Aug 23, 2020


Maybe there is another way, maybe all you have to do is try again for one more time, maybe you just need to work harder or tweak the process a little bit. Maybe you need to just try this and try that, maybe you just need to breathe for a second and attack the goal again. Maybe there is maybe there is not, but what you can't do is complain and quit, you have to attack the goal like a relentless bastard that is out of your mind. You should be a single minded person that only thinks is how to win. You can find another way if your will is strong enough, as the old saying goes... "If there is a will there is a way". Never under estimate this quote because it is real, the most successful people in this world were struggling before, they were lost but they find a way because they persevere and didn't stop. Focus on your work, focus on your life, never feel like you're losing, just feel that you're winning even if you can't figure out what to do next. 


You can always finish something no matter what. You wanted to quit because you feel that it's hard and not working anymore. What if you change your perspective about it? what if you think that it's working even if it's not really working? do you think it can make a difference in the future? yes it is, some things are not working for now but it will in the future if you trust it. Some things needs some time to grow and work, you need to be patient, have peace with the process, love it and never complain. Quitting will only give you regrets while trying for one more time will give you hope, which one do you like? regrets or hope? This is just a game, all you have to do is enjoy the struggle and it will never be a struggle anymore. Stay calm and be in the moment while working hard, as simple as that. You have to trick your mind that you love what is going on in order for you to succeed. You should try and try again, that is the only formula to become successful. Because if you really want it the you should go to the extreme, you should entertain the idea of madness, it should consume you, it should force you to move and do the impossible things. You will never win if you will quit now, the logic is very simple. So what are you waiting for? try again, try to enjoy the process even if it's not giving you any result, you will find what will work if you keep on working and trying something new. 

If you want to quit now just sleep, rest and disconnect from the process. You're just tired, your mind is just tired, and you will become tired even more if you will look for the results that are not there yet. Just sleep for now and rest your mind, tomorrow is a new day, you can try again and push again. Rest for now so your mind will be refreshed. Tomorrow or later you will have that excited energy back, you will keep pushing again and give yourself a chance to win. 


It's all about focusing on the next step, what are you going to do? how are you going to make a small improvement in your journey? just start and do something, you don't need to make a super improvement right away, you just need to focus on the next step and the next one and the next one. The key to execute the next step is to stop thinking, be in the moment and feel the joy in your body while taking actions, it's fun moving right? taking actions is much much better than procrastinating and wasting time. There is always something you can do and you have to do it now, be confident with every move that you execute, always feel good about it so that you won't get tired easily. If you can just condition your mind that every movement from your body is fun then you will never feel fatigued easily. One small step will lead to another step, the steps will never end, you can always find an improvement. There will always be a small progress that is happening. So never stop and just keep going, you will win if you have a tunnel vision, it's all about staying on the grind and enjoying every second of it. Never think that you are wrong, always think that every action is the right action. Never feel sorry for yourself if you're only making small progress, just keep going, you never know what might happen next if you go all out. Always look for something you can do and just do it. 


If you think that you've already lost then you are even if there is still some time that you can use to win. It's all about what you think, if you think that you are progressing then you are no matter how small the result is. All you have to do is move forward even if you can't see any reasons why you need to. Just keep moving forward, that is the only key to success. Winning is only in the mind, some winners still feel like losers and some losers feel like they already won because they feel good trying. You will only feel like a loser if you will compare what you're getting with other people. You need to focus on what you have and stop getting jealous with what other people have. Stay simple, stay with the basics, keep working hard everyday and always think that you're already winning every time you move. 

Take care of your mind, never put some negative thoughts to it. Maintain a positive mind and make it stronger and stronger each day. Have that winning mentality, have that killer instinct, go for the win no matter what... always find a way. 

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