try to limit them as much as you can until you have the power one day to permanently remove them in your system. be strict, never disobey your own rules, restrict yourself from sabotaging yourself, the real enemy is you, the real challenge is you. Can you spend all of your time for good activities? or will you allow temptation to make you miserable? 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Never let anything control you, not your boss, not your fears, not someone who is only good in talking but very poor in executing, not something that scares you, not money, not the situation, not the future. Never let anything make you poor and weak decisions because of fear of losing something. This is just a matter of being brave and working hard. If you can work the hardest, if you believe in yourself, if you know you can build anything you want through sacrifices and effort then what the hell are you being scared of? you are scared because you don't believe that you can create your own empire, you are scared because you are afraid to get hungry, lose some money, lose an opportunity or go back to zero again. You are afraid because you're already anticipating the pain, but if you will make yourself tough and valuable then nothing can intimidate you. Your value increases as you work harder and believe stronger. It's not about the skill, it's not about the talents, it's not about being smart... its about the willingness to face the pain and never give up, this is too simple yet most people can't get it because they're too afraid to lose. The most important thing is your freedom, if you think you are getting ripped off then why the hell if you stay on that position? Wake up and change your mind, change your mentality, you can suffer a lot then why will you suffer on something that is abusing your, depriving you or giving you less? it's time to make a change. It's time to take matters into your own hands and become something better than who you are today. Take control of your life, if you can work hard, if you can enjoy the struggle, if you believe that you can improve everyday even if the results were not showing yet then you will become unstoppable, you will become a beast. It's all in the mind you can become relentless if you have a powerful mind. Being mentally tough is a skill, it takes a lot of practice but it is achievable. If you have the ability to walk away from anything that is not serving you right then you will become invincible, if you are ready to take all the consequences of your actions then nothing can control you... ever. 


Drop the entertainment, drop the pleasures, drop all the activities that are making you weak and slow. You need to do something that will give you a better future. You will lose control if you keep on rubbing elbows with people that will never make you better, you will go down if you keep wasting your time drinking and partying or doing a lot of stuffs that isn't giving you any leverage at all. Prioritize your vision, set small goals everyday and do it. Remove your bad habits, it doesn't matter if you become a loner, what matters is you are in control, the right people will come if you're really committed to improving yourself. Something fun will only lessen the percentage of winning, it will never give you anything, there is no improvement on something that is easy and fun. Everybody can drink, party, be loud, waste time, fake greatness, be arrogant, look tough but not everyone can practice delayed gratification. Do something they can't do and are not willing to do and your value will get higher, your confidence in yourself will soar high. 


If you can just believe in yourself a little bit more, if you can just endure the pain, if you can just take the risk and make unbelievable sacrifices then you will become unstoppable, you will get to the next level. Drop everything that is limiting you, stop making excuses, stop looking for something to blame because only losers do that. Control your mind always think that you can win, always think that there is a better opportunity waiting for you and that all you need is to make sacrifices to get it. Stop wasting your energy worrying about what you lost or what you may lose, still believe even if no progress can be found. It's all in the mind, if you can entertain the right thoughts then you will in. So work hard now, do something, practice something, create something and try to take it to the next level... that will be your biggest weapon, your ability to create at ay given moment. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Whatever you can do, whatever you can think to make yourself and situation a little bit better... do it. Don't hesitate, force yourself to work, at the end of the day you really need to work hard and push yourself to the limits if you want to achieve something. If you are hungry you will do the impossible, you will dodge a bullet, you will slice a water with a samurai, you will eat dinosaur's shit, you will do whatever it take to survive and thrive, in other words you will do the impossible. If you are hungry you can do anything, you can endure the hardest situations, you can do the most difficult work, you don't care about the million steps required to win, you don't care about the rules anymore, you just want to get what you want and you never care about how long it takes to get it. You don't look at the clock, you're just focus on working hard and getting closer to your dream. 


You are not perfect, you will lose most of the time, you will get tired, you will make mistakes but what can make you a beast is your ability to make a comeback fast, it's your ability to try again. That's why you need to make yourself believe that you will win, if you have this kind of mentality then nothing can go wrong. Accept yourself, accept that you don't know everything and can't do everything but still hustle everyday and give your very best. Just keep working because you are improving every time you work. Love yourself and never look for perfection, look for execution and just live your life. Always be hungry to move, get addicted to taking actions, this is the only way to have a direction in your life. Because if you will not move then you will get crazy, your mind will overthink, you will always question the truth, you will never know what you can really get unless you push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes to win. This is the best time to take actions now, test yourself, challenge yourself and discover your full potential. You will never be able to see what you are truly made of unless you face all your fears. Stand up, avoid perfection and just take the next step. 


