Jul 31, 2020


It's so hard to move now right? you feel limited and jailed. What you use to do before cannot be done now. You always go out before, do what you want, drink some beers or watch hot babes on the beach. But this is a different ball game now, I know it sucks but you have to adapt with our situation or else you will go crazy and will not be able to survive anymore. I know our lives now is boring, it is not what it use to be like before. But it is what it is, you have to accept that life is like this now, you can't be complaining or whining or bitching because it will only make your situation worse. This is survival of the fittest era, we don't know when will the pandemic end, who knows? but always remain positive because good things are about to happen for as long as you are doing the right thing. 


1. Learn some musical instrument

Learning music is really fun, especially if you're enjoying it. Be patient, you can learn any musical instrument. May it be a piano or a guitar, a drum or a simple homemade instrument that can create sound. It will make your soul happy, you will forget time, you will forget your problems. Instead of watching news and bitching on facebook just learn a musical instrument. It will make your time fast, you will forget boredom. 

2. Paint or draw

Learn some art, pain or draw or even sculpting. This will unleash your creative side, your passion will bring back to existence. Engaging in arts will give you a peaceful mind. You don't need to look great in the beginning, the idea here is to have fun and expand your creativity. This will teach you how to be in the moment. In drawing or painting you will become more relaxed, your childish side will come out, you will become more playful and will have a lot of fun, how good was that.? and the good thing is, this hobby is very cheap and affordable, you just need a piece of paper and pen. You can even use a used paper, just use the back and draw something, draw the body of your crush, draw your pet, draw your dream house. You will not even notice that it's already the end of the day but you're still drawing because you're having too much fun with it.

3. Create an online business

The best to create an online business is now. You can become a reseller if you don't have a capital. Remember that time and effort are the only things you need to sell something. You have a lot of time now because your don't have a work. You better sell something or earn money because who knows if you can still come back on your job? Just have fun, start selling something, start building something that has a potential to give you money. Don't feel ashamed of selling, just think that you're an entrepreneur or a hustler. Do whatever it takes to create money, it is fun especially if your  business is growing already. 

4. Create a You tube channel

A You Tube channel is also a great platform for self expression. And not only that, you can also earn money from it. You are earning from doing what you love, just make sure to upload high quality videos that will make the world a better place. Reaching 1 Million subscribers is a very good journey. In you tube you can do whatever you want, you can have a lot of fun that has some meaning. Earning money is possible, you can unleash your full maximum effort and creativity here. 

5. Meditate or do something that can help the world. 

Meditate if your mind is too crowded. Don't overthink, don't overreact, what will happen will happen but you need to keep your mind solid and calm. Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day and see your mind getting calmer and calmer during chaos. In this times of danger and fear... you need to have a solid state of mind that will help you to get though anything. 

Help your friends or any people who's in need, if it's not affecting your financial status then why not? help a little bit, this will make you feel really good. The world needs some positivity and generosity from people like you. Give the world something to be hopeful about. 

6. Call a friend.

Call some of your friends or relatives, ask how they are doing. Getting in touch with people you are close with will make you feel better and positive. It's just a one dial away, you can even touch you friend's heart by calling him, maybe he is in pain, maybe he needs someone to talk to. 

7. Don't be a burden

If you don't know what to do then just don't be a burden. Stop being a pain in the ass. Follow the rules of the government, don't be like others who are creating fake news to instill fear into people's minds. Stop doing something stupid that will make the lives of others harder. Just be quiet if you don't know what to say and stop spreading negativity that scares people even more. 


Not your car, not your money, not your house... your life, it is the most important thing right now. Be appreciative of what you have, be happy that you're still alive because some people were gone already. You have to take this day as a serious matter, never waste to for nothing. Never destroy your day complaining too much and asking for more. What you have now is enough, you don't need more. Be appreciative of what you have and stop complaining about what is lacking in your life. You're too lucky to be still alive, you're blessed, so never take this day for granted and make yourself useful and productive. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...