Aug 31, 2020


Do you ever feel bad and heavy whenever you hear the word "hard work"? do you ever feel overwhelmed by it? well, you should not be. Because hard work is not a suffering, it is a blessing. If you can work hard then it means you're blessed with a strong body and you have a chance of becoming successful. hard work is the biggest ticket to success, not talents nor connections... hard work alone can put you on top if you will take it seriously and make it as your religion. Hard work can be super easy if you will only change your perspective about it, if you will just learn how to enjoy the grind and trust the process. 


Because they were thinking about some other things and not the work alone. They were thinking about getting rich, finishing fast, looking for an easy way how to get it done etc. etc. They were thinking too much and that's why they can't have fun on what they do. Any work can become very easy if you can learn how to have fun with it. Being in the moment and staying present will make any difficult situation easier, it will make the pain less frightening. Hard work will become really scary if your intention is to finish the work fast, you need to enjoy every step, enjoy every problem that the work has. Hard work will become easier if you will not complain and simply move forward all the time. Take the first step and then finish, as simple as that. Most people will start something and then look for comfort every time the process gets hard, and that's why they can't have fun on their work. If you will just stop wishing for something in return then hard work will become easier, always think that the process itself is the reward, manifestation of rewards will come faster if you are not being needy of something, it will come on the right time... just trust the process and never give up. For the mean time have fun doing something, have fun working hard getting nothing in return. Because at the end of the day, you really need to work hard if you want to become successful, it's the only path, you don't have any other choice but to do it, if there are shortcuts then all of us must be rich by now. But only few are successful because only few are really willing to work very hard.


It's like meditating, you should be in the moment and feeling all of your senses, you should be attentive and present. Feel everything that is going on inside of your body, love your mistakes, love the challenges, and the most important thing... don't rush. Don't expect anything in return, you just do it for the love of hard work. Forget about time, don't look at the clock, don't look at the time remaining before you finish your work... just work. Because at the end of the day... you will only feel satisfied if you really work, you will have a lot of regrets if you want something but didn't push yourself to get it. You will only know how good you are and if you can make it if you will work very hard and give everything you've got for something. Treat hard work as your privilege, don't think about it as a suffering, if you can work hard then it means you have an opportunity to become successful, everyday is an opportunity to improve your life, everyday is an opportunity to start something great. Always look for the next step and have fun with it, condition your mind to feel happy every time you move, focus on yourself and never think about other people's activities, never get jealous if someone is succeeding and you're not, focus on your life and try to make small improvements one day at a time. 


Every time you work hard... always think that you are improving, always think that you are getting better. You don't need to feel bad every time you work hard and get lesser money or results, your time will come, all of your efforts will be rewarded. Pair your hard work with a vision and fully believe it. feel confident about the process, you will reap the rewards later so be patient for now and just give your best. Your life is improving, your work ethic is getting better, you are making a momentum... you have nothing to lose if you are working hard, you have everything to gain. So focus on hard work, focus on getting better everyday. So feel good every time you are moving, feel blessed and happy, it's because you are putting yourself on a best position to succeed. You will become confident if you work hard, you will forget your problems, you will learn more, you will become a master. Because it's the truth, you are improving every time you take an action. Remember your first day on your first job? you're so lost right, you don't know what to do, you are so scared but after one month you're already gaining some confidence and after a year you have horns already, you're not following some orders anymore, you feel like a boss already because you know what's going on and you know you will never get terminated just because of a small mistake. Every action is the best action, it's taking you to another level, it's giving you something, you might not see it for now but eventually you will in the end. So keep going hard, keep giving your best, time will come and you will be surprised with what you've become. 


It's a gift, it's a blessing disguise, you think you're getting punished but you are not. Your patience is only being tested here. Look at those people who are so successful... they love working hard, they love competing, they love giving their best and they never worry if they will become successful or not, they simply love to work and not expecting too much in return because they just knew that hard work is an investment, you work hard for something now and you will reap the benefits in the future. 

Aug 30, 2020


Sometimes our passion for something dies, we cannot find the motivation to do what we love so much before. Actually your passion really never die, you just get sick and tired of it because you can't see the reward, sometimes you want to make money from it but you can't make it. You want to get more from what you're doing but you feel stuck and not progressing. 

Here are the ways where you can find your passion again.

1. Look for something you can copy.

Copy your idol, copy your neighbor's work, copy someone who is succeeding. Don't be afraid to imitate, don't be afraid to look like a  copy cat. This is the best way to produce something, if you feel lost and don't know what to do then just copy someone who is thriving, copy all of his style that leads to success. Don't worry because you can still add your own style into his style that will produce a more unique result. Because sometimes you will really feel like you hit the plateau and can't seem to find a process that will work for you at the same time you will enjoy. This happens to everyone, don't feel ashamed of copying someone, just make sure you are not copying everything, copy someone and add something to it, add your idea, tweak it and make it yours, in that case you will never look an imitator anymore. Everybody do this, no one is original nowadays. Me too, I am copying from someone if I can't find a something to do but I didn't copy the whole thing, I only copy some parts and then add my flavor to it. 

2. Look back to your past where you become successful

Sometimes all you have to do is remember what made you feel really good and successful. You can find a lot of memories in the past where you are dominating and killing it. Try to remember the process that made you really feel excited, there is a time when you are winning and progressing fast, remember those times and repeat it now. Repeat the process and see if it will still work. 

3. Push yourself and get lost

Get crazy with the process, don't be afraid to get lost because you can always come back again. You can repeat again every time you made a mistake. Go crazy with the process, push yourself and see what you can get. It's fun to get lost, your mind will be stretched if you're having a hard time, there is nothing to lose if you're moving, you are only losing if you are procrastinating because a lot of time to become great was being wasted for nothing. Don't throw away your time, never squander any of it because it's the only thing you can use to become successful. 

4. Don't look for immediate success

Just relax, you have a lot of time. Success will come to you if you are giving your very best. Every time you rush the process you make mistakes, just enjoy every step of the way and take your time. Enjoy every step, have a lot of fun. Success will come, you don't need to get need of it, if it's yours it's yours but you need to make sure you are working like hell and giving everything you've got.

5. Stay you. 

Just be yourself. Do what you really want, never do something that feels so heavy for you. You have to look for something that ignites your soul. Being yourself will make you find your passion back easier, look at those people who are doing the things they hate just for the sake of money... they feel lost, they get depressed. You have to be yourself even if results and progress were not happening. Never do something that only gives your life a burden. Be honest with yourself, do what your mind is heart to do. 

6. Disconnect from the outcome.

Never mind if you are failing, never mind if you are not producing something good. You will feel worse if you're always checking if your work is good or making money. Forget the outcome and focus on giving your best. By doing this you will feel more free and creative. If the money wasn't the issue then all people will become passionate. The number one reason why people are not doing the things they love is because of the money. Forget the money and just have fun with the things that gets you excited. 

7. Just start.

All you have to do is start and that's it... you will make results, you will create a momentum, you will get back on track. Make it a habit to start every time you feel lazy and unmotivated, this will make you feel proud of yourself because you're doing what is hard. Good feelings will start to be come when are taking actions. You will never find an inspiration if you're always looking for comfort. Decide that you are going to start and just go with the flow. Start now, don't wait for the perfect timing because it will never come. You will feel much better when you start, you will start to get motivated when you allow yourself to just take the first step.

8. Forget about a masterpiece result

Forget about being perfect, forget about being the number one and just do what you want. It is better to be doing something rather than doing nothing. You will never be perfect, your life will never be perfect. The best way is to embrace the imperfections and move forward. And so what if your work is ugly? so what if you're full of flaws? it's ok, forget your identity, never think that you are great and that you are required to create something great. Just produce something, forget about controlling everything. 

9. Stick with what you've started.

Once you start, go for the kill, go for the finish, have that finisher mentality. Don't start something and leaving it hanging in the air. Once you start.... never go back, never  stop and always look for the next move you can execute so that you can finish it. Most of the time you're always stopping and pausing and resting for nonsense reasons, and this kind of style makes you lazy even more. You have to have that notorious attitude when it comes to finishing, never quit, face the pain of moving, always move forward until you're done. You're babying yourself too much and that's why you can't feel successful. You need to get strict with the way you do things, always go hard, always look for the finish. 


One thing you shouldn't forget is you can push, you can always do something, you can sacrifice for a bigger cause, you can chase anything, you can improve, you can become bigger, you can take something to the next level and make it big as it can be, don't you ever forget that. You are free, you can become creative, you can start a journey that you will give your life to. There is a skill, idea or technique waiting for you that you must study or develop, you can invent something, you can look for a process that will give you success in the future. You can become very creative with your life, you just need to focus on one thing and take it to the highest level. 


