Jul 31, 2020


It's so hard to move now right? you feel limited and jailed. What you use to do before cannot be done now. You always go out before, do what you want, drink some beers or watch hot babes on the beach. But this is a different ball game now, I know it sucks but you have to adapt with our situation or else you will go crazy and will not be able to survive anymore. I know our lives now is boring, it is not what it use to be like before. But it is what it is, you have to accept that life is like this now, you can't be complaining or whining or bitching because it will only make your situation worse. This is survival of the fittest era, we don't know when will the pandemic end, who knows? but always remain positive because good things are about to happen for as long as you are doing the right thing. 


1. Learn some musical instrument

Learning music is really fun, especially if you're enjoying it. Be patient, you can learn any musical instrument. May it be a piano or a guitar, a drum or a simple homemade instrument that can create sound. It will make your soul happy, you will forget time, you will forget your problems. Instead of watching news and bitching on facebook just learn a musical instrument. It will make your time fast, you will forget boredom. 

2. Paint or draw

Learn some art, pain or draw or even sculpting. This will unleash your creative side, your passion will bring back to existence. Engaging in arts will give you a peaceful mind. You don't need to look great in the beginning, the idea here is to have fun and expand your creativity. This will teach you how to be in the moment. In drawing or painting you will become more relaxed, your childish side will come out, you will become more playful and will have a lot of fun, how good was that.? and the good thing is, this hobby is very cheap and affordable, you just need a piece of paper and pen. You can even use a used paper, just use the back and draw something, draw the body of your crush, draw your pet, draw your dream house. You will not even notice that it's already the end of the day but you're still drawing because you're having too much fun with it.

3. Create an online business

The best to create an online business is now. You can become a reseller if you don't have a capital. Remember that time and effort are the only things you need to sell something. You have a lot of time now because your don't have a work. You better sell something or earn money because who knows if you can still come back on your job? Just have fun, start selling something, start building something that has a potential to give you money. Don't feel ashamed of selling, just think that you're an entrepreneur or a hustler. Do whatever it takes to create money, it is fun especially if your  business is growing already. 

4. Create a You tube channel

A You Tube channel is also a great platform for self expression. And not only that, you can also earn money from it. You are earning from doing what you love, just make sure to upload high quality videos that will make the world a better place. Reaching 1 Million subscribers is a very good journey. In you tube you can do whatever you want, you can have a lot of fun that has some meaning. Earning money is possible, you can unleash your full maximum effort and creativity here. 

5. Meditate or do something that can help the world. 

Meditate if your mind is too crowded. Don't overthink, don't overreact, what will happen will happen but you need to keep your mind solid and calm. Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day and see your mind getting calmer and calmer during chaos. In this times of danger and fear... you need to have a solid state of mind that will help you to get though anything. 

Help your friends or any people who's in need, if it's not affecting your financial status then why not? help a little bit, this will make you feel really good. The world needs some positivity and generosity from people like you. Give the world something to be hopeful about. 

6. Call a friend.

Call some of your friends or relatives, ask how they are doing. Getting in touch with people you are close with will make you feel better and positive. It's just a one dial away, you can even touch you friend's heart by calling him, maybe he is in pain, maybe he needs someone to talk to. 

7. Don't be a burden

If you don't know what to do then just don't be a burden. Stop being a pain in the ass. Follow the rules of the government, don't be like others who are creating fake news to instill fear into people's minds. Stop doing something stupid that will make the lives of others harder. Just be quiet if you don't know what to say and stop spreading negativity that scares people even more. 


Not your car, not your money, not your house... your life, it is the most important thing right now. Be appreciative of what you have, be happy that you're still alive because some people were gone already. You have to take this day as a serious matter, never waste to for nothing. Never destroy your day complaining too much and asking for more. What you have now is enough, you don't need more. Be appreciative of what you have and stop complaining about what is lacking in your life. You're too lucky to be still alive, you're blessed, so never take this day for granted and make yourself useful and productive. 


If you are not pushing you are not growing, you are going down... as simple as that. So remind yourself that you need to push and feel uncomfortable in order to grow, there is no growth in stagnancy and idleness, there is fun but that fun will never last for a very long time, that enjoyment will become misery right away. The more you make yourself comfortable the more you will get uncomfortable. There is no evolution in an activity that is so easy that even a nursery can do. Face the uncertainty and do something about it, relax while feeling uncomfortable and just do what is necessary, take massive actions so you will get amazing results. It's in your hands, success lies in your hands, never let other people decide for your fate, never let challenges make stuck, you have to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. 


