Jul 4, 2020


Start this day fast, do your task fast, forget about what happened yesterday, forget about what will happen later. Focus on the moment and simply give your very best, give everything you've got. Never stop, never worry, just do it, there are lot of things you can do if you will just avoid worrying and thinking too much. You have a lot of potential you just need to see yourself winning and thriving all the time. It's all about how you think, your thoughts is the reason of your victory or struggle, you better get your mind right or else you will have a hard time living. 

The power is yours if you want to make this day unbelievable or miserable, it's all in your thoughts and actions. You have the power to create your reality. Your amazing journey.can start today. So do whatever it takes to make this day epic, focus on what you want and do everything you can to get it. You can be creative, you can produce special things by pushing yourself to the limits and simply enjoying your work, enjoy your life, enjoy greatness everything is possible if you will try, you have the power to move, you have the power to take massive actions and get more out of your life. All it takes is the willingness to take control of your life and freeing yourself from procrastination and worries. You will feel much better if you will focus on your work instead of focusing on other people's lives. 


Just think about what you want. Imagine about it see it in your head, think about it all day long. Where the focus goes the energy flow, focus on wealth and greatness and let it manifest into your life. Never focus or deal with the things and people that doesn't even make you feel better at all. Place your eyes on the things that makes you feel good. What you see is your reality, you can see greatness even if you're struggling and that will be your reality soon, you can see wealth and money even if you're struggling and that will be your reality soon. What occupies your mind will occupy your life, as simple as that. So beware of what you're looking at because it will have a big effect on your life. You have to be careful where you're placing your focus because it will alter your life. What you see will be your reality so start ignoring the junks in your life, start ignoring and giving no energy nor attention to things and people that makes you feel bad, stop thinking about the things that doesn't make you grow, focus only on the things that makes you great and motivated. 


Start what you need to do even if this day is almost over, do what is needed, feel happy and grateful. Even if it's already 1 am to start something... still start so that you can have a great momentum tomorrow or later. It's all about starting good, starting fast and starting happy, there is no secret here, it's all about being fast and controlling your thoughts and emotions. Starting fast will give you momentum right away, it will make you feel good, it will make your blood running so what are you waiting for? just do it, just start so that you will make some progress. Because it's your choice if you will start with guns blazing or you will start like a weak cockroach, it all depends on how bad do you want to make your day epic. Because the best time to start is when you feel so lazy and hesitant, the best time to start is when you don't want to do something. Drag yourself if you need to, don't just let this day be over without doing anything positive. Just go for it, stop thinking and just go for it. You can make it if you want to, all you have to do is decide that you're going to move, never mind if your move is perfect just flow and allow yourself to take one positive action at a time. 

Because nothing will change if you will keep repeating the same thought and actions everyday, nothing will happen to your life if you will take this day for granted again. Why not work like a monster? move like a beast, go for the kill, go for what you want relentlessly. 


Everyday counts, every second counts. So never take your time for granted because you will regret it in the end. Every second is your chance to improve and make your life better, every second is your opportunity to upgrade your skill and mindset. So just push forward and do whatever it takes to get to the next level, it's only hard in the beginning, once you have a momentum already everything will become much easier and lighter. The best and most effective way to make yourself moving is to just do it, feel light and just do it, forget everything around you and just do it, forget the results, forget the next move, forget the reactions of the people and just do it. Have fun doing what you do, feel happy trying to make your life a little bit better than yesterday. Because that's what your life is all about... giving your best and improving one day at a time. 

Make this day epic, push yourself like you never push before and you will feel really happy and fulfilled, you will feel satisfied. Remember that it's all about taking actions and improving a little bit. One positive action at a time that is related to your goal will make an impact, it will change your life a little bit. Repeat it a million times and you will go further. 

So go all out, give everything you've got, go all in and never give time to worries and hesitations. Just keep pushing and make it as your lifestyle, make it as your mindset. Never give up nor stop when it's hard, keep going until you reach the top of the mountain. 


You will only be able to go to the next level if you will face discomfort, if you will still move despite of feeling uncertain and not sure. Trust the unknown, trust that all of your sacrifices will have a reward in the near future, it may not happen so fast but it will happen on the right time, it's just a matter of time, you may not know when it will exactly happen but for sure it will happen. Trust the process and attract success, go to the next level, never get satisfied of what you have, push yourself to the limits, use everything you can use and refuse to lose. Because you can improve anytime you want to, you can make things happen if you will just trust the process and keep working hard. Forget your fears, ignore your doubts, just keep going no matter what. Be fast and never let your mind think, keep taking actions until you go to the next level. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...