Practice a skill, it can be any kind of skill. It can be Photoshop for graphic designing, writing articles, shooting a basketball, dribbling... dribble like Kyrie Irving, if you have that insane dribbling skills then you will look good, you will have a big following, all you have to do is dribble everyday and that's it. Practice playing a musical instrument, practice a guitar or a violin, posts some videos on you tube and earn some money. All you have to do is repeat everyday until you become fast, until you become really good, repetition is power... it will take you to the highest level. Every hard task will become very easy if you repeat it everyday. Just like in controlling your mind, it's hard to stop thinking about negative, it's hard to get mad but if you will train your mind to stop entertaining negativity towards any kind of situation then it will become positive most of the time, there are times when it will still think something negative but it will be easier for it to filter the negative thoughts or shift from negative thought to positive thought. Practice is the key, the more you practice the more you get better. You even have a lot of time watching porn and useless materials, why not use your time to improve your life? You can improve any second, you can master any skill if you will just endure the pain of learning it. It's all about sticking with something for a long time and getting deep with it, master it, look for ways to improve it, be the guru or sensei of it. 


Watch yourself, guard yourself. If you can see yourself procrastinating and start moving right away then your life will change, if you can see yourself wasting your time and hating yourself doing it then progress is very near. You have to admit that you are doing a lot of stupid things. Even if it is fun, even if it is addictive... you have to stop doing it if you really want a change in your life. So stop looking for fast entertainment, stop looking for fast results, stop enjoying too much. If you really want to get out of the rut you are in then sacrifice big time, sacrifice your happiness for something bigger. Sacrifice your comfort, sacrifice everything including your favorite hobby that is completely useless and not a good form of entertainment. Never treat yourself like a kid who needs to get pampered all the time, you must put in the real work, the real sacrifice, and the real effort. There is no time for wasting time now, you have to get addicted to the process and manufacture a small progress one day at a time. Some people pretend that they are doing the right things even though they know or feel that they are not doing what is right. In order for you to make a transformation in your life you need to admit that you're the one destroying it, look at your habits, look at what you're doing now... do you think it's helping you to reach the next level? you're always talking about hard work, process blah blah blah but you're also like the people you are criticizing, you're no different than them... you're also lazy, you're just acting like you're better because your ego is too big. 

Aug 28, 2020


Success is all about trying, it 's all about taking massive actions and attracting massive results. There is no secret formula here. The harder you work the more you become lucky, the more time you waste the more your life become miserable, as simple as that. If you have 100 bullets and shoot them all, you will hit some of your targets but if you only have 10 bullets and shoot them all, there is a chance that you might not hit anything. It's a trial and error method, that's how success works. If you can tell me what works fast then what is it? there are nor shortcuts in life, there is only the right path. Don't get jealous with other people who are thriving, you don't know what they went through after hitting the jackpot, maybe they work like hell too. Focus on your journey, focus on giving your all. Because at the end of the day, it all goes to whether you give everything you've got or not, did you give your 101 percent? or did you try to look comfort and take things easy when you're tired? 


Take chances now, abuse your privilege to try as much as you want. Your number of tries is unlimited, abuse it, be opportunistic and never lose hope if you failed a lot of times already. Be thankful because you can try again tomorrow. You are so blessed because you can try a million times and nobody can stop you from doing it. It's only you who is stopping yourself from the very beginning. You need to allow yourself to just do everything you can do to become successful. Don't be afraid to try a million times, believe in the process, believe in yourself... you can do anything you want if you set your mind into it. Be the boss today, be the baddest person in your field, show them what you can do, take massive actions and never feel bad if you can't get your desired results after working hard. Own this day, be the master, be the fastest be the strongest, be the one who does more. You can do a lot of things today, all you have to do is start and keep going, focus, discipline your mind, discipline your eyes to look only at things that matters the most. Never look on something that is useless and destructive, focus on tasks that will increase your percentage of winning. You can work for so many hours this day, you can try a million times, you can produce something great. You can call 1000 clients, apply for a job 1000 times, upload a video on you tube 100 times, write an article 100 times, push up 1000 times, everything is possible if you will focus on the numbers. Make this day your day, conquer it, do everything you can to become great and improve. Try as much as you can without having to feel bad every time you fail and produce zero results, remember to focus on the number of tries and not on the number of wins. 


Increase your number of tries and you will increase your chances of winning from 5% to 95%, that's how easy the technique was, you don't need a special mind here. All you have to do is try and try again without losing your enthusiasm. So if you can keep producing numbers, if you can try and try again then you will succeed in the end, as simple as that. Don't ever stop yourself like most people do, allow yourself to do what is needed, keep failing again and again until you make it to the top. Roll the dice, luck will only come to you if you're working like hell and giving everything you've got. Always remember that it's only just a matter of time before you become successful, your time will come, you don't know when it's going to come but it will come if you persevere and keep pushing every single day. Don't lose hope, don't feel exhausted, don't ever think about quitting. Look for a way how to increase your numbers, you can do it, you can make yourself evolve, you can make something bigger than what it use to be. The good thing about life is you can do a lot of things, you can do anything, you can try anything, you are the only one who's limiting yourself. People lie but numbers won't, you can never tell that you already tried everything yet fail if the truth is you only tried 5 times or even lesser than that. You can never fool the numbers, if you exert small numbers then you will also get small results. 


You too can become successful, no one is the chosen one, it's just a myth, it's just a thought invented by arrogant people who thinks they are the chosen one. You can become a star, you can become successful, you can become anything you desire. You too have a chance even if you're not that good, if you work so hard and you never get tired of trying then you too can become something special. Transform yourself into a beast, an animal, someone who's relentless and aggressive. Don't be afraid of failing, don't be afraid of getting tired. Because the truth is you can only have a chance if you will give yourself a chance. So take risks, execute every idea you have, be fast, be bold and never regret the mistakes that you did. Keep moving forward and feel unstoppable. Nothing can stop you if you will never hold back. Free your mind, free your body, do anything that will take you to another level. So never count yourself out, never belittle yourself, never underestimate yourself. The law of average can work to anyone, it can work to you. Just keep trying, keep working hard and then success will come to you without having to look for it. 

Aug 27, 2020


To make any game plan work... live and die with it, you have to breathe and live with it. Take it seriously and never give up, as simple as that. It may not work in the beginning but for sure it will work in the end. Just make sure you are pushing and not playing around. It will only work if you give everything you've got and gotten into a place where everyone will quit. You need to keep moving forward and treat the game plan like it has no chance of failing. Believe that you already won, trust the game plan like you trust your parents or closest friend, give your all to the game plan, make it work even if it is not working. Because that's the only way to make the game plan succeed... repeat it over and over again until the universe give up on you. 


Never doubt it, never stop it... believe it to the fullest. You have to give your full faith on it, live and die with it. Do it even if it's not working for now, don't worry because it will work later. Your perseverance was just being tested. The universe is just testing you if you cant take the pain, all of your work will work in the end. Just trust yourself a little bit more, believe a little bit more and work harder than yesterday. Your game plan will work if you have full faith on it, most game plans didn't work because people disbelieve it when the going gets rough and tough. If you're going to make a game plan make sure you are going to use it even if the storm looks like has no ending. Make it work, force fate, force the issue, you have to live and die with it or else it will never work. 

Most people were only good in the beginning, they love to work when the workload is easier, they were excited because and working hard because they haven't experienced any adversity yet but when the problems started to kick in... they were in a panic mode, they don't know what to do, they would love to quit and look for an easier route. That's why only few people succeed, only few are willing to live and die with the game plan, only few are willing to give it all, mist people are thinking too much, they are worrying, they don't want to lose and that's why they can't win. Success is all about losing a lot of times, it's about failing a lot of times and trying again, you can never give up in this game of life, it is hard but you can always survive and thrive if you have a very powerful will and perseverance to keep going no matter what. 


Never let it stop, never let someone stop you, never let any bad consequences stop you. You're the only one who's going to decide if you're going to stop or not, use your power and tenacity, do something to make it move, let it roll, let it live forever. Because if your dreams are real then it should never stop, same as the game plan, if you believe that it's going to work then it should never stop, it should be running inside of your head 24 hours a day, you should execute it for as long as you can execute it. You will get tired, you will lose your mind, you will think about quitting but it's ok, it's normal, putting yourself into exhaustion is normal, all you can do is rest for a while, clear your mind, refresh your mind, don't think about anything else. And when you finally got your energy back... go back to the work again, push again. Always remember that you'r the only one who's stopping yourself, you can become unstoppable if you want to, nothing can stop you if you have a made up mind that you'r going to win no matter what. 


It's the one who can push, it's the one who's willing to face the pain that will win. You will never win if you're always stopping and thinking, you need to push forward and give everything you've got, you need to go all in and make things happen. Push the pace, push the tempo, give everything you've got and never stop. Look at yourself, are you persevering or not? are you giving your all or not? the choice is yours amigo, stop trying like a weak bum, stop making dramas and excuses, stop blaming the world and just go all in. The truth of the matter is you can push anytime you want to, you're just acting like a soft man that is so fragile and useless. You're better than that, make sacrifices now and make the game plan work. Because the truth is you're only giving your 20 percent effort or maybe lesser than that, you're not giving your all, who are you to complain? who are you to quit? you didn't give your all, you didn't give your life for what you want. You must treat your goal like it's the air you need to breathe, you must treat it like the food on your table and that you will die if you can't have it. 


