Aug 11, 2020


Think about what you want and stay lock in with it for 24 hours, that's it. Something will attract, something will go to your life. But you have to take actions, work hard, every thing that you do and think must be related to your goal. This is also like cleansing of the mind. You get rid of the negativity, you get rid of the information that is stopping you from achieving your goal. It's hard to do it but it's possible, it's possible that for one day all you do is think about your dream and do something for it. 


Always be mindful and present, be aware of what you're thinking and doing, guard yourself, listen to what you're saying, watch every action that you take and never do stupid things that will never take you closer from your goal. Every action, every thought must be connected to your goal. In other words... you have to stay lock in. The power of focus is real, you need to believe it, you need to see it 24 hours a day, the vision should be clear, the belief about it should be real. Locking in is the key, saturating your mind with thoughts that are related to your goal is the key to become successful. Stop thinking about subjects that are not even related to what you really want, always keep the main thing the main thing. Your mind is crazy, it can think about different things, it can wander anywhere and entertain different information that are not helpful at all. You have to tame your mind to think only about the thoughts that are making you feel better.    


Without being scared of getting bored, without being scared that you will get tired of it, without being scared that you might not do some other things that you love to do anymore... go all in, give everything you've got for that one thing that you really want. You have to drop some things, cut some activities that are not helping you to move forward towards your goal. Because fear is the only thing that's stopping you from getting what you want, fear is manipulating and poisoning your mind, it's only deceiving you. So be aware if you are scared and just ignore how you feel and focus on what you really want to happen with your life. Because at the end of the day you have to choose if you're going to work hard or not, you're going to choose if you will think positively or not, you're going to choose if you're going to become brave or not, why not pick the best option for you?

Just try it, go all in without fear. Feel in love with the process, don't rush if you're struggling and just embrace the struggle, don't try to escape from it nor try to do some easier things... stick with it until you finally get away from it. 


What makes you feel bad? look for the thoughts that creates bad emotions, look for the subjects that are creating heavy feelings and get rid of it. Replace negativity with love and creation. Sometimes you don't need to look for what is working, you just need to look for what isn't and get rid of it right away. For sure there are some thoughts and actions that are blocking your progress, you have to look for it and eliminate it in your life. The reality is you can do a lot, you can take massive actions and do some incredible things but there is a lot of resistance in your system that's why you can't become unlimited. 

Here are the things that creates resistance:

1. Judging yourself before you even try. Always thinking that you are wrong.

2. Always procrastinating.

3. Negativity from news, other people, social media etc.

4. Getting interested with other subjects that are not even connected to what you really want.

5. Doing random things that are fun but not helping you at all.

6. Advises form other people.

7. Getting jealous with other people's success.

8. Limiting beliefs. 

9. Being scared about failure. 

10. Pretending that everything is alright and not giving your all. 


You will become faster if you try this 24 hour method of attraction. You will become very productive, you will accomplish more and energy will become unlimited. Because the truth is... your energy is unlimited, you easily gets depleted because you spend too much of your energy for nonsense things, you spend your energy to negativity which is very draining and exhausting. Focus on what you really want, enjoy the process, go further and you will feel relentless. So focus on what you want, concentrate all of your thoughts and effort there and you will see a very fast progress. Be aware of the things that destroys your focus, stay disciplined and committed... your maximum full potential will be revealed if you're focused on your vision. Every action that is related to your goal is the right action, every thought that is positive and connected to it is helpful. Even if your thoughts were impossible to some people, just think about it... thoughts are things, you need to believe the power of your thoughts if you want to win in life. 


How to control your thoughts? very simple, don't rush and be mindful every second. Be in the moment, forget the past, ignore the future, don't panic and just feel every second of your life. In this way you are stopping yourself from being a slave of your subconscious mind, you're not in an auto pilot mode anymore. You can control fearful thoughts, you can control and stop negativity. Just always be aware, be patient and learn to be appreciative that you are taking it one step at a time. Positive things will be attracted to you if you have a positive mind, negative situations can never touch you, you will become invincible if you are focused on what you want, your dream life will come to you. 

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