You never know if you can do it unless you really push yourself to the limits, unless you give your all and didn't quit until the end. You don't know what the future holds, you have no idea what's really going to happen but two things are for sure... you will lose if you don't give your best and there is a bigger chance of winning if you give your all. Just give your best, stop looking for immediate changes and just go all the way, stop looking for money or anything external and just give your very best. You never know what may happen next, you just need to keep plodding to give yourself a better chance to have have a better life. If you want to know what is best for you, if you want to know what is waiting for you then man up and do something, stop freezing yourself, stop immobilizing yourself with your fears and just pull the trigger no matter what. 


You have to keep fighting everyday, yes it's difficult, yes it will take a lot of work and energy but that's the only choice you have left. You will never get what you want if you don't fight, you will never be able to improve your life if you're just taking this day for granted. Fight now, take the first step and keep moving forward. Don't seek for results right away, seek for action, look for something you can do to improve your situation a little bit and then do it. It's all about the fight, you fight laziness, you fight the problems, you fight for your life, you fight for your beliefs. Everyday is a war and there is nothing you can do to hide away, if you will keep on hiding then you will fail and have a miserable life. You can fight, even if you are weak you can still fight. The more you fight the stronger you get, how good was that? so learn to fight everyday and go for what you want, stop holding yourself back and believe in yourself. Believe that you can do something great if you will just allow yourself to take actions even if it is really uncomfortable. 


If you can wok hard then why the hell will you choose laziness? why will you choose to stay stagnant if you can improve a little bit now? the harder you work the luckier you get, it's just a matter of choice. Choose to work hard because it's giving you a better life. What you need to do... do it now, stop trying to look cute, stop being soft, stop wasting your time and just work hard now. Just stop wasting time, develop yourself into a beast, you don't think... you just do, if you want to change your life and experience something different then you need to get better. That transformation will only happen if you push yourself to work really hard and focus on what you want to have. Be hungry all the time, never let your fears control you, always believe that you can win, always believe that there is a better life waiting for you. Forget the past, forget failures, forget your mistakes, forget all the time you wasted and just live in the present moment. Lock in, develop a laser focus so you will become very productive. It's only just a matter of time before you win, you need to force fate now, work hard and win. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Feb 24, 2024


Real abundance means you're ready to walk away or leave anything that doesn't fit your standards, real abundance is the ability to say no and not feeling any loss at all. It's the ability to reject money if the exchange of it is disrespecting you, it's the courage to get nothing after working hard, it's the ability to handle the pain without complaints, it's your ability to control your emotion and stay calm in any kind of uncomfortable situation. It's you not following orders of people you don't like and not being afraid to get fired. It's having the courage to make a stand and get criticized by the masses, it's having the heart to do it your way, it's having the bravery to lose over and over again without losing your confidence, it's having a vision to build your own empire, it's having the philosophy to not be controlled by others. If you can walk way from anything that doesn't serve you, if you can detach from everything that is giving you something but not respecting you then that is real abundance. You follow your own rules, you thrive in your own journey, you build your own circle... that is real abundance, it is knowing that no matter what you will be alright, it's feeling confident that even if the world is against you you will still be fine everyday and not lose any sleep about it. 


Take the risk all the time and don't be afraid to lose. Don't be afraid to suffer and struggle, don't be afraid to face the pain, if you can embrace anything that is about to happen in your life and still push forward with a smirk knowing that everything will be alright in just a matter of time then that's real abundance. It's knowing that perseverance and not giving up is enough to win and make a comeback, it's knowing that your life will change if you don't give up. Just keep believing in yourself, even if you don't have any confidence anymore... still keep trying and keep living, you don't need anything to survive, you just need yourself, don't be afraid to walk alone with your beliefs. People will hate you, people will criticize you, people will laugh at you or mock you but you have to be ok with it, swallow all the bitterness and never give up, as simple as that. If you are not afraid to lose then good things will happen to you in just a matter of time, you just need to wait for it while working hard on yourself and trying to get better everyday. 