Make this as your mindset, make this as your game plan... go all in, never have any reservations, never conserve your energy or even think about what the future may hold, never think about failing, just go all in no matter what. Give your all, never stop, never think about going back.. just give your all. Never fail yourself, believe in yourself, believe that you can do it. Stop thinking too much and focus on your effort, this is the time to win, this is the time to go all in. Only few people can go all in and if you're one of them then you're one of a kind, you will experience greatness, you will go to the top. Whenever you fee so tired and thinks that you can't go anymore, just stop and rest for a few seconds and go back grinding again, a simple as that. 

Aug 26, 2020


You don't need to become popular to become great. You don't need big results to become great. If you're doing something because you think you can improve and become better than yesterday then that's greatness already. If you are pushing yourself to the limits and doing everything you can to make your life a little bit better then that's greatness already. If you are taking yourself seriously and improving your skills a little more then that's greatness already. You don't need to become popular or something, you don't need to have a lot of money or show off your accomplishments, if you are trying and serious with the push then you're already great. It's the level of your seriousness, it's your commitment to become better and see what is possible. Greatness is very simple, just focus on your life and focus on becoming better than yesterday, as simple as that. Whether it's about physically, mentally or financially... you can become great if you are pushing and trying to upgrade whatever you have. 


Whether you are at home or at the office or any place, you can be great. All it takes is the willingness to push and achieve one small goal at a time. The key here is to move forward all the time. Enjoy the pain, enjoy the struggle, you don't need to have a very fast or rapid progress, just take it one day at a time and you will be good. Greatness is for you, it's not for the chosen one, it's for everyone. You are the one who's going to decide if you're going to become great or not, not your coach or parents, not your critics or haters, not your friends or family... it's you and only you. You can start now, look for the simplest step that you can execute, look for the smallest way that may improve your skill. Stop holding yourself back, stop judging yourself and just let go. It's all about the improvement and nothing else, it's a constant improvement, you need to move forward and do your thing regardless of what circumstance you are in. Stop looking for help, stop looking for a nice place to start, stop questioning yourself how are you going to do it and just do it, as simple as that. Execute as fast as you can, be ruthless, be bold... be furious. It's happening now wherever you are. Stop waiting, stop procrastinating because today is your chance to become great, you don't need people watching you, you don't need an approval... just get it, just be great. 


That's the game plan, that's they key... push whenever it's hard, still do it whenever you're scared. Don't hold yourself back and just do it, forget the outcome, forget the results and allow yourself to go to the next level. Don't forget to move all the time, taking action is the only thing that should be on your mind. Make it a habit to never quit. Always think that if it's hard then it means you're almost there, you will get there if you don't stop, as simple as that. Pushing is a very powerful thing, it may sounds hard and heavy, it may scare you a little bit but when you get addicted to pushing yourself to move despite of fatigue and exhaustion then you will become unstoppable. Greatness is for a person who doesn't mind failing and repeating again, it's for people who will go the extra mile just to put themselves on a position to succeed. So make it a point to just push whenever it's hard, embed it into your subconscious mind, feel automatic to just move despite of resistance and pain. It's really going to become uncomfortable, what do you expect a walk in the park? don't wish for greatness if all you want is an easy life, it's not going to be easy, it's going to be hard but it's worth it. 


It's a lifestyle, it's a choice, it's a way of life. You can't be chasing greatness yesterday and resting now, that kind of approach won't work. You need to force yourself to just work hard and still give your best without taking any shortcuts. It should be your culture, it should be your religion. It's a way of life, you work hard everyday, you train everyday, you practice and you look for that little improvement, you look for that tiny chance to become successful. You can't be talking about greatness but practicing mediocrity, you can't be wishing for it but not applying it into your life. Greatness will be achieved only if you are going hard and making sacrifices just to win. So discipline yourself, you can't be lazying all the time and expect to become great. You need to be the hardest worker in the world, no excuses, no lame reasoning, you need to make yourself better and that will only happen if you will start moving your lazy bum ass and do something for today. Stop wishing for it and start executing, you only have limited chances so never take this day for granted and waste it for nothing, devour this day, speed up, level up, take chances, take risks and never look back. Burn the bridges, burn the boat, burn laziness, burn everything that is stopping you and giving you comfort. 


You don't need to impress people, you don't need to have a large following, you don't need everyone to see if you're great or not. Just do it, just practice greatness, give everything you've got every single day. You know in yourself if you really give your best or not, you know in yourself if you really try and destroy your boundaries. So stop looking for appreciation, stop trying to look good and just chase greatness, make it your life, make it your mindset, you don't care about what people say, you don't care if you fail... you just do it. 

Aug 25, 2020


The only way to beat procrastination and laziness, the only way to discipline yourself is make an ugly start. Just do something, just do it even if you look like a scrub. Starting now, starting something will give you a small momentum, it will give you confidence to finish something. Stop looking for perfection, never consider yourself as someone who always need to be perfect. Consider yourself as nothing, never think that you are great, just do something regardless if it is ugly or not. Because starting right away is a very strong momentum builder, it will save a lot of your time, don't you know that you're wasting too much time thinking how are you going to do it? the worse is you're spending a lot of energy thinking about the outcome, hours and days have passed and you haven't done anything yet. You're living like a douche bag for overthinking and worrying how the outcome will be. You can never control the outcome, you can only control your actions, if you will just go hard, start fast and give your best then the outcome will become much much better. 


There is no such thing as a perfect finish, you are only making yourself helpless by doing that. All you can do is focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. If you focus on what you can control then that is power, you will have more confidence, you will become more creative, good things will happen to you. All you have to do is move and that's it, keep going further, keep pushing for more. The more you move the more you believe in yourself. If you're always thinking about the outcome then you will never get anything done, as simple as that. Stop being a perfectionist, no matter how hard you try you will never become perfect. All you can do is give your best and work insanely hard, push yourself and never quit until the job is done. And the truth of the matter is any work is about the journey, it's not about the outcome, if you really give your all for your work then there is nothing else to worry about. Feel ok in failing, embarrassing yourself or making a mistake.... well at least you try, if you try then you're already above other people because most of them couldn't even get started. They have ideas in their minds but something is stopping them and they can't figure it out. The truth is... the more you stop yourself, the more you will feel weak and useless, you will become depressed and frustrated. So you better start now and do something because your mind will start to go crazy if you are always delaying what you are suppose to do. 


You think you're too good to be avoiding mistakes, you think you're too great and popular and that's why you can't even start something. Your mind is focused on what people are going to say, you are stopping yourself because of the idea of getting criticized or judged if you didn't perform that the highest level. You have to realize that you will never get anywhere if you didn't start now. You have to unleash the beast inside of you and do whatever it takes to finish the task. Just focus on the present step and then follow through, never stop, never judge yourself if you're right or wrong and just keep going. Giving your regrets will erase all worries and regrets, you just need to go all out and everything will be fine. It's all about moving forward and nothing else. If you're moving forward then you will be fine rather than worrying about what is right or wrong. Just do it, forget about anything else and just do it. Be fast in starting, be strong in finishing, the best time to start is now, not tomorrow nor later... only now. Believe in the power of now, the present moment will give you everything, possibilities can only be found in the present moment, you can never see it in the future... it is all happening now. 


Detach yourself from the outcome, focus on the process. You can finish anything and everything if you will just take it one step at a time. You will reach the finish line if you are focused, anything is possible, anything is achievable. Because always thinking about the outcome is only creating fears, it's making you worried and stuck. It's messing up with your mentality, you can't become creative if you're always thinking about the future. What will happen will happen, all you can do is enjoy what you're doing now. Be happy with the smallest progress that you are making, be appreciative of the small development and keep following through. Don't get stagnant, don't get idle... keep going no matter what. People can judge you that your work is not good enough and just be ok with it, it's just their opinion, who are they? you are the one who's working here. If you really give everything you've got then there is nothing else to worry about, you will only have a peace of mind if you really give your very very best. 


Have fun with the process and success will come easily, you can finish tasks faster than expected. Get serious but learn how to enjoy every step. Be playful, be creative, always stretch your abilities and put yourself on the edge of your skills. Because you can do better than yesterday, it's really up to you if you will give and do more or be satisfied with the same effort that you exert like yesterday. Enjoy everything, it's all in the mind, you can have fun with everything in your life, it's just a matter of enjoying it and being in the moment. Never think that you are tired, never think that you are giving more but getting less... it's alright, trust me it will really feel good if you will go all out for something rather than holding yourself back and thinking what could have happen if you give your best. 


