Jul 11, 2020


The reason why you can't produce bigger results is because you can't appreciate the smallest result that you are getting, you feel unhappy with it. You feel the lack, you feel that you're missing something and that's why you're missing a lot, everything you see is lack, you can't feel the abundance with small result that you are getting. Abundance is all about feeling blessed whether you get small or big, it's all about being appreciative with what you have in your hands and not complaining about how you are being treated unfairly. Small result, small giveaways, small salary, small everything... it is all good, it's the starting point of biggest things, be happy with what you have and keep working to make it big. Never complain, never get jealous with other people and just find a way how to make your own big. 


A small progress is still a progress, it may lead to a bigger progress in the future if you keep doing what you're doing and appreciating what is going on with your life. Be happy with that small progress, whether it be a one push up, a single cent, a one invitation from a client, a possibility of closing a deal, an email from a potential buyer, a missed opportunity, a tenth place finish, an almost closed deal... it's ok, it's good. You have to be happy with the small blessing because it is the path to a bigger blessing. Look around you, there are millions of reasons to be happy, you just need to open your eyes and accept that it is really a blessing. Many people are dying to have your life right now, many people would love to take your place so never take any second for granted, feel happy with what you are getting and just keep moving forward all the time. 

Some people can't even make a small result, some people can't even take actions. So be happy of what you are getting and never try to complain about it, it will grow if you love it. 


By just taking actions, executing the game plan, having the chance to move... feel happy about it. Because you have no choice but to move, taking actions alone is already a progress even if you haven't get anything from it. You can only become successful by moving, that's the only choice you have. And how can you move a lot if you're not happy with what you're doing? regardless of how difficult the action is... be happy about it. Just keep going, you will never even notice that you already have what you want in life. It's just a matter of persevering and enjoying the struggle and suffering, and the truth is... it's not hard if you will enjoy it, it's going to be a lot easier if you're not rushing the process. All game plan will work if you will love it, tweak it a little bit, stick with it and trust it until the end. Most game plans never work because the owner of it quits too soon. Just work hard and be happy with the small results that you are getting, it will become bigger and bigger as you work harder and believe stronger, it's all up to you how to make it big, it all depends on your creativity and tenacity, if you really want it then you will make it... as simple as that. 

Because if you will never appreciate what you have then you will never be able to make it bigger, as simple as that. Because you will lose your motivation to push, you will never work harder because you think there is no possibility of making it bigger. Correct your mind, appreciate the smallest things in life and find a way how to make it bigger


A thing is big or small depends on how you see it, it depends on how you feel about it. If you think that it's big then it's big, if you think that it's small then it is really small. So don't ever take what you have for granted because it's all you have, it's all you need to create a bigger thing. Never under estimate the small things because without them there are no bigger things. It all starts at the bottom, it all starts being small so if what you have as of now is small... be happy because it's the beginning of something big. Just keep believing, keep working and one day you will have what you are dreaming of. 


This is what most people do and that's why they are not happy. They can't be satisfied of what they have, they always see someone better than them. They always see someone possessing something better than what they possess, they can't be satisfied and happy, they were always jealous and envy, they were always unhappy about what they are getting. And that is why they are not growing, this is the number one rule... if you can't be happy with your situation then there will be no evolution. You are only disrespecting yourself and your possessions every time you compare yourself to others, it means you don't have confidence in yourself at all, it means you need something before you become happy. The truth is you don't need anything to feel good about yourself, all you need to do is learn how to be appreciative and all of your problems will be solved. 

And even if you're not getting something... still be happy, sooner or later you will get something if you are still appreciative of your life. That is they key to attract things... be happy of what you have regardless of what size it is, be happy and never curse your life, never think about negativity or lack. Always feel abundant, always feel that there is more. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...