Aug 9, 2020


You're doing a lot of stupid things and thinking about nonsense information but you're still thriving, you're still winning in life, you're still earning money and you're not broke. You are doing well, what more if you're 100 percent committed to your goal? imagine what you can achieve in life if you're taking your goals and dreams seriously, you can't make a progress because you're not taking your life seriously. You feel you have 3 lives, you don't know that you only have one life and you must use it to the fullest because it's just a one time thing. Your life is a blank canvass since the day you were born, you are the painter, you should be painting good memories to it because once the pages of your life were all painted... you can't change it anymore. You can't erase anything, you can't undo, you better do something good while there are still some blank pages in your life. 


This is the sad reality of your life, you are wasting it, you;re not giving your all. You're so happy giving a weak and mediocre effort, you're so happy getting small results that enable you to survive, you're not giving your all. If you really want it then you must go for it big time, attack it like a lion whose eyes are so focused on its target. You can do more but you are doing less, that is the saddest part of your journey, you choose to become weak instead of going strong all the time. Just try giving your all, don't be shy, don't get too conservative, you will feel really good if you will use all of your strength for something. You will feel great if you are giving your all and not holding back. 


Because you're so afraid to fail, you're afraid that all of your efforts and time might only get wasted for nothing. You're so allergic to failing, you don't know that it must be your best friend, you should look for it all the time because it means you're pushing and going outside of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid of pain, don't be afraid of failing, don't be afraid of repeating and that's it... you're already on a different level. Don't ever think that you're wrong or there is something wrong, you have to allow yourself to push, allow yourself to do whatever it takes to go to another level. 


Feel alive all the time, feel energetic even if you're weak, feel motivated even if you're frustrated. You need to create your own positive and powerful energy to attract the biggest things of life. Be fast, use speed to your advantage, while others are still daydreaming after they wake up you should already be up from your bed and brushing your teeth and getting ready to work. While others are still thinking about what to do, you should already be starting something and making a little momentum. While others are still waiting to feel good or waiting for a sign or whatever, you should be moving right away even if you feel bad. Never let your emotions stop you, your emotions has nothing to do with becoming successful. Be fast, you should know if you're taking actions or not, you should know if you're slowing down or not. You must destroy procrastination, that's it, just stop procrastinating and see what you can achieve in life. 


Do you want it bad enough? or you just want it like a cute child who is not willing to give his all? you have to treat your goal as the air that you breathe. How much can you sacrifice for your dream? what can you offer? Go all in or don't go at all, because this is not a joke, this is not just a practice that you can take for granted anytime you want. Opportunities may not come back again, you have to do it now while you still have some time because you may regret it in the end. You have to show the universe that you want it so bad and willing to die for it so that you will be rewarded, go further as much as you can, give everything you've got and never give up when it's hard, keep pushing until you get the job done. You have to be the hardest worker, you have to be the fastest doer, make sure you're hungry everyday and willing to go the extra mile to put yourself on a best position to succeed. 


Stop focusing on other people's lives, stop thinking about them, stop thinking about your idols, stop thinking about the people that you hurt or hurting you. Focus on your own life, make the best out of it and try not to waste every single second because it's too important to make your life better. Stop watching stupid shows, you're better than that, you have to make your mind powerful and discipline so that you can do a lot of things. You should be entertained with hard work alone and nothing else. Entertainment such as celebrities, news, gossips or any trending event is only eating a lot of your precious time, it's not making your mind evolve, it's not giving you an edge. 


Talk is cheap, you have to do what you say you're going to do. Don't say something just for the sake of impressing people, once you said it... do it regardless of what the outcome maybe, do it even if it's uncomfortable, never make excuses, never exert a 50 percent effort. Because every time you make excuses for not making it... you're only making yourself weaker and useless. Be a doer and not a talker, do what you said, stop thinking, stop hesitating and just do it. Just do it, do it and do it and do it until the job is done. 

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