Your success during crisis can be measured by the amount of your willpower. How much do you want it? do you just want it or are you willing to die for it? are you willing to give all of your time, effort and energy? so never believe that the world is in trouble, never believe that it's hard to get money now, just push the envelope and you will be surprised with the results that you may get. Any crisis will soon be over, that's why it's important to strengthen your mind so that you won't fall down. Never crumble, never panic, just do your best and maintain a calm and peaceful mind. Move despite of chaos, learn to maneuver during the most difficult moments of your life. It's up to you if you will keep moving forward or if you will overthink backwards, the choice is yours to be made. Any problem has nothing to do with your life. Because crisis is nothing, it's your laziness and worries that troubles you. 

There is no excuses for not thriving, you have to make a stand that you're going to live better no matter what. Never let fear defeat you, never let any challenge bring you down. Stand up straight and keep moving forward all the time. Never stop hustling, never stop grinding, do whatever it takes to win in life. 


Learn to become happy if life is hard, appreciate that you are still alive and there is so much you can do to make your life a little bit better or even contribute something to the world. Life is changing all the time so don't be sad if you're down right now, you will eventually go back to the top later. Happiness doesn't require a perfect situation to be felt, all it takes is a positive mind and you will become happy. You can smile during storm, you can stay calm during chaos.

Happiness is just a habit. You can train yourself to become happy everyday even if bad things are happening to you. Cater the happy thoughts, don't dwell on things that gives you bad emotions. Things will get better anytime soon, you just need to stay positive for now and stop thinking that everything will turn into chaos. Embrace chaos, embrace what is happening now, embrace all of your emotions and learn to think positively all the time. 

Make life easy, make happiness simple because it really is easy to be felt if you will stop looking for what is missing in your life. Don't focus on your weaknesses, don't focus on subjects that makes you feel bad, focus on things that are giving you hope and motivation.


You have to keep fighting, you have to claim what is yours, you have to make your life better. Fight for what you want with all your strength, do whatever it takes to make your life better... keep pushing the envelope. Relaxing too much, catering laziness, always procrastinating will never get the job done. You have to feel free taking actions all the time, there should be lesser resistance, there should be freedom, and you can only achieve that by stop worrying all the time and simply take actions. You can look for shortcuts, you can dream a bout Aladin's genie to help you and grant you three wishes but you're waiting forever by doing that. Take matters into your own hands, decide now that you're going to make your life better, decide that you're going to choose a process that will make you successful and stick with it forever. It's very simple, work hard, learn to dream while struggling, learn to move fast despite of uncertainty and obstacles blocking our way.


The answer to that is very simple, it's because you're not trying hard enough, you want to get results fast. That kind of mentality is bringing you down. You have to give your all, go all in and never complain. You can't see results because you're already complaining that it's hard. Of course it will be hard, what do you expect a cake walk? there is no such thing as a free success now. You really have to work for it and die for it if you really want to get it in your life. Something will happen if you will take your journey seriously. Focus and sacrifice the things that are enjoyable but not helping you at all. You can do it if you really want it, you have to have that winning mentality, that killer instinct, the ability to push when things are not going your way, that's all you need to do and you will become successful. 

Something will happen if you're giving your all, if something is not happening yet then it means your effort is not enough, you have to do more and go harder this time. Stop playing weak and see yourself as someone who can improve his situation. 

Jul 30, 2020


Being a loser of winner in life depends on how we feel, it's not about how much money you accumulate or how successful you become, it's all about how you feel. You can have all the money in the world but still feel like a loser. Feeling like a loser is feeling powerless and hopeless, you feel that you don't have chance of winning anymore, you feel that nothing good is happening in your life anymore. Basically, your dramas is overpowering your power to motivate yourself. You're looking at the bad things instead of placing your attention on the good things. Being a loser is a choice, it's either you enter a victim mindset or you use a winner's mindset, what option are you going to pick? The power is in your hands. Always remember that if you think your're a loser then you are but if you feel like a winner then that's who you are. It's all about how you feel, you can never trick your feelings, you can never fake emotions, it will come out no matter how much you fight it. 