You don't need anyone, you don't need anything, you have the ability to build your own empire, the right people will come all you need to do is be great by practicing everyday and improving your skills, as simple as that. If you are dedicated to improvement, if you're hungry to get better and do the hard process then you will become unstoppable. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Something will pressure you, something will try to make you quit, something will distract you and make you weak but you have the ability to ignore all of it and simply move forward. You can take baby steps while feeling the pressure and choose the better thought. You're just a human being, you will feel negative, there will be doubts, you will get scared but you also have the power to choose the other thought that has lesser resistance and worries so that you can manage the stress every well. It's all about what you think and nothing else, your thoughts will create a reality. The truth is you can ignore it and never give attention to it, you can treat it like nothing if you will focus on something else, something that will make you much stronger and confident. If you're behind your bills you can stop focusing on your electricity being cut and focus on how to make more money to pay your bills, where the focus go the energy flow. 


Just be fast and you will never notice the pressure anymore. Be decisive, you are getting scared because you're overthinking too much. Just do it, do what you need to do and never hold back, as simple as that. Just go, step on the gas and never care if it is red light. The only way to feel confident is by taking actions and giving everything you've got. Just keep pushing and never give up, that's it. Speed will remove your fears, it will destroy your doubts, when you need to do something... do it as fast as you can, start now and never look back, as simple as that. Be bold be aggressive, always look forward to finish and never stop until you're done. Never care about the things that are pressuring you, never care about the problems and just focus on the process, focus on what you're trying to achieve, focus on your goals and the pressure will go away. Detach from the outcome but always give your very best no matter what. 


If you will believe in yourself, if you think that you can make solutions then nothing or nobody is powerful against you. Nothing can control you, always believe that you can survive and thrive, you can build something on your own, you can find a way, if you have this kind of mindset then no pressure is bigger than you, you can swallow your fears, you will be able to control your emotions. Don't rely on anything to save you, don't wish for your problems to go away and just face it like a real beast that's not afraid of anything. The power is in your hands, if you will just look for solutions and stop focusing on problems then your situation will change easily, as simple as that. Make everything powerless, never get stunned on what scares you the most, let it stay in your life and just endure everything, let the problems be there and never get intimidated by it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Never care if you don't have a lot, never care if you have nothing. If all you have us yourself and your balls then that is enough, you can go further with what you have even if it's just air or water. You can start now, you can start changing your situation now, it's just a matter of perspective. Believe that hard work pays off, believe that disciplining yourself will give you a better life. Train, study, develop a new skill, prepare and build your own empire. The resources you need will come naturally once you get better. So keep pushing yourself and trust the process, keep pushing forward no matter what and never give up when things gets harder, you have to keep going, you have to keep believing and take it one step at at time. It is what it is, if it's hard so be it but don't ever quit and waste your time complaining and whining why life is so unfair, of course life is so unfair, that is how the system work. But that doesn't mean that you can never make your life better, you can start now and build the life that you want, it's just a matter of deciding that you're going to do it. So what the hell are you waiting for? change your mindset now and create your game plan, follow it until you become successful. Appreciate what you have, never make excuses and just keep moving forward all the time. 


If you have a dream, if you have a vision all you have to do is follow it. Get closer and closer from it, everything you do matters, it will make an impact in the near future, you may not see it yet but you will see it on the right time. Follow your dreams and never give up, use every time you have to put yourself on a position to win. If you have a dream it will force you to work hard and get better, it will pull you towards it just be consistent and serious, just give everything you've got no matter what. Anything is possible if you will work hard for it, anything can be achieve if you will chase it with all your heart, so what the hell are you waiting for? don't just dream about it, work for it and never quit. Challenges will make you quit but its true main purpose is to test you, you will be tested and you have to brace yourself, you have to weather the storm and keep moving forward all the time. Stop wasting your energy for useless activities because it will never help, it will destroy your mentality. 


They have talents, resources, money support etc. but they're taking their lives for granted, they're wasting a lot of time, they're sabotaging themselves because they were spoiled and feeling entitled. The thought they're something special already even if they're not. The result is failure and regrets, this is what happens when your life is too easy... you will never work hard anymore because you think you already have what you need. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Not a beast on talking, not a beast on dreaming but a beast on the process. You need to get addicted with work and improvement, that's the only way to increase your value and attract better opportunities in life. You need to see it and believe it, see yourself working as hard as you can and not complaining even for a second how difficult the process is, you just go and go and go like a machine that has unlimited supply of gas. Stop being weak because the truth is you can always go harder than what you use to do. It's all in the mind, it's all in the effort that you want to exert. Love the process and never hate any of it, even if you don't like some steps... learn to appreciate it. 


