Aug 3, 2020


Exercising is not really that hard. What makes it hard is your thoughts, what you think about it. You want an easy exercise but you couldn't even get started. You want fast results and see your body becoming hotter than before, you want to finish it fast because you have something else to do that is more fun. And the excuses keeps piling up and you will decide that you're just going to do it tomorrow. The funny thing is you promise to yourself that you will go hard tomorrow and double your effort because you didn't exercise now but when tomorrow comes... here you go again, having trouble starting again. 

1. You will look good and feel good after exercising. 

You feel like a crap because you don't exercise. You look wasted and weak because you don't exercise. Remember that movement is the solution to your depression. Any negative emotion will go away after you exercise. You will look younger and feel stronger. These benefits are priceless. It's better than plastic surgeries or liposuction, it's a longer and harder process but it's a natural solution to make you look better. You have nothing to lose if you move your body, keep in mind that it's for you. You are grooming yourself every time you exercise. 

2. It will give you longer life

It's making your life better, it's making your physical and mental health better. It's a free thing that gives you everything, how good was that? All you have to do is move and you will gain a lot. Move right away every time you have a chance, never waste time thinking if you're going to do it or not and simply do it. What do you want? exercising and living longer or watching tv and getting weaker? it's up to you. 

3. If you don't do it now you will not do it forever.

Start now and do it. If you don't do it now you will make it a habit to postpone it every time you think about starting. Months and years will pass and you're not exercising, it's not good for you. Whatever you know that can make you sweat... do it now. Don't hesitate, you are just conditioning your body and mind to exercise everyday, you don't need to do something special here. 

4. Try to be playful

Be creative, try to enjoy it as much as you can. You can use jumping rope, medicine ball or anything that will make you feel more comfortable. If you don't have any of these then just pick an exercise that feels easier for you. You can even create your own drill. Any drill is right, for as long as you're moving and sweating... it is right for you, it will make your blood circulate. 

You can shadow box, jump, crawl, situps, while watching TV, dance, jump etc. anything that's moving your body is fine. You can find a movement that makes you feel happy and easy, you can sweat by just being playful and executing any kind of movement. 

5. You don't need to go hard all the time.

You don't need to hurt yourself. You don't need to copy the videos you saw on the internet about how to do things. It's not about going hard all the time. It's about being consistent and dedicated. You can go hard today but can you go hard tomorrow? you need to know your body, you need an exercise that is sustainable and can be done everyday. Once your foundation and strong and your body is so familiar to exercise then that's the only time when you can go hard. Be happy with what you can do, you don't need to go hard all the time, you just need to keep moving. 

6. Start with the basics, start with your comfortable pace

You can walk, you can do jumping jacks a little bit, you can do any simple steps that will make your blood flowing. Be happy with the basics, don't get tempted doing drills that you don't have any idea what it is all about. Never compare yourself with other people who are doing advance exercises, so what if you can only do jogging? if you can do it for 30 minutes a day then you're already one of a kind. Consistency is the hardest thing to maintain, be proud of yourself if you can do an average task everyday. 

7. Do the easiest exercise you can find on the internet. 

If you really don't have any idea on what to do... look for the easiest exercise you an see on the internet. Avoid signing up for programs that are advance, you don't need it. Most people who sign up for programs didn't succeed. You don't need any program, all you need is a habit that you can sustain forever. 

8. Don't look for fast results. 

This is what frustrates people the most that's why they can't exercise everyday. Don't look for fast results because it will make you quit so fast. This is not all about results, this is about the process. If you're so hooked with the process then you don't need to look for results anymore, the process is the result itself. Results will come if you are patient, you don't need to check your tummy everyday, just keep going. 

9. You're not a professional athlete. 

Remember that you'r not a professional athlete. Just be yourself and don't get too hard om yourself. Enjoy the exercise and never try to do what the professionals do. You have to train yourself day by day if you want to go to their level. You can be like them but you have to be patient, for now be happy what you are moving and just enjoy the journey. 

10. It's never going to get comfortable. 

If you want an easy life then do nothing, it's really never going to get comfortable. You will have a war against your mind everyday. Because your mind will look for excuses just to avoid exercise. But if you're doing it everyday then it will be easier for you to start, you will be able to conquer your mind much easier. But always remember that it's really never going to get comfortable even if you're exercising for years. The best time to start is when you feel uncomfortable the most, embrace discomfort and you will reap the benefits later. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...