1. Avoid being a follower

If you have an idea, if you think you can command your own life then stop being a follower. Being a follower means you're disrespecting your power to live in your own terms. Following who? your boss? the company? well, those fools will not be on your side if you're going down. They're only good if you're working hard and doing the right thing. There is nothing wrong with following someone if it's really that your thing, but if part of you is itching to do it your way or build your own empire then execute your wonderful idea even if it sounds crazy. Go all the way for your dream, you only have one life, why will you waste your life following somebody who will not even help you reach your dream. Follow your own intuition, follow your dream, follow your heart, never submit to somebody who can't work harder than you. Your life is so precious, don't be a slave forever. Work for somebody if you need to just to get some budget that you can use for a greater cause but don't ever stick with that job for a very long time. You need to grow, you need to try doing it your way or else somebody will make you a slave forever. 

2. Master any craft.

Pick a skill, something that you love and can do it forever. Be very good on it, use it to give you some money, use it to become successful. If you're really good at something and you're doing it for so how many years... you will feel like a king, you will have your own domain, nothing can compete against you with that domain. Feeling great having strong skills, it will stop you from getting depressed because it's easier to improve everyday, you will see yourself growing. It can be painting, entrepreneurship, sports, writing, any kind of skill that will make you feel good... master it so that you won't feel like a loser again. Make that skill your bread and butter, dedicate your life to it, become the best that you can be with it. 

3. Detached from anything that makes you feel bad. 

What makes you feel bad? toxic friends? harsh environment? breakup with girlfriend? detach from it now, don't think about it, don't give any form of energy to it. If it makes you feel bad then what is the use of giving it some attention? you will only look and feel like a loser by doing that. Always remember that you have the ability to walk away, if something is not healthy anymore then leave it, as simple as that. You have the option where to place your attention, focus on what makes you feel good and you will feel like a winner in life. You have the ability to leave anything that is giving you a burden, don't forget about it. Always focus on the things that gives you happiness and freedom, never place your eyes on things that's making your life difficult. Drop the burden now, stop thinking about the things that are poisoning your mind. You will only feel regretful and hateful every time you stick with the things that makes you feel bad. You have the power to choose, use this power to give yourself some freedom. 

4. Never give importance to what people say or think of you. 

What they say against you is none of your business. Never mind what they think of you, who are they to judge you? they are entitled of making their own opinions and it's only a stupid thing to give them some attention. They're not important at all, what matters is your goals and the people that you really love. Their words are meaningless and powerless, it's only becoming powerful because you get mad about it. Just like the old saying "ignore the clown and it will stop dancing". what hurts you will stop hurting you if you will never look at it or even listen to it. Don't talk about it, don't complain about it, don't open a  conversation about it and simply let it go. 

5. Make a decision when you have the power to. 

Decide now when you want to decide. Decide if you're going to do it, decide if you're going to leave it, decide if you're going to stop it. You will only feel like a loser even more if you have the power to decide but you let other people decide for you. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid of the future, don't be afraid of he consequences of your decision. Don't wait, don't procrastinate, the power to decide is now, you're already ready, stop thinking that you're not ready, stop thinking that you can't do it. You can overcome any situation, you can beat any adversity. Take matters into your own hands or else you will feel like a loser forever. 


Have you heard the method "law of averages" if not then it's simply about trying more, it's simply about outworking everyone until you get something. You might not get your desired results but for sure you will get something. 

There's a stupid salesman and he cannot even make a sell for how many years until he finally learned this law. He applied it to his way of selling and immediately sold 100 cars in 3 months, the stupid salesman become the sales man of the year. He can't make a single sale before because he was so focused on selling, he was always anxious of selling. He gets jealous and depressed when his fellow salesman did a sale and he hasn't sold anything yet, he was so focused on making commission instead of focusing on the process. And that's why he can't work hard and contact different people, his mind was filled of worries and jealousy. But when he started to learn about the Law of Averages from the book that his friend gave him, this book was written by Jim Rohn, his life completely change. His fellow salesmen was amazed and even think that he was cheating. All he do was sale everyday, the whole day, he works overtime grinding and hustling like a hungry lion who hasn't eat for months. His mindset was to talk to as many person that he meet, even if he knew that they were not buy he still talk to them. He even make phone calls when he is at home, he is cold calling potential car buyers, he sees to it that he will try a million times in just one month. And then BOOM! the stupid salesman became a genius, he was selling a lot of cars that made him rich. He was even promoted to manager. 

The stupid salesman has no girlfriend before because he was so ugly but now a lot of hot women are flirting with him, he even dated an ex-playboy model. He was still working hard and applying the law of averages even if he was already promoted to general manager. He loves the law and that's why it's loving him back.


