Aug 14, 2020


Just because your father is lazy, scared and useless doesn't mean you have to be like him too. Just because your mother is abusive, depressed and full of crap doesn't mean you should be like her too. Don't believe in the saying the fruit is the same as the tree where it came from. You can be different, just because you come from a family of drug addicts and failures doesn't mean your life is the same as theirs, you can be different, you can separate yourself from your useless environment. You can change now, force yourself to think what you need to think, draw the state from within, believe that you can escape the rut you are in, believe that there is a better future waiting for you. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts and actions, you can make your life epic if you will just the the right thing one day at a time. Stay focused, stay on the grind, never give up until you finally get what yo want. 


If you want to have a DNA of a hardworking person you can do it. Start now, work and never stop then repeat again tomorrow. Make hard work as your culture, make it your religion. Pick your identity, choose your DNA, watch your moves, be strict on your habits. Creating DNA is a little bit hard and uncomfortable so get ready to get bored and unentertained. This is not for everyone, that's why change is really hard, you will change everything about you. You will destroy the nasty habits of yours that puts you down for a very long time. That's why you have to be mindful of everything that you're doing. Every second, every minute... you have to be aware of what's going on with your body and mind. If you really want to become a different individual then you can do it, just take it slowly, you don't need to rush, you can take it slowly but make sure you are consistent. Life is a choice, keep reminding yourself about this. Just because you came from a very poor family doesn't mean it's the life destined for you and there is nothing you can do about it. What if you make yourself a nerd without friends and you just study every information you need to become rich? you still have a choice, you just can't change your life because you're too familiar and in love with comfort, you're too addicted to instant gratification and the truth is it's not helping at all.

If you really want to change then change everything, change your thought and actions, change the way you speak, change the way you react with a specific subject, change the way you have fun, change the way you eat, change the way you use your time. It's too simple but just like I said... it's going to get too uncomfortable. Because you have to pay the price, you can't just be wishing for change but not feeling some pain, there is no such thing as shortcuts, you have to take it one step at a time and feel every discomfort that you can feel... that is how to change your DNA.


If you want to have a wealthy DNA what will you do? Of course build the habits of wealthy people. Study how wealthy people think and behave, copy their habits, feel and think wealthy too. Wealthy people think about wealth all the time, they speak wealthy, they were generous and they never think about poverty. All they think is how to create money, they were focus on working hard and taking their lives to another level.  

If you want to have a DNA of the courageous people then take risks, confront your fears, don't be afraid to hurt and get hurt. Do what fearless people do, be willing to take the blame, be willing to take charge and take full responsibility of the outcome of your life. It's like building a pyramid of Egypt, slow but sure, steady and consistent, there's no rush, there's no panicking... just enjoying the journey and staying disciplined all day long. And then you will repeat again tomorrow and the next day and so on until the habit was very strong that nothing can break it anymore. 

Detect your bad habits and break them, have no mercy. Just like quitting smoking, you just throw away the box of cigarettes and never touch any of it again, as simple as it sounds, just survive this day and you can survive again tomorrow. One day at a time, one pain at a time, one discomfort at a time... embrace it, always think that your sacrifices today will build a better future for you. It's for your own good, disciplining yourself is for your own good, it's not for your family or for your friends... it's for you. So stop feeling sorry if it is uncomfortable because it has a reward, you will reap it in the future. You are doing it for yourself, you are doing it to experience a much better life. 


It's all about getting better everyday. You can make an improvement today. It's a one day at a time thing, your patience and perseverance will be tested. Life is what you make it, every decision every reaction, every thought and action contributes to what you become. So if you're focusing on the negatives then you will have a negative life, as simple as that. A negative DNA was also created by you, so stop blaming everyone for your bad fate, you did it to yourself, you've wasted a lot of precious time in the past, but don't worry because you still have a chance how to make your life better. All it takes is living your life second by second with the standards that you set for yourself. Always live on a high quality standard, make every second epic, enjoy every second because that is what you are suppose to do... make every second productive and useful, never waste it for any activity that will never make you better. There is always a room for improvement, there is always something you can do to become at least a little bit better than yesterday, focus on the positives and never focus on the negative. 


If you have a lazy DNA before, do whatever it takes to have a hardworking DNA now, you can do it. Face the discomfort, face the pain, train your ability to focus and get things done as fast as you can. Never procrastinate, never take your life for granted. Because you have what it takes to experience a new life, you have the skills and knowledge to get better things. All you have to do is push and work hard, focus on your own life and stop focusing on other people's lives. Just like what I've said, anyone can improve, anyone can change his life, just focus on your own journey and enjoy it even if it is boring at the moment. It is boring for now but it will become spectacular later, you will experience challenging and more fun experiences. It is boring for now because you're just starting and is not making any results yet. But when you already built that momentum... life will become much easier, you will feel that you can do something special. 

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