Be ruthless, be aggressive, be assertive, be bold. Have no conscience in moving, you just do it and you never regret it. You're not even checking if it is right or wrong, you just give your best and you don't care anymore what will happen next. Have this kind of mindset and you will become very productive, you will accomplish a lot of things. Allow yourself to move and move and move, become a relentless hungry lion... you keep hunting for meat, you go after the next victim once you're done with the present one. Because you are the only one who's stopping yourself, your built in excuses, your lame attitude, your soft work ethic... you're better than that, if you want a new life then change the way you start... start fast no matter how ugly you look. 


Processing something looks or sounds difficult right? it's because most people want to have something fast. They want to win fast, want to become rich fast, want to become popular fast, want to have everything fast, they don't want to undergo the process. Stop looking for fast reward, you can't be doing ten pushups and looking at the mirror right away if you already build some muscle, you can't be looking for changes if you didn't squeeze oranges. The best way to get entertained is to be entertained by the process, you are moving, you are progressing, you are getting some results. You're starting to have a much better life unlike before. It's the best way to have a direction in life, you're on the right path, there is nothing to lose here because even if you didn't win big time you still improve as a person. 


Procrastination, gossips, minding other people's business, surfing the useless websites, scrolling n your cellphone the whole day etc. It's not even helping you to grow, it's making you poor, it's making you weak... you are not accomplishing anything from it, it's just a waste of time and energy. The number one reason why you can't change your life is because you have a lot of stupid and useless activities going on. You are wasting your energy for nothing. Before you do the most important work for today you will do something stupid first and that drains all of your energy, and when you're about to the the most important work... you will make excuses because you feel so tired. This kind of cycle is bringing you down, it's not helping at all. You need to reverse psychology yourself, you need to think that working is fun, you need to convince your mind that the process is the only thing that gives you happiness no matter if it is hard or easy. Be aware of what you're doing, most of the time you are not aware that you are procrastinating and that's why you can't even finish washing the dishes, you're so addicted to laziness. 


Just work. Never mind if you are making improvement or not... just work. There is no substitute for hard work. It can give you anything, it will make you something special. So just keep working hard and push yourself to the limits because there are no limits. And even if you can't see any results yet... you will still prevail in the end, it's just a delayed tactic from the rewarder of success. You will be rewarded no matter what, you just have to wait and be more patient because quitting and looking for an easy path will never give you anything. So if you think you are not progressing then you are wrong, hard work has an equivalent reward. The reason you feel not progressing is because you are looking for bigger results. You want to become a millionaire fast, you want to become sexy fast, you want to graduate fast... you want instants. And that's stopping you from making a progress. There is no shortcuts in life, you have to deal with every challenge or difficulty along the way, that's what makes life very enjoyable... not knowing if you're going to win or not. Always remember that only people who are willing to take risks will win, you can never become successful if all you do is play safe and hide behind your sofa. Expose yourself to danger and defeat, never back down to any challenges... eat it, embrace it, treat it like nothing. 


Focus on doing the first step and keep following through. Once you start... never stop until you're done, as simple as that. Patience is the key, you can't start fast because you're too impatient right from the very beginning, you want to finish fast, you don't want to undergo the process. Draw the first blood, pull the trigger, make a move, never stop yourself because there are lot of things to do and if you'r aiming for something big then you need to treat your time like the most precious thing in the world. The first step is hard but once you made it... it will be easier to the next ones. Just take it one step at a time, you don't need to rush, you don't need to panic, don't look for the fast finish... look for a strong finish. Because that is what it's all about... enjoying your work and never giving up until it's done. So stop thinking and stop looking for results, learn to enjoy the process because it will make your life easier, make it as your number one form of entertainment, it should make you very happy every time you do it, it should put you on a state of bliss. You should feel alive and powerful doing the process because that's the only way to go further and create greatness. 


The tiny little steps that you are hesitant to take can make a strong impact if all summed up. So you need to take actions now and never wait for something to happen before you start. So just be happy taking those tiny steps that you can do, appreciate it, believe that it will all accumulate in the end and will give you a fine reward. Rome wast not built in one day, Hollywood didn't become popular in just one night, you have to bleed if you need to just to make a little progress and improvement. Never underestimate what you can do within a few minutes or an hour, you can do a lot if you will move fast and stay focused on the grind. The next step maybe the key to give you a break that you've been waiting for so keep going even if you're struggling, always look for the next step and have fun with it. Give your heart to the process and you will get anything you want. 

Aug 24, 2020


Keep doing your thing, keep applying your style. Somebody will like your work, somebody will like your style. Just be true to yourself no matter what and keep expressing yourself. If your style is going hard and not thinking too much so be it, if your style is a slow pace and being technical so be it, if your style is being mediocre but consistent so be it, if your style is ugly but your determination is on fire so be it. Nobody can stop you, you can use your style as much as you want to. You have the authority to try everything you wanted to try. 


If you don't know your style it's ok, you still have a style. If your style is so blank and plain, that is still a style. Some people will still like it, some people will still admire you and patronize your brand or any product or idea that you are promoting. You will be liked, people will look for you. Especially if you've been doing something for a long time, people loves someone who is growing and persevering for a long time, they love history, they love stories about someone who did struggle in the past and somehow making it in life now. So keep doing what you're doing and never stop. So be proud of what you're doing and never regret that you're making mistakes, never think that you look worse, just deal with any judgement that people may throw at you. And the truth is, sometimes they're not rally judging you, you are judging yourself. 


There is always a next level and you can only go there if you keep working hard everyday. You will never make any improvement if you're just holding yourself back and wishing for things to happen. You have to make it happen, you have to force yourself to do the things that feels heavy or hard. You can always break some boundary, you can always create a breakthrough, it's just a matter of moving forward even if you're scared. And speaking of fear, you can beat it by taking it one step at a time, you can beat fear by not rushing to the unknown, you embrace the unknown and you learn how to love it, adapt with it. It's all about moving, it's all about taking the next step and the next one and the next one. It's a never ending process, you go to the next level and you look for more. 


And to be yourself is all that you can do. You have no other choice, because once every style that you tried didn't work for you... you will come back to your natural style, you will come back to where you belong, you will use a process that really makes you have fun. Love yourself, love the work that you're doing and keep expressing yourself, don't be afraid of what might people say, don't be afraid if you fail. Just be yourself and forget the outcome. 


You don't need to look good, you don't need to feel fancy and perfect. The goal here is to become free, and you can only do it if you will not judge yourself. Feel free to do anything, don't try so hard, just give your best. Feeling free is feeling good, you will feel so at peace, you will feel no stress and no fear. 


Don't do something just for the sake of pleasing people, you need to be true to yourself, you need to be honest with what your heart wants. Because the more you please people the more you become fake, it's taking away your power, it's making you weak. 


If you are making progress you will always doubt yourself, it's impossible that a disbelief will never form, it's part of the process, it's part of the game... you will always become scared for whatever reason. You will see things that are not working, you will feel like you're just wasting your time, you will feel tired, you will feel that you can't do it anymore. And it's good, if you're moving forward and doubting yourself then it means you're already making a progress. If you're really grinding and pressing forward like hell and giving everything you've got... you will ask for more results, and if you can't see it you will feel frustrated, the doubts will start to build up. It happens to everyone, it happens to every great person in the world. Just like in applying for a job... you go door to door, you apply online for multiple websites and when nobody is entertaining you doubts will be felt. And that's progress already, all you have to do is kill that doubt and you're already on a different level, you already completed the progress that is happening. It's impossible to not doubt yourself if you're looking for something, if you're going after something big. 


You will doubt the way you speak, move, do something, basically you will doubt everything about you if you can't make results, you will doubt the whole process but it's ok, it's normal so there is no need to panic. You just need to be aware that you are doubting yourself and you need to use your willpower to fight it. Just keep going, you may have no confidence for now but just keep going. That confidence in yourself will soon comeback and you will feel good again. That's what progress is all about, there will be small voices whispering you to stop and and just quit. You will think that it's not for you, that you are not good enough, that it's not worth it but it's ok. You just need to deal with that roller coaster of emotions, just embrace all the doubts and go back to the game plan... and that is to never stop and never quit. All the doubts will be overpowered by your actions. Just take it one step at a time, be patient and you will see that you're confident again. 


Never doubt the process, follow the game plan with all your heart and never quit. It's ok to doubt yourself, it's ok to become scared but never stop moving forward and giving your best. You have to go all out even if fear is disturbing you. Because that's what great people do... they keep trying even if they feel that they're not going to make it. Elon Musk almost lost all of his fortune because failing big time in Space X, the space ship explode and it happens twice, if it happens again for the third time then he will lose all of his money but it became successful. Do you think he is not doubting himself just for once? David Beckham was once hated by his team for not playing good, they are burning his jerseys and criticism is everywhere but he keep fighting until he score a goal and carry his team into victory, do you think he didn't doubt himself just for once? they are just humans, they were scared too but they keep moving forward until progress was attained.

