Jul 20, 2020


You think it's already game over? No, not yet. There's still a fight left in you. You can still move, despite of being extremely exhausted you can still do something. So don't give up, you still have a chance. You still have a lot left in your tank. It's only over when it's over, if you can't do something about it anymore. But you can still do something so it means the fight is still on. Don't quit too soon, always go further, keep pushing for more. So put your head up and don't give up the fight.


Because you can't take the pain anymore. You think that the pain will not subside, you think that it's forever, you're wrong, the pain will soon be gone. Just deal with it, feel it as much as you can and never try to remove it right away, that pain will make you stronger. All you have to do is enjoy it, it sounds ridiculous but it's the only way to be able to push further... enjoy the pain. Quitting is for losers, always remember that, if you haven't quit yet then you're not yet a loser. It's better to be trying forever than to just accept your defeat. Remember that victory belongs to the most persevering, if you persevere now you will become a winner later. So keep fighting and never get discourage, you still have some time, you can do it if you will use all of your willpower and tenacity to conquer any obstacle along the way.

You wanted to quit because you want comfort, but the sad truth is there is no growth in comfort, there is no greatness in comfort. You can only win and become great if you're willing to face discomfort every now and then. Face the pressure, embrace the pain, exhaust yourself, embrace the stress and keep moving forward all the time. Greatness will come, greatness will be felt when you feel so tired and feel like giving up, just keep in mind that you have to keep moving forward no matter what. So force yourself to move, focus on the process and never do anything else. 


You may lose money, you may lose time, you may lose your dignity but the fight is still on. You may lose people whom you trust, you may lose respect, you may lose your identity but the fight is still on, you still have a chance even if it looks like there is no chance. It doesn't matter if you don't have anything for now, what matters is you never lose the fight in your heart, what matters is you still persevere and you keep moving forward no matter what. Don't worry about what is lost, there is still a lot to gain in the future, all you have to do is wait for the right time. Don't worry about the losses, it's in the past, were are talking about the present now, we are talking about what's going to happen now. 


Why will you complain, it's hard but you're still alive, you can still move and make an impact, you can still shock people. They've thought that you've already been defeated but you can still fight and make a difference. Don't think that it's hard, just feel lucky that you still have a chance to fight and make things right, it's hard because you always think that it's hard. What if you just take it one step at a time? what if you just keep being patient and just move forward every single day, what do you think will happen? Stop complaining too much and just do what is needed. The time you use for complaining could have been used for some better things. So feel happy, feel good because you're still alive, you have a big chance, you're still in the game, you can still fight and force fate to back you up. 


Just focus on winning, think about winning, think about moving, discipline your mind to think about positive thoughts only. Never think about the idea of defeat, never think about losing just for a second, always believe that you can do it because you have the power to do it. All it takes is the power to believe in yourself, the power to endure any painful feeling and still moving forward no matter what. Don't listen about what people say, don't believe the haters, just enjoy the process and keep moving forward all the time. Give everything you've got. Losers focus on losing and excuses while winners focus on winning and solutions, they keep on trying until they get the job done, they never quit until the make it right. So see yourself winning, see yourself raising your hands, it's possible to fill your mind with the most powerful thoughts that you can ever have, it's possible to control your mind. Just think about winning and never think about any other thing again.


The real enemy is you, the real obstacle is you. You are the one who's always scared, you're the one who's not giving your best, you're the one who's focusing on your weaknesses. The real enemy is you, once you conquer your mind you can conquer everything. It's all about how torrid is your belief in yourself, do you have real confidence or was it just a fake confidence? So conquer yourself first, once you were able to conquer and tame your cluttered mind... every thing will become clear, the path will become easier, the process will become lighter and smoother. Never look for excuses, never look for an easy way out, never blame other people... the real enemy is you, it's your decision, it's your call, you can do something and not feel anything if you made a mistake or you can feel bad about it and never try again. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...