Focus on one basic specialty, you can be the fastest worker, the most disciplined or the hardest worker. Create the self image in your head. If you want to become fast then be fast on everything. Be fast to move, be early to wake up, be fast in starting, be a doer. Just be a doer and forget about the results, you should feel happy when you are taking actions, that should be the reward itself. Become a starter and a strong finisher, never mind if you will win or not, just keep on trying and never have any regrets because the real prize here is being confident to try and growing from failures. You just need to take actions and that's it. Success and failure doesn't matter, what matters is you focus on what you can control and that is to keep pushing forward and defeat all the obstacles that is in front of you. Forget the past, forget your lazy and stupid fast, the time is now, what you are doing now will define who you really are. It's what you do, it's who you are, it's your habits that defines you. Not the past, not your mistakes, your identity relies on the present moment so be happy because you can change your life anytime you want, it's just a matter of choice, do you want a new life or do you want to become a bum forever? it's really up to you, the power is yours. 


Sacrifice pleasures and entertainment, sacrifice your peace and comfort. If you can pick the right choices that will give you a chance to win, if you can do it all the time then you will become unstoppable. When you don't want to do it that's the time you're going to do it. If it is hard then it means progress is around. You have to check yourself all the time if you're about to quit and keep trying again. Without making sacrifices you will never evolve, you will never reach your full potential so choose the harder option and try to squeeze something from it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Feb 23, 2024


Do something that you don't like but very beneficial to your life. If you want to become a better person then you need to train your willpower, do what is hard and stop getting addicted to pleasures and mental masturbation. Stop daydreaming, stop wasting your time, if there is a task that you need to do... do it without even hesitating. You will only win in life if you are fast enough to conquer your mind. Your mind will be defeated and will be tamed if you're very fast and you avoid it from overthinking. You're thinking too much and acting a little that's why you can't win in life. You will never make a progress unless you make yourself a doer and not a thinker. What the hell are you waiting for? start now and move, do your best regardless of the outcome. Use your willpower to force yourself to focus and work hard. 


The best thing about being a human is you can change anytime you want to, unlike a cockroach that stays as an insect forever... you can do something, you can change something if you will just force yourself to become disciplined and committed to greatness. DO you want to become broke, lazy and a loser forever? If you want to change your life then make yourself a beast, do something that most people can't do, stay ready even if there is no opportunity, try to get better everyday. 


You can be the fastest, you can be the hardest worker, you can be the most serious in your work or most passionate. Greatness doesn't mean results, it means process, it means grind and making sacrifices. You can define your own greatness, never let other people define it for you. Just like in basketball, if you can be the best defender or rebounder then that is greatness already, you don't need to become flashy or score a million points, you just need to become the best in one area and you're already in tune with greatness. Greatness is pushing yourself a little bit, breaking your own records and staying consistent everyday, it's simply a small improvement everyday. It can be a .009% improvement. Doing 100 pushups is greatness already, exercising for 30 minutes is greatness already, it is simply the opposite of laziness and procrastination. Just take action and have an intention to win all the time, that is being great. Stop waiting for the right timing, stop waiting for the right moment before you start, you can start now and define our own greatness. Just give your best on something, take it to another level and work insanely hard... that is greatness already. Stop looking for results, recognition, money or power... you're already powerful if you're being passionate at something and giving everything you've got, the results will come naturally, your work will create an impact and will attract something. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Drag yourself to take actions, drag yourself to fight, drag yourself to stand up right away whenever you need to. Force yourself to move and never care about what's going to happen next. Drag yourself to do your responsibilities. Clean your house, fix the broken, take care of your business, make some money, get healthier, whatever you can do to make your life a little bit better... do it. Be ok with being slow, a slow progress is still a progress, even if you can't see an improvement in your life... you are already progressing every time you take an action. Don't be afraid to fail and make mistakes, it is what it is, this is the game of life... you have to lose over and over again in order to succeed. 


If you're really trying to build a better life then have some respect for yourself. Everything you do is either setting you up for success or failure. Every small decision matters, every amount of laziness can affect your life big time. Your life gets comfortable every time you face discomfort. If you're too slow to start then you need to make an attitude adjustment, you need to see yourself, ask yourself why the hell are you being afraid of taking actions if it's the only thing that will give you a progress? why will you be scared of trying if you have nothing to lose? make yourself a doer and your life will change, drag yourself into taking actions right now. Start fast and never let your mind think, the trick here is to forget the outcome and simply do it, never care if you need to take a lot of steps to finish, just start and enjoy the process as much as you can, this is a mind game, the real winner is the one who can enjoy the process the most no matter how hard it is. 