So be happy if you're doubting yourself because it means progress is about to happen. Just move and do something about it and you're already there. Because the frightening scenarios have no power over you if you will stay still and stick to the game plan, remember who you are, remember how brave you are, keep in mind that nothing can stop you if you will just believe in yourself a little bit. The world is yours, claim it. 


First of all you need to be aware that you are scared, that you are hesitating to move. And make a decision to just move forward and try again, go with all your might, don't hesitate or hold yourself back, just do it, make it happen. Never let fear stop you, there should be a separation between you and your fear, you must be aware that the situation is not really that bad and fear is the only thing that's making it look worse. You will never gain any momentum if you will not face that fear, you will never make any progress if you will let fear stop you. So just move, just show up, jump in and never be scared to fail or embarrass yourself. People hates a failure but success loves a trier. Once you were able to detect that the fear is there... take actions right away, it's a signal that you must move. All you have to do is stay calm when fear is there, don't resist, don't panic, stay calm and admit that you are scared and simply take one small action at a time. Confidence will start to kick in, you will start to believe in yourself and get excited with the process again. Fear is just an illusion, if you will focus on the now then everything that scares you will go away. 


Just go further, keep going further and further. Don't stop and just keep moving forward, push yourself, you have the ability to create a break through, you have the ability to change your life and avoid being stuck forever. You can do something now, it's all up to you if you will choose action or idleness. Nothing can freeze you, nothing can stun you if you will use your willpower. You can break any resistance, you can block any obstacle. Just keep going further and never quit. All it takes is having that burning desire to keep pushing when there is doubt and fears. Remember who you are, remember the things that you can do. Thoughts can never control you, you can control it. You are unstoppable, that's your true nature so choose to become it. Never stop yourself, never make excuses, never submit to pain, embrace pain and do something to change your situation. 


People go crazy if they can't become happy, they felt that their lives were a failure and there is no reason to live anymore. They felt that happiness is the most important thing in the world. And that what makes them depressed, they don't know that happiness is not forever, it's just an emotion that come and go. Today you can be happy but tomorrow you will feel sad for whatever reason, that's how life goes. Life is not that hard, it become shard because you're too much dramatic and over reacting, why not just enjoy it? you can enjoy life even if you're going down, you can enjoy life even if you're miserable. Once you accept that your feelings are normal and may change anytime soon... life will become much easier. Don't look for sympathy, stop making dramas in social media, stop focusing on the negative, don't talk to people you don't like and you will see a different experience. You will feel more positive, you don't need to become happy right away, let it come, it will happen, you don't need to force it. All you have to do is stop being negative and happiness will come. Stay away from toxic people, stay away from negative news, misery loves company so stay away from people who are sucking your energy. Stay away from toxic activities, protect your mind from negative thoughts and you will find happiness even if you're not looking for it. 


You don't need to beg for it because it will come, stop being needy because the more you show that you are needy the more you will be deprive from what you want. Just let it happen, if it didn't happen now then so be it, you may feel happy tomorrow or the next day. Small things can make you happy, you don't need exiting and powerful events to alter your state of mind. Never use your knees to beg for happiness, if you can be ok with being lonely or being a loser... now that's power. What you're going through right now is not forever, time will come and your wounds will be healed, your sorrow will go away and your pain will be relieved. All you have to do is stay alive and breathe. You can weather the storm, you can survive any problem. Happiness is for everyone, wait till you get yours, don't be too impatient because that will lead to misery. Patience is the partner of happiness, after being patient for a long time comes happiness. Just wait, actually you don't even need to wait, just believe, just live your life and take it one second at a time. 


Don't look for a hot girl before you become happy, don't look for a Red Porsche car before you become happy. You don't need to date a hot playboy model to feel good and confident about yourself, you don't need millions to feel blessed, you don't need respect from other people to feel powerful, you don't need to win to feel good about yourself, all you need to do is be yourself and accept yourself. Accept yourself for who you are, what you have and can do. There is nothing else to worry about. You don't need to become unique, rich, popular, strong or something. Just be who you are and appreciate everything about your life. You don't need anything or anyone to become happy, it's just a state of mind, you can even laugh while badly struggling, you can entertain powerful and positive thoughts even if you're going through a lot. Look at those people whose happiness was based from external things... they were always jealous and sad, they envy other people who have more than what they have. Their state of mind can be shaken easily, they were sensitive and always unhappy. Your mentality alone can make you happy, if you can be ok having zero then you're already invincible. 


To make things easier, think small. It's not that you're not dreaming big, what I mean is... just make life simple so that everything else will become easy. Dream big but always think that you don't need those dreams, you're just up for the challenge, you're not up for the reward. You only need air to live, everything else is a bonus. You can even survive without food and water for a couple of days. Make life simple by thinking simple. You can ask for more, you can dream big things but don't cry if you can't get all of it, focus on the process of getting it, enjoy your journey and appreciate what you have for now. You don't need anything, you only need yourself and the thoughts that can make you happy, happiness happens inside of your head, if you can train your mind to become happy all the time then you will become happy regardless of what is happening around you. 


It's what people want, it's what all people need but the truth is they can live for a very long time being sad or depressed. You don't need to look for happiness, you can feel it everyday if you will just learn how to manage your thoughts and make life simpler than what it used to be. Be appreciative of what you have and you will become very happy. Happiness is not that hard to get, happiness is not the only thing you need in life. So if you can be ok with losing, being at the bottom, working hard, being underpaid, not getting what you want but still trying, not being popular, not getting the opportunity then you can become very happy easily. Happiness is in your command because you're not dwelling on things that are outside of yourself. Always remember that happiness is just a state of mind and it happens because of the thoughts you entertain, you can feel it over and over again if you can discipline your mind and focus only on the things that you want. 


It's not really entertaining you, it's not really making you happy, it's making you weak. What if alcohol is not available anymore? what if elite bags, shoes, clothes etc. cannot be afford anymore? what if you don't know what entertainment to make you happy anymore? what if you're sentenced to jail? what if there is no available form of entertainment to access? entertainment makes you weak because you can't live without it, and not only that... it also makes you lazy, not creative and stupid, it's playing with your mind and you don't know it. Learn how to entertain yourself with the right things, learn to work hard, learn to practice delayed gratification. Happiness comes from things that you don't need to hold. 

Aug 23, 2020


Maybe there is another way, maybe all you have to do is try again for one more time, maybe you just need to work harder or tweak the process a little bit. Maybe you need to just try this and try that, maybe you just need to breathe for a second and attack the goal again. Maybe there is maybe there is not, but what you can't do is complain and quit, you have to attack the goal like a relentless bastard that is out of your mind. You should be a single minded person that only thinks is how to win. You can find another way if your will is strong enough, as the old saying goes... "If there is a will there is a way". Never under estimate this quote because it is real, the most successful people in this world were struggling before, they were lost but they find a way because they persevere and didn't stop. Focus on your work, focus on your life, never feel like you're losing, just feel that you're winning even if you can't figure out what to do next. 


You can always finish something no matter what. You wanted to quit because you feel that it's hard and not working anymore. What if you change your perspective about it? what if you think that it's working even if it's not really working? do you think it can make a difference in the future? yes it is, some things are not working for now but it will in the future if you trust it. Some things needs some time to grow and work, you need to be patient, have peace with the process, love it and never complain. Quitting will only give you regrets while trying for one more time will give you hope, which one do you like? regrets or hope? This is just a game, all you have to do is enjoy the struggle and it will never be a struggle anymore. Stay calm and be in the moment while working hard, as simple as that. You have to trick your mind that you love what is going on in order for you to succeed. You should try and try again, that is the only formula to become successful. Because if you really want it the you should go to the extreme, you should entertain the idea of madness, it should consume you, it should force you to move and do the impossible things. You will never win if you will quit now, the logic is very simple. So what are you waiting for? try again, try to enjoy the process even if it's not giving you any result, you will find what will work if you keep on working and trying something new. 

If you want to quit now just sleep, rest and disconnect from the process. You're just tired, your mind is just tired, and you will become tired even more if you will look for the results that are not there yet. Just sleep for now and rest your mind, tomorrow is a new day, you can try again and push again. Rest for now so your mind will be refreshed. Tomorrow or later you will have that excited energy back, you will keep pushing again and give yourself a chance to win. 


It's all about focusing on the next step, what are you going to do? how are you going to make a small improvement in your journey? just start and do something, you don't need to make a super improvement right away, you just need to focus on the next step and the next one and the next one. The key to execute the next step is to stop thinking, be in the moment and feel the joy in your body while taking actions, it's fun moving right? taking actions is much much better than procrastinating and wasting time. There is always something you can do and you have to do it now, be confident with every move that you execute, always feel good about it so that you won't get tired easily. If you can just condition your mind that every movement from your body is fun then you will never feel fatigued easily. One small step will lead to another step, the steps will never end, you can always find an improvement. There will always be a small progress that is happening. So never stop and just keep going, you will win if you have a tunnel vision, it's all about staying on the grind and enjoying every second of it. Never think that you are wrong, always think that every action is the right action. Never feel sorry for yourself if you're only making small progress, just keep going, you never know what might happen next if you go all out. Always look for something you can do and just do it. 


