Aug 17, 2020


When fear us starting to control your mind. When you're so worried about something that hasn't happened yet, when you're panicking already all you have to do is STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. Just stop and that's it. Fear and worry will go away if you know how to stop thinking about the subject that troubles you. For example if you're about to make a speech in front of public and in your mind the images about embarrassing yourself and forgetting the lines keep playing, just stop thinking about it, if you can't stop thinking then don't think at all. Just be in the moment if your mind keeps on entertaining about negative things, put your mind on a neutral state if you can't think about positive things and just breathe, just live your life and give your best. Thinking about negatives, belittling yourself, trying to sell yourself short, feeling overwhelmed or outclassed will never help you at all, it will only make your situation worse... just embrace everything in front of you and never move, let the world feel that you have no plan of backing down, remind the world that you have nothing to lose and you can be yourself by simply being present. No need to impress people, no need to defend yourself, no need to talk, no need to pretend that you are brave... just stay still, fear will go away and you will be able to express yourself honestly. 


Your mind is a very powerful force. It can make you or break you. So if I were you you better take care of your mind and put only images and information that will make it stronger. Because a weak mind will always lose, it will quit, it will look for comfort, it can never withstand a very strong pressure. Your mind can take you to the highest heights, it can also put you to the lowest lows so be careful of what you think about, be aware where your focus go because it will be your reality. So if you're focused on losing, if you're always thinking about what will happen if you lose then you will lose and that is 100 percent guaranteed. But if you keep on thinking about victory despite of having struggles then you will be able to turn things around, the outcome will change, you will end up being triumphant. Because at the end of the day you will think about something, why not think about raising your hands and feeling successful? why not think about being invincible? you can become a winner if you want to, it all starts in your head. So be careful of what you always think about because it will manifest into your life. If you can't think about winning then simply stay calm and don't think at all, just stay present and breathe... the good thoughts will come in just a matter of minutes or even seconds. 


The answer to that very wonderful question is just keep moving. Keep moving forward all the time, you are scared because you let yourself become stuck in a moment. Fear is not forever, there is a solution how to dissolve it. Procrastination, being late, being slow, idleness, stagnancy and not pushing yourself will create doubts and fears, it will create worries that will poison your mind. You have to move fast, never mind if you feel bad, forget about your feelings... it will change later if you keep moving forward, you will feel good once you have a small momentum going on. It's all about the work, that's why the most confident people in the world were hard workers, the winners never stop working because it's destroying their fears, it's making them feel good and confident. Have you seen someone who's lazy that is so sure of his life? of course there is none, you can never see a lazy person who is so sure of what he does, if there is then that person is just faking his confidence, he is just trying to look great but deep inside he feels like lost. Fear will always be there but you can overwrite it with relentless actions and perseverance, just keep moving forward even if you are so scared, don't stop... just keep going. Never treat fear as something special, never panic when it's there, act normal when you're feeling it, never try to resist it, never get intimidated by it... it's only a feeling, don't freak out when you're scared, just embrace it... you're still alive and that's what matter the most. Always say to yourself that you're not afraid to lose, embarrass yourself, fail or look like a fool or even get hurt and that pain will become scared of you. Fear will tell itself "this is a one crazy son of a gun", fear will realize that its not on your level and it cannot push you around easily. 


If it wants to stay then let it stay. Embrace it but just keep pushing, never let yourself get overwhelmed with fear. Keep pushing, stay calm and relaxed while doing what is needed. That fear will soon realize that you're not an ordinary human being who will back down, always remember to focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. You can still affirm positive things while in the state of fear. You can still say to yourself "I can do it, I am brave, I am a winner, I am confident" a million times while feeling scared, trust me... your willpower will never fail you, it will always prevail in the end. Your willpower will erase that fear, so keep going and keep staying positive. Emotions will always change, you just need a little more time to dismantle your fear, you can eradicate it if you're not panicking. Let your fear remain for as long as it want to in your system and soon you will be able to adapt with it, look at it, feel it and it will no longer scare you. Your mind will realize that it's nothing, especially if you are so present, that fear will become useless and powerless. It can never control you anymore. 


Train your mind to become positive all the time. Look for the positive thoughts, look for the feelings that will give you confidence and that is feeling good about yourself and letting your worries go away, never hold on to a feeling that is destroying your self esteem. You don't know that negative feelings were so addictive because it's giving you a sense of being right, you think that negative thoughts were always right and you don't want to disappoint yourself. But the truth is it's only right and will happen because you keep on thinking about it, it's what most people do... be negative because it's the easier thing to do. You can take a different route, take a different path, stay confident even if you feel that you don't have something to offer. Just stay confident, stay calm and never try to prove yourself. Just be yourself, be honest with your feelings... don't try to become someone who you are not. Stay honest with who you are and what you really want. And you can only do that if you're willing to get zero, walk away or lose. If you have nothing to lose and can express yourself honestly without pretensions then you will become a winner in life. It's all about disciplining your mind and being aware what you are thinking of, any thought can affect your subconscious mind so be careful what you entertain, be careful what you believe in. Positive thoughts can be found, you can instill it into your system, all it takes is the willingness to fight the negatives and focus on what you really want no matter how silly it looks. 

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