Chasing success and being serious about it means winning, that's the definition of victory... not giving up, even if it takes forever... you still have to try, because you will never lose if you don't give up. For as long as you can try... try something and never stop. It's the only way, to have some respect for yourself you need to keep pushing and take something seriously. Even if you look insane, even if they call you trying hard... stop try to win and never look for an easy way out, never look for any shortcut. If it is hard then do it hard, don't complain, you will only feel powerful and confident if you are doing it your way and not being dependent with other people to do it for you. If you are dependent with something then you will become weak and powerless, you will have zero control over anything, they will feed you leftovers, they will decide for you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Knowing a lot is sometimes dangerous, being aware or informed of everything is harmful to your mind and life. You know a lot that's why you can't concentrate, you know too much, you know everything but it's not helping you. You know the latest pregnant celebrities, you know the sinner on tik tok, you know what is viral, you know everything about the government, you know a lot about wars, you know the suspect of the sinking of the titanic, but the question is... are those information giving you something? is it making you better? did you get healthier? did you get stronger or richer? You are not suppose to know everything. Drop every information that is only corrupting your mind, you need to protect your mind from useless information because you will become a dumb by doing it. 


Stop wasting time, stop wasting your energy for nonsense things because it will never help you to get better. You think you're a genius by memorizing all the tik tok celebrities? what will you get by following a random you tube channel that is full of lies? you know about a lot of firearms but you're not even a soldier, you know a lot about money but you're not making any money, you know a lot about different animals but you don't even have a dog. You're wasting a lot of time and energy for useless activities that will not even help you to have a better life, what kind of a mentality was that? Focus on what makes you better and that's it. Scrolling on social media the whole day won't make you better. It's so obvious that it will make you worse so why do it? you are very good in sabotaging yourself, you're better than that, you need to focus on what can make you great not on what can make you weaker. 


Yes, scrolling on social media is comfortable, watching news and listening to gossips is entertaining but it will poison your mind big time, it will make you a negative person, it will make you lazy and unproductive, it is only comfortable in the beginning but it will make your life miserable in the end. If you are always comfortable with nonsense entertainment then your life will become miserable in the end and that is a face. It's a fake comfort, being comfortable with something that has no benefits in the future is only eating a lot of your time and energy. if you want to grow then learn to face discomfort everyday, do something that you don't like but is very helpful to your life. It's simply about choosing pain over pleasures, it's about choosing the hard over easy. Because this is the only path to growth, it is the only way to get on top, without pain and sacrifice... you are nothing. You will get weaker and slower every time you get lazy, you will never improve if you're always practicing instant gratification. Stop being a slave to pleasures and start disciplining yourself. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


1. Don't expect fast results

Patience is essentials. It's a process, this is going to be a long process so be patient and check your emotions all the time. You should have no time for frustration. You have to become something to create something, you need to make yourself better first before you attract bigger results. The more you chase results the more it gets elusive so be patient, practice patience everyday and always believe that your time will come. Don't look for shortcuts, don't feel bad when you're not making any improvement, just keep fighting for what you want and always believe that you can make it in just a matter of time. This is a marathon, this is not a race, you will get mentally tougher if you're willing to wait for so long. Success is a journey, it's not a destination. Even if you get what you want you will still look for another goal, the work will never stop so don't be impatient and just enjoy the process because it's a forever process. Your work will never be over, you just need to keep going because that's the best thing to do to avoid frustration. 

2. Don't compare yourself to anybody

You have your own journey, it doesn't matter if they're winning fast and you're still struggling, just keep going, focus on your own business and never give up. If you want to give your best, I mean really best then you need to stop getting jealous with other people's success. Because all you need to do is focus and your drams will manifest faster, the reason why you're not getting is fast is because your mind was too crowded with a lot of information that doesn't even help you to get better. It's ok if you are slow, remind this to yourself, it's ok if you're not winning now, for as long as you are moving forward... you're already on the right path. 

3. Always feel that you're getting better

It's a matter of mind conditioning. Believe that everything you do is taking you closer to your dreams. You're getting better and better everyday. If you know in yourself that you're really working hard then there is nothing else to worry about. Consistency is the key, never miss a day without working hard, you have to keep going no matter what, you have to do it even if it feels so uncomfortable. 

4. Don't listen to what people say

If you listen to them then you will never be able to express yourself honestly and when you're fake there is a very big chance that you're going to fail. Realize that it is your journey and it doesn't matter if you made a lot of mistakes. 

5. Never give up

This is the most important thing... don't ever give up. No matter how hard it gets, don't give up. Even if it looks like there's no more remaining hop still don't give up. It's already over if you give up. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...