Because they are not really applying it, they are doubting it, they will try it for a hundred times but will quit when they didn't get the desired results. It will never work if you will not keep moving forward, there are no limits to number of tries, just because you did try a hundred times doesn't mean it will never work anymore. You have to keep trying over and over again for it to work. Because the Law of Averages doesn't say that you have to try 50 or 100 times and then stop when it didn't work. There is no limit of trying, you have to keep going forever if needed. It will only work if it is about to work, but for the mean time you have to keep trying because it will never work if you stop. 


If you want to make some progress, just find a way how to make it better. If you're doing something... repeat it, tweak it and find a way how to make it better... as simple as that. You can make something better, you're just too lazy to make it and that's why you can't make progress at all. It's all about the work, it's all about the effort, it's all about doing something to improve it. Of course you can find a way how to make a situation a little bit better, you're just too lazy to lift your finger and use your mind a little bit, and this habit makes you stuck, it makes you unprogressive and plateau. There is a way, there is a room for improvement, there is a space to operate but you have to do it now if you want to make it better, you have to stop waiting and just do something... that's how to tweak your life or anything that you do, do it when it's uncomfortable, do it during uncertainty and not being sure if you're going to make it, do it when you're in doubt, do it when your mind is crowded with negativity and soon those negative thoughts will go away, do it when you feel lazy, do it when you feel like a bastard. That's how to go to another level... you're taking actions when everything else in your life is falling apart, you're moving when you don't feel like moving. 


Always remember that if your goal is to make the situation better then it is right, it doesn't matter what process you choose to do, it doesn't matter if your technique is flawless or not, just work hard and produce results, you don't need to look amazing here. People were having a hard time moving because they always feel that they need to succeed fast, they don't want to make mistakes, they don't want to have a hard time figuring out what is working. This makes them stuck in a quicksand forever. You have to start without hesitation if you want to improve or taste some small amount of success. Stop looking for a signal before you move and just do something. Speed is the name of the game, with enough speed and hard work you will be able to build something great, something spectacular and special, but you have to break the resistance first, something is stopping you, a thought is stopping you and you need to get rid of it right away, as fast as you can. But you can only do it by taking actions, feel the pain, I know it's hard to start, I know it's hard to get back on track but it's the only way... feel the pain of being lost and uncomfortable.  Make yourself believe that you need to move now, find a motivation, think about money, think about success, think about what you want, think about getting it once you pull the trigger. 


You are artistic, you are resourceful, you just don't want to try, you always feel that you can't make it and that's why you couldn't even get started. Start now and do something, what are you waiting for? Christmas? or new year? or your Birthday? no one's gonna save you, you have to save yourself or else you will die like a loser. You have an innate creativity hiding inside of you. The real meaning of being creative is simply about the ability to create, it's not about making magnificent masterpieces, it's about doing it and giving your best. You have nothing to lose here, giving your best is that too simple, just work hard and never clown around while working, stop joking, stop playing and treat it like a real serious business. Creativity will come out if you're forcing yourself to take actions whenever you feel lazy, trust me... creativity will not come out when you feel good, because you will never feel good, you don't have the habits of working hard and being creative so never expect that you will feel good. That's why you need to be faster than ever, stop thinking and just do it. Stop worrying if it will work or not, just do it, keep doing it until you finally become successful. 


Your life can become better, your work can become better, your car can become better, your attitude can become better. Anything is improvable, anything is upgradable. It's up to you if you will exert an effort to make something nicer than what it was before. If you can just make it a habit to upgrade anything in your life once you see that it is getting sloppier then your life will become amazing. A simple work with effort can make something very beautiful. Put it in your mind, always do more, always give an extra effort and you will make better results. Stronger effort equals better results, as simple as that. So if you have something that is ugly, if your whole life is ugly... don't feel sad because you can make everything in your life better. You can repaint your old car. You can beautify your ugly girlfriend, buy her clothes, send her to beauty parlor, groom her and push her to do yoga or some beauty exercises, anything is possible. Even if she looks like a horse she can still level up if you put an effort and energy to upgrade her. 

So strive for greatness like Lebron James, be better everyday, look for something to upgrade in your life, make it a habit to level up a little bit everyday and don't ever stop. You will be surprised with the results that you will get, you will be surprised how your life change so fast. Becoming better is a habit, you do it everyday even if you don't want to, you drag yourself to take actions and build a momentum that will carry you to go further and further. 