If you think that you've already lost then you are even if there is still some time that you can use to win. It's all about what you think, if you think that you are progressing then you are no matter how small the result is. All you have to do is move forward even if you can't see any reasons why you need to. Just keep moving forward, that is the only key to success. Winning is only in the mind, some winners still feel like losers and some losers feel like they already won because they feel good trying. You will only feel like a loser if you will compare what you're getting with other people. You need to focus on what you have and stop getting jealous with what other people have. Stay simple, stay with the basics, keep working hard everyday and always think that you're already winning every time you move. 

Take care of your mind, never put some negative thoughts to it. Maintain a positive mind and make it stronger and stronger each day. Have that winning mentality, have that killer instinct, go for the win no matter what... always find a way. 

Aug 22, 2020


The truth of the matter is... you will become faster if you are focused. You don't need to have a fast body or a fast mind, you don't need to become strong or special, just stay focused and you will get where you want to go. All you have to do is aim a target, what you aim at determines what you see. You have to hunt your target that like it's possible to hit it,  keep aiming, keep doing something to reach that goal... that's how simple winning is. Don't blink, don't do anything else, don't get fooled by easy entertainment because it will only eat a lot of your time. Again, it's ok if you are slow for as long as you're consistent and moving forward all the time. Trust me, you will be surprised with what you can achieve if you keep moving forward, time is fast, you will never even notice that you're almost there. 


You can never find your strength if you're stagnant and so comfortable, you can only feel your power if you are moving forward all the time. So be ok with a slow pace if that's all you can give but never stop, stay focused, stay grinding, you will go further and further if you don't stop. Some people can move fast but they don't have the willpower to follow through, so where they end up? nothing, they quit and make excuses, they look for an easy way out. So if you're not moving you better force yourself to move because you will get left behind, your life will suck even more, you will become weak and rusty, you will become useless and a failure. Just one step at a time even if you don't like it, just try to move one inch at a time, don't stop yourself, you need to feel comfortable being uncomfortable. So if you're not moving then you are becoming weak, you need to start now and take actions. Stop procrastinating because you will still do it later, why not do it now? 


You need to stop being afraid and trying to look perfect. You need to move now, start now and never try to worry about making it right very fast. You need to be ok with making mistakes, stop wishing for a flawless journey, never mind failing and just keep trying again. Unleash yourself, you can move anytime you want to, you can make progress anytime you want to, it's just a matter of allowing yourself to become great. Being unstoppable is so simple, you just need to focus on the process. Focus on what you are trying to achieve and never think about anything else, your action should be coherent with your goals and ambitions. Let your dreams make you move, let it be your guide. Just move, whenever you feel bad just move, whenever you feel unmotivated just move. Moving will change how you feel, you will feel better later once you build a momentum.


The problem why you can't make a progress in life is you're a slow decision maker. You can't pick something, you can't decide on something, you can start something, you can't decide if you're going to do it or not, and that feeling makes you super weak. You're stuck, you cannot make a small improvement because you're so indecisive. You have to decide now if you're going to move and just do it. Forget the outcome, forget the results... just focus on the process. Overthinking will only kill you, it will never give you any results, you have to stop it before your mind go crazy. Thinking what may happen is only sucking your power. Successful and powerful people are decisive, once they decide they never change their minds, they push through until they reach the final stage. And even if their decisions were wrong... they still have no regrets because they knew from the very beginning that they can make a mistake but they also knew that they can correct it later. You have the power to decide, never think that you can't do something about your situation, you can always change, you can always force things to happen if you will just stop overthinking and over worrying. Decide now and live with that decision, make a stand, never quit, never stop moving. 


Just start and keep going. Don't hesitate and just start something, this is the only way how to make a progress and change, start and never think about the results. Starting will give you confidence, it will make you feel good, much better than hesitating. Inaction will only build doubts and fears, action builds confidence. You have to push forward no matter what, take charge, be like a raging bull who keeps on charging, destroy all the obstacles along the way, face the challenges and don't be afraid of exerting a lot of effort. You can start anywhere, anytime, it's all in your hands, the call is yours. It's up to you if you will stop yourself or allow yourself to just do it and take matters into your own hands. 


If you want to know the secret of starting easily... all you need to do is stop thinking, forget the outcome, stop looking for perfection and just give your best. Feel the pain of starting, it's going to be hard but the easiest way is to feel the pain. Enjoy every emotion that is going on with your body every time you force yourself to move. Use your willpower, play with your body, control it, always remember that it is your slave, you can do whatever you want with your body, you can make it move anytime you want to. It's just a matter of using your willpower and not dwelling on how bad you feel, you have to keep the main thing the main thing and that is taking actions to make a progress. 


This pandemic era is really making a lot of people freak out. I received 200 calls last week about what to do with their lives since they are jobless and desperate. My answer to the 200 people who called me is the same... JUST MOVE FORWARD. Only few of them respond positively and thanked my for my advise, I guess they really want a fast solution and not a tip that is not so specific. 


If your money is running out, if you don't have a job then try fasting. Try skipping meals, don't be afraid to get hungry because our bodies can survive 2 months without food. You don't have money now you don't have the right to act like a diva. If you can endure hunger, if you can be ok having nothing then you will become successful. Most people nowadays were so scared to become hungry, they were afraid of that feeling. They don't know that one glass of water can remove their hunger. 


Train yourself to learn new skills. Study something that can be useful to the market nowadays. It only takes 3 days to learn a new skill depending on how difficult it is. But regardless of how many days you need to practice and study... still learn something, you need to upgrade your mind so that you can stay competitive on this crowded market. Be great on something, try to become the number one. Give your best no matter what. 


Always remember that you don't need anything this days, if you're living then you're already lucky. If you will still maintain your old lifestyle of buying anything you want then you're in bog trouble, you don't have money now, it will be harder for you to become successful if you're full of debts and loans. You need to abstain from buying, you don't need any clothes or fancy shoes right now, you only need food and water. Whatever money you have now, keep it and just use it in case of emergency. Again, it will be harder for you to become successful if you don't have extra money. You need to have a breathing room and having an extra money will give you security and peace of mind. 


You need to have a strong and healthy body if you want to thrive these days. Again, in our time now just being alive means you're lucky. Take care of your body, expose yourself to sunlight, meditate, exercise, eat healthy foods. You don't need to go to gym to become healthy, you can do it at your home. Make yourself strong, don't expose yourself to stress so avoid watching news. Feed your mind a lot of positivity so shut down your TV if it's poisoning your mind already. News will poison your mind, it will make you scared and negative. A healthy mind is a strong body, getting stronger is easy, you just need to do the right steps and discipline yourself. 


It's easier to become successful if you are appreciative, it's easier to move if you love everything about your life. Always be thankful for what you have and try to get more. Be generous, be loving. Being appreciative means you're in a state of abundance. Wealth will come to you if you're not complaining and simply giving your very best. You will feel more inspired if you're appreciating everything around you including the worst things. Always say thank you to life, count your blessings and never blame anything or anyone. Always remember that it's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have. 


Stay competitive, stay aggressive. You need to work like hell, you need to turn yourself into a beast and do something spectacular. If you can outwork everyone then the work will come to you, You will see opportunities, you will become the number one on your craft. 


Learn to become creative, learn to try something new. If you can sell sweet fried frogs on the market then why not? if you can invent a new shoe that only cost 5 dollars with some fake nike signs on it then why not? if you can just invent an app that will entertain people and make them forget the corona virus then why not? you have the ability to become innovative and creative. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and pushing your mind to create new things that the world hasn't seen. 


Don't do something that will not give you money, don't think about something that is not related to money. Remember, all you need now is your life, you can't survive forever if you don't have money. Where the focus go the energy go, so think about money all the time instead of thinking about the news or any disastrous subjects. 


You're starting all over again, be ok being a small time. Take every opportunity presented to you no matter how small it look. A small blessing is still a blessing, stop being too egoistic, you're not special, you're not a king, if you need to work for a small time job then do it. 


If you can master this kind of attitude then you will become invincible, you can conquer anything. Just don't be afraid to try something and don't be afraid to fail. Fail a lot of times, it's just a matter of willing to fail multiple times so that you can succeed in the end. You will never win if you will not fail, that has been the number one rule of success. Smile when you fail because it means you made a progress already and you're on way to success. 


