Aug 4, 2020


Progress is what everyone wants, without it you feel like dying and useless, you feel like stuck in a quicksand, you feel terrible and miserable. Making progress is not that hard, all you have to do is take actions and stick with it for a very long time. For some people progress is easy but for some it is hard. The truth is... you don't need to feel if it's easy or hard, you just need to move forward and you're already progressing. You can improve everyday if you are committed to it, you can force yourself anytime you want to, you can get small results every now and then. Anyway, enough of the intro that takes too much of your time, here are the list to improve yourself:

1. Start now without hesitation.

You have to start like a man on a mission. Every morning you wake up... start with a blast, even if you're sleepy, even if you're still daydreaming about your high school crush that you want to become your romantic partner... start right away, cut the nonsense activities that are just eating your precious time. You have to start without hesitation, start like a fire starter. Heat fast, just do what you need to do and never look back. Starting fast will make you finish a lot of things, never under estimate the power of starting fast. Once you start... keep moving forward all the time, never stop and just keep taking steps. 

2. Focus on your own movement.

Stop focusing on other people's progress or journey. Focus your energy on everything that you do. It's about yourself, it's not about them... it's about you taking care of yourself and doing whatever it takes to get to the next level. You don't need to compare yourself to others, you don't need to get jealous with other people's success, remember... it's about you and not about them. So what if they were fast and you are slow? so what if they are having an easier path, you too can succeed if you will commit to focusing on your own journey and doing everything you can to become successful. 

3. Study yourself, observe carefully.

Look at yourself, how are you feeling every time you take actions? are you always stopping every time you feel a little bit uncomfortable? are you feeling lazy every time you feel that the work is hard? are you giving your best? do you think that your effort is enough to make a small improvement? did you improve mentally? do you think that your skills improve a little bit? make an inventory of yourself, study everything about you and make an assessment of your progress. Be honest, be brutally honest because you will never improve if you keep on spoiling yourself like a little kid who needs treatment when everything is hard. 

Observe every thoughts that you are thinking, was it more positive or more negative? observe every actions that you take, are you slowing down or speeding up everyday? are you feeling hungry of success? do you feel that you need to take more actions? and are you willing to do more just to improve? Observe everything about you and make an attitude adjustment to areas that needs a little improvement. For example, if you find yourself so slow in starting, just start fast, never think and just start fast. Create some little habits that will make a large impact to your improvement. If you find yourself always getting distracted with the outside noises then just ignore it, ignore it for a very long time and stop reacting. Always remember that the focus should be on yourself and not on other people. 

4. Look for some information.

If you can't figure out what to do next then look for some information on how to do things. This generation is the luckiest generation because you can find everything on the internet. Just be meticulous in finding the information you need and you will get it. Information is everywhere, you can grab anytime you need it. Just type in Google what you need and you will get it very fast. 

5. Don't be afraid to copy. 

Imitate some process if you need to, if it will give you results then why not? don't be afraid to become a copycat. You can do it your way later once you're already confident and have the knowledge you needed to become successful. Copy everything that will give you a momentum, don't be ashamed of it because everyone is doing it/

6. Be ok with a slow pace

You don't need to become the fastest, you don't need to become the flashiest or greatest right away. Be happy if you're just improving a little bit. You will become fast later, be patient, you just need some time to master the things that you need to master. You will become faster and faster as you move forward everyday, it's only slow in the beginning, be ok with a slow pace, time will come and you will progress rapidly. 

7. Be thankful for everything. 

Good things will happen to you if you're practicing gratitude all the time, it's because you're in the right mindset. There are millions of things to be happy about. Be thankful of everything that is happening to your life because it's contributing to your growth. Even if a negative happens to you... it is still pushing you to the top, you just need to think correctly and positively. Everything is helping you may it be a negative or positive thing. 

8. Never complain and just take the next step. 

Complaining is like you're hating your life, complaining means having a victim mindset. Just shut your mouth and take actions. Is there something you can do about it? if none then just focus on what you can control. Focusing on what you can't control means you're powerless, and having this kind of attitude makes you stuck. Look at the complainants and people who always participate in rally... they never make any small progress, they were born as a victim and they died as a victim, nothing changed in their lives. 

9. Always remember that you can do a lot. 

Never underestimate yourself because you can do a lot if you will decide to. It's you that is stopping yourself by being too lazy and relaxed. You can become the hardest worker in the world if you want to, all it takes is the willingness to outwork everyone. 

10. Drop the past.

Forget the past and just focus on the present moment. Past is stopping you from doing something, it's making you feel bad, there's no progress at all. It's draining a lot of your energy, you have to focus on the present and make it epic if you want to improve faster than ever. 

11. Be aggressive. 

Be hungry to take actions, push yourself like never before. Get addicted with the process, feel that it's the reward, feel that taking actions was already the reward itself. Be hungry like a wolf who haven't eat for weeks. Once you find something you can do... do it, don't think and just do it. Execute every idea, always be on attack mode. 

12. Use your energy wisely.

Never do something that is useless and nonsense, because sometimes you are getting tired not because of taking actions too much... you are getting tired because you are giving too much attention to things that will not even contribute to your own growth. Entertaining gossips and nonsense subjects, looking at your enemy's profile in facebook, engaging into a negative discussion, hating a random person etc. These activities are just draining your energy and you don't have left anymore for improving yourself. Spend your energy wisely, never use it for other things that will not contribute to your growth. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...