Just be fast, mastering speed is already an advantage. Create something and try to make it big as much as it can be. Create a you tube channel and upload 5 times a day. Create a blog and create 10 contents a day. Build an online business and respond so fast to your customers. Trust me, speed kills, speed is the name of the game. If you can outspeed everyone the you're already ahead of the race. We're all struggling right now, there is no time for sleeping and resting even if you haven't done anything yet. Be fast, execute ideas whenever you have one, don't relax because it's the number one killer of success. 

Aug 21, 2020


Are you dreaming of a new life? are you so sick and tired of living the same live over and over again? are you scared of leaving your comfort zone? do you want to experience some new things? The good news is no matter where you are and what you have you can create the life you want, you have the power to create the life you want. You can achieve the freedom you want if you will just follow the tips that I will describe below. Life is not suppose to be a suffering, a challenging life is very different from a life that is full of suffering. Creating the life you want is a little bit more challenging but it's going to be a lot of fun if you will enjoy it.


You have to stop being employed if you hate your job. It's ok to work for other people but if you hate it and you can't stomach it anymore then you need to resign, quit your job if it's giving you a stress that you can't bear. Any small business will work, it will give you freedom and flexibility. Always remember tat it's not about the money, you will feel more happy if you have a lot of time for yourself and your family. Any business will work if you will love it and take it seriously. Don't be like others who keeps on building small business every time they fail, you have to persevere like hell, you have to make it work. It's only hard in the beginning, once you find a process to make it work... everything will become easier the following years. Having your own business will make you your own boss, how good was that? Everyone wants to become the boss, everyone wants to build his own empire. 


It's all about the habits, your habits is who you are. Your habits put your life in danger or in safety. If you have the right habits then you're already winning, if you're just doing the basics and disciplining yourself then you will become very good, you will get more opportunities. Just being fast in starting is a good habit, just being a strong finisher or a killer is a good habit. You only need to master the basics and then you will be able to create greatness in your life.  


What set up? What I mean is you need to set up your circle, remove the friends that are toxic. Set up an environment, create a work place that will make you more motivated. Clean your room, remove the things and resources that will tempt you to procrastinate. Create a program that will make you more productive, make a plan and follow it strictly. It's all about stetting up your life, create some connections, create some plans that you will execute later to make you get your dreams easier. The right set up will give you a good life. 


You have to separate yourself from the masses, they are doing the same way and that's why they keep getting the same results. You have to give yourself an edge, do it your way, follow your instinct. Never follow people who you feel are not helping you to prosper. If you have an idea, do it. Never let someone scare you and poison your mind that you are dreaming the impossible and it's not going to happen. Test yourself, test every possibility, become a vagabond, follow your own path, create your own destiny. Because you will never be able to create the life you are dreaming of if you're always following other people's ideas. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to embarrass yourself. 


Eliminate the actions and hobbies that are not helping you. This is uncomfortable but you will be able to save a lot of time if you do this, you will become more productive and creative, you will attract more success if you will just eliminate what is not helping you. Because it's not helping at all, what is the sense in keeping it? If something is eating your time a lot or not taking you to another level then why keep it in your life? eliminate it no matter how much you love it, if it's not helping you to grow and only pulling you down then it's time to let it go. You should accept that some of your hobbies and friends are useless and toxic, it's time to get rid of them, it's time to choose what is best for you and your future. 


Just because it looks like easy and some people made it easy doesn't mean you need to do the same way. It will back fire on you especially if you really don't love doing it, if you don't have a passion for it then why do it? An easy path is a trick, it will never push you to reach your full maximum potential. An easy path is only deceiving you. Just work hard and never mind if you're at the bottom, you can rise and elevate your status if you focus on what is working in your life. Never mind if the path laid out for you is hard, just take it and give your best, you will win too in just a matter of time. An easy path is a trap, just like the marketing scams, they will tell you to just invest your money and you will become rich, look what happened to them... people who bite this trap become broke and miserable. 


Keep trying and never surrender, you can only win if you will not quit. Always remember that you will be tested and that you have to be ok with that. Always believe that not giving up alone will make you a winner, you will be rewarded no matter what. Because quitting will never give you what you want, as simple as that. It's better to be trying over and over again than quitting now and choosing comfort. Quitting is for the weak and failures, don't ever quit, if you have an opportunity to try again then try again. Use your willpower to keep going further, keep moving forward no matter what. The pace maybe slow, your progress maybe slow but you will get to your desired destination only if you don't give up. 


You need to love what is going on with your life now, by doing this will make you take inspired actions. You should feel like you already have what you want and then just try to grow everything you have. It will feel easier and lighter if you're not complaining with your life, you should appreciate what you have and just try to make your life bigger and better. 


Stop looking for more, stop feeling regretful about your life, stop trying to erase the past because it won't help to make you a better person. Today is the best version of yourself, you just need to improve more if you're not satisfied about yourself. The mistakes you did in the past turn you into a different beast, it made you better you just don't know it because you feel so bad and embarrassed about your past, but it shaped your mentality, it makes you tougher and wiser.


Because you don't like the results, because you're looking at other people's lives and getting envy with them. You feel bad because you can't see the beauty of your mistakes, you can't appreciate some of your accomplishments. And maybe you're looking back to the days when you are dominating and winning and you want to go back to those days because you're losing now. You want to go back to the days when everything is alright, you're healthy, you have a lot of money, you have a hot chick, everything is running smoothly and there are no problems, you hate your life now. But the truth of the matter is you're good now, today is the best version of yourself because you have a lot of experience and stories, you know a lot more, you're tougher and stronger, you just don't feel it because your situation is not good. The more you hate yourself the more your life goes down so stop cursing your life and look for ways how to make it a little bit better. There is no reason to feel bad about yourself no matter how crappy your decisions are in the past, stop treating yourself like a scrub and get some confidence going in your veins, do one positive thing at a time and keep repeating. 


You're still alive, even if you're losing now you still have a chance to redeem yourself, you can still do something good with your life and create magical things. The time for hating yourself and everything in your past is over, let go of the past and move on now. You will never succeed if you can't love yourself, so start accepting the mistakes you did in the past and look forward for a better future. It's time to feel good about yourself no matter what your situation is. Loving yourself will make you feel good and that is the key to become more creative and productive... feel good. Because everything you need is already inside of you, you just need to look at your good qualities and utilize all of it, appreciate your life, appreciate every story written in your book of life, even the bad ones because a bad story is still part of your life, its components made you who you are today. The only way to make yourself really happy is by loving yourself and doing everything you can to prosper and improve. Progress is happiness, you need to evolve and see what you can achieve by trusting your heart, believe in yourself and never quit when things gets rough. Because nobody will love you if you can't love yourself, you need to take care of yourself... make yourself better each day, do something that will add positivity into your life. 


Stop pretending that you don't know it, of course you know it. You're just lazy and scared that's why negativity is starting to rule your mind, you're letting your fears dominate and that's why you're always getting mentally blocked. Just do it, stop thinking and just do it, do what your heart tells you to do so and never stop, never quit, keep pushing till you finally feel good about yourself again. Stop worrying and entertaining your fears, pull the trigger now and follow up, once you start.. go for the finish, stay relentless and never stop, the wheel should keep spinning, the ball should keep rolling, never kill your momentum, keep getting better and faster. Because the reason why you hate yourself is because you can't express yourself, you're always holding yourself back. You want to do something but you couldn't even get started, you're always procrastinating and thinking about what might went wrong. It's a wrong, very wrong mentality. So stop fooling yourself that you're lost, stop making dramas that you need to find yourself. You're really never that lost, you're just making dramas and looking for some sympathy, you're just having a self pity. You're better than that, you're only looking like a clown by making a lot of dramas and excuses, there is so much you can do with your life if you will only start now. 


Try to become a little bit better each day. Make an inventory of your improvement everyday, look at yourself and criticize yourself if you're not doing something good. You really have to pus yourself to work hard and give your very best every single day. Just go hard, trust hard work and never look for results, keep doing the process, focus on the steps that are giving you a little bit of something. So unleash the beast inside of you and go for what you want focus on getting a little bit better each day and never get frustrated if the results is not what you expected. Stay with the grind, stay with the hustle and keep pushing forward no matter what. You're already improving every time you discipline yourself to take an action. You don't need to get fancy here, you just need to stay consistent. Stop looking for what you don't have and start improvising. What you need is already inside of you, you just need to become resourceful and appreciative, stop making excuses and just make something happen. Start now where you are with what you have and never stop until you finally become successful. 

Aug 20, 2020


You know something, remind yourself about that, you can do something and its' your duty to unleash yourself and be the best that you can be to put yourself on top. Stop counting yourself out or seeing yourself as someone who's not capable of doing amazing things, you can think better than that, you can think bigger, you can develop self confidence through working hard and experiencing a lot of adversity. Become great through the fire, don't look for shortcuts, don't look for an easy path, just focus on taking it one inch at a time and appreciate every small progress that you are making. You can separate yourself from the masses, you can make your life something epic. 


It all depends on how you see yourself, if you see yourself as someone who can be something special then you are right, if you see yourself as someone who's weak and useless then you are right too, it all depends on how hard you work and how you perceive yourself. Anyone has a chance, it's the ones that knows they are deserving that becomes triumphant. Most people don't know that they deserve more, they don't even want to try. It's just a matter of pushing the pace, destroying your boundaries and forgetting that you have limits. Don't be afraid of getting tired, don't be afraid of doing whatever it takes to win... just win baby win. You know something, you know how to do this and do that, now use that knowledge to expand and create great things in life. Because there are only two kinds of life, something special and something that is not, why not choose to be something special. 

Always bet on yourself even if you don't have talents at all, always place your money on yourself, never count yourself out. Focus on outworking everyone and you will become one of a kind. Always think that you can become great one day, have that insane self belief that will make you do the impossible even of the challenge was so hard and intimidating. 


Focus on pushing yourself, focus on being the best version of yourself. Work hard, start fast, focus and never give up. Always look for something to improve on your arsenal, always focus on doing something to increase your numbers, you have what it takes to become successful if you will have a laser focus that can cut diamonds. Because anyone can chase greatness, anyone can rose to the top. It's just a matter of commitment and burning desire, if you're so hungry for winning, if you can just go the extra mile even if you're badly exhausted then you will prevail, trust me on that. It's the one who can push and push even if nothing right is happening that will win. Because one day you will be able to make it right, one day the universe will be on your side and reward you the things that you're looking for. Greatness is not for the chosen ones, it's for everyone. So keep grinding like hell and have that killer mentality, push forward no matter what, even if your work is not working. 


Even if you only know how to read basic ABC, even if you only know how to count from 1 to 3 you still know something, the little knowledge you have now can still grow if you commit to greatness everyday. And even if you don't want to use your basic knowledge, you still know some other things that are useful for making some money or raising your family. There is no such thing as a person who really don't know anything. If you can open your eyes and observe then it means you know something. Don't get intimidated with someone who knows a lot, if you can outwork him then you already win. Because your little knowledge can grow, it's up to you if you want to expand your knowledge. And don't worry about where are you going to get the information you needed, it will come if you are willing to try and fail. You can learn a lot through trial and error method, just keep failing and you will get the answer. 

Never underestimate that small knowledge of yours because it can be the starting point of your greatness. Just be fast in executing, take massive actions and let's see where you will end up. Use your small knowledge to make a difference in your life, you know something... make it work. 


Try something, don't hesitate and just try something. Always move forward, don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, you have what it takes to learn and make some progress. Because the reason why you can't get started is because you're always judging yourself, you're always counting yourself out, you're always thinking that your idea might not work. It will really not work if you don't have confidence on it. Because it's not about being perfect, it's about producing something that might work. You know something, use it even if it doesn't look cool. 

It will be much easier to move if you will forget about being great too fast, forget about making fast progress and great results. Focus on what you can control and that is your effort and determination. Some people will feel unmotivated after failing, you can have a different perception, you can choose to stay hungrier and work harder after failing. That's what separates the greats and the mediocre... the greats are willing to fail again and again while the mediocre ones will quit once they can't see something good on their work. 

Stop being too picky, stop over thinking and planning and just do something. Trust me, this will make you feel much better than just waiting and hoping that something will change even if you haven't done anything yet for the process. 


Go wild, go all the way, give everything you've got for your dream and see if the universe can stop you. The best way to live life is to test the universe if it can stop you, because sometimes you feel that the universe is stopping you, you don't believe in the saying that if you want something then the universe will conspire, what if you don't feel that way? what if you feel that the universe is blocking you? so reverse psychology yourself and test if the universe can stop you, challenge the universe and work hard as much as you can. This is all you need to do, Napoleon Bonaparte says victory belongs to the most persevering. Just persevere and see what you will get with it. 


You must be bold, you must go all in. You must develop a mindset to never back down or quit. It's all or nothing. You must not be afraid of trying and failing and then trying again, it's the process that has been used by successful over the centuries, it never fail anyone. Be fast in making a decision and taking action, speed and fearlessness is the name of the game, expect that you're going to win and go all the way, give your all, work the hardest and never get tired of trying again once you fail, you have to have that killer mentality of going for it no matter what, you have to be relentless and aggressive. Act like a man on a mission, never quit when the going gets tough, find a way how to move and operate, find the thought that will make your body move again. It's all about putting your mind on the right place and moving your body... as simple as that. So if you are sure about your dream and you really believe that you can get it then you will get it, as simple as that. 


Be something special, work as hard as you can, you need to push yourself and do something that not all people can do... that is how to separate yourself from the pack. You can make yourself something extra ordinary by focusing on the things that can give you benefits. You can become the best version of yourself if you go to the extreme, pushing everyday and looking for a way how to level up.


Even if you feel lazy, even if you feel so troubled and scared... keep going. Magic happens if you push. You will only have a break through if you allow yourself to become powerful during the hard times. Because most of the time you're pretending to be weak, helpless and tired but the truth is you're not. You just want to get comfortable and become successful fast, you want to get rewarded right away and that's why you can't become successful in your life. 

Aug 19, 2020


This affirmation is one of the best and effective affirmation that you can use if you want to attract some money... "the money is coming, big money is coming". There is no resistance, there is no doubt, just a pure and simple affirmation that will make you feel good. Because the law of attraction will only work if you feel good and confident. What you want will not come to you if your head is full of worries and doubts. You should have full confidence and faith in yourself, faith in your hard work, faith in your ability to persevere. Money will not come to you if you're scared so let your fear go away by working hard and reciting this affirmation all the time "money is coming". It should play in your head 24 hours a day, you should feel good and excited every time you recite it or remember it. 


Poor people remain poor because they don't believe that they can become rich. They can't see themselves living in a mansion, they were so afraid to ask for more. They don't know how to ask, they know how to complain. And being negative about your situation is sending the money away from your life. So if you believe that you can earn millions or even zillions and you work hard... you will get it. It's because you will never stop working until you get it, you will give everything you've got with all your might and strength. If you believe that you can earn one million bucks then it is possible, it's all about how strong your belief is. If you have no doubts, if you have no fear then everything is possible for you. Always believe that you will get some and you will get some, think about big money, imagine how good you are in getting it. Go to the state of abundance, feel happy even if you have nothing. Getting rich will be much easier if you are enjoying your life and appreciating what you have, this mentality will shift you from lacking to having. 


Once you have some money, keep some portion of it, it's better if you can keep more than 50% of it because that is a good starting point to multiply your money. Because it's easier to create money once you have more money, the pressure is gone, you will feel much comfortable, there is no hurry. It's hard to create money if you're feeling the pressure or worried, you will only lose more of it. That's why gamblers keep losing money... they're not having fun anymore, they were so worried and distracted, all they want is to get back the money that was gone from their pocket. Work hard and never spend, repeat the same process over and over again and you will be surprised that you already have Millions, it's about the process, it's not about how fast you get the money or how big your salary is... it's about the process. Create some small business if you can, have two jobs if you can, look for small investments. It's all about training your mind to evolve a little bit, it's all about looking for a way how to get more. Never get satisfied of what you have, stay patient but always look for a way how to have more. Keep in mind that it's too simple, all you have to do is be smart and never make stupid decisions. Once you have money... keep it and try to add some more to it, treat it like a snowball rolling, it gets bigger and bigger. 


You can become a millionaire by simply not spending. Do the math, you can get one million bucks even if you're just getting a minimum wage, you can have it in 20-25 years. And you can even make it faster because you have a goal, you will try different ways to get more money. So stop spending money if you don't have a savings, I thought you love money? so why throw it away for no reason? you must spend money because there is a story behind it, use it to make you feel good for a long time and not to just make you feel good for a short time, use your money for something that pushes you up and not to pull you down. Look at those poor people... they remain poor because they don't even know how to practice delayed gratification, they will spend their money right away once they have it, they don't have a plan, they don't have a dream, they can't even sacrifice. All they know is how to complain and have self pity. Yes, they will work hard but their hard work goes for nothing, it never go anywhere because they don't mind getting tired because they feel that they can earn the same money again. And the process goes on and on, they never evolve, the just accept the fact that there is nothing they can do about their situation. So stop buying stupid things, abstain from food and clothes, don't try to impress people by buying stupid stuffs... just try to earn as much as you can and never get jealous is somebody is getting more than you do. 


It will come if you are looking for it and at the same time working for it. Imagine the price that you want and repeat it inside of your head over and over again, never stop, this is a continuous and never ending process, you have to feel that it's already yours and do something to make yourself closer from it. Whatever positive you can do, do it, without hesitation or any form of overthinking... just do it. Stay positive, change yourself from being a watcher to a doer. Just do something and be happy with the process, big money will come if you're having a lot of fun. Don't get frustrated, stop being impatient and simply trust the process. The breakthrough will come, the big break will come, more opportunities will come so stay ready and keep grinding, don't stop moving forward because it's all you can do.


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...