Jul 29, 2020


How many ideas you have but you didn't even started? How many times you quit because it gets hard in the middle of the process? how many times did your regrets haunt you because of not trying? how many times did you see someone you think is not better than you but is making it in life? how many times you wasted an opportunity waiting for you? Never take any day for granted because it can be the break that you are waiting for, it can be the moment that you've been wishing for for a very long time. So start moving now and get the ball rolling, push as hard as you can and be the best that you can be. It's your life, you can do whatever you want with it, you can destroy it or make it epic the choice is yours, you better make the right choice because life is just a one time thing, are you just going to waste it for nothing? or are you going to give your very best and achieve greatness your own way? 


Wake up because the time is now, the time to become great is now, what are you waiting for? go all out. start something and never stop, you have to stay committed with the process, commit to greatness, it is waiting for you. Time is a very valuable thing, you must be aware if you're wasting time or not, you must consider time as the most important thing to become successful. Time can give you everything, it can make you successful or it can also make your life miserable, it all depends on how you use it. 

Regardless of what you have in life, regardless of how you feel... just start, start it now and make it happen, create a little momentum, make your foundation solid. Time is fast but you must be faster, become the most productive that you can be, use time as your leverage, if you can just learn how to use your time to your advantage then you can make a lot of progress. Keep moving forward all the time and never mind if you're making results or not, trust me... the universe will go on your side, it will help you if you show to it that you really wanted to win. Always stay ready even if you're not ready, the mindset should be you can execute anytime you want regardless of what is stopping you. Never let your emotions stop, never let worries stop you, never let any disturbances stop you... keep pushing forward no matter what, follow that gameplan and you will never regret it in the end. 


Whether you're just an undergraduate, person with disability or can't even read or write... don't worry, greatness is waiting for you, you can also have it. All it takes is the decision to get it and the perseverance to keep moving forward all the time. Don't worry if you're struggling for not, don't worry if you don't know what to do. The right steps will be revealed as you keep pushing along the way. You can become great even if you're just a garbage collector, don't even think that it's already your destiny, you can force fate, you can change your destiny if you will force yourself to do the impossible. Only who see the impossible can become unbelievable. Never underestimate yourself, anyone is qualified for greatness, if you have the vision and you're a man on a mission you will achieve your ambition. So don't ever get intimidated by your dreams, never let it scare you, let it inspire you, it will be yours one day if you're really working for it. 


Why are you so afraid to fail? after failure is success, you have to know it. You have to keep on trying and trying again, don't be afraid to gamble, gamble for success not for money. If you're so afraid to fail then you will not even try, that's already considered as a failed journey. If you're not doing anything then you're already failing, as simple as that. Failing will guide you, it will make you better, so if you're not failing then it means you're not leveling up. You have to fail again and again in order to succeed. So keep working, keep challenging yourself, keep grinding and never stop until you finally reach the top of the mountain. You can never not experience failing especially if you're dreaming about something, it's part of the process, you have to face it now, endure it and embrace it and try to grow from it. Failing should motivate you and not frustrate you, stay patient, stay calm while working your way to the top. Focus on winning but never avoid failing, just keep moving forward, one inch a time and you will get there. 


If you can write 2 pages before, write 3 pages now. If you can do 20 push ups before, do 21 now, if you can talk to 5 clients before talk to 7 clients now, if you can earn 1000 dollars before try to earn 10,000 dollars now, if you can work for 8 hours before work for 9 straight hours now. Greatness can be achieved by pushing the numbers up, it should not go down, it should not remain the same, there must be an improvement, there must be some increase. It's all about doing more, it's not about doing right or being perfect it's all about doing more, more and more and more, never stop, push the pace, do the impossible. Because one day you're going to die too, why not die for your dreams? why not die being great? You have the ability to increase your numbers, look at your numbers... how much can you produce? is that the best thing you can do? of course not, you can always become bigger, you can always expand, it's only up to you if you will force yourself to improve or not. Never let your numbers go down, never let it remain the same, it should go higher and higher everyday... that is how to forger greatness your way. 

Jul 28, 2020


Most of you are looking for what is missing in your life, it maybe a car or money, or a love life or even a dog. Some people are looking for happiness, success, or just a simple meal for the day. And if they can't find what they are looking for... they feel like it's the end of the world, this is funny, it's because their happiness depends on external things. 


Your perspective and focus makes yo feel that something is missing. Look at you, you are still alive, you become happy anytime you want to. Just think of someone you deeply love and you will feel happiness. Nothing is missing in your life, you're just focus on what is lacking, you're too focused on having the big things right away without having to work hard for it. And let's say that you really miss something? was it really so bad not to have it? can't you breathe without it? you were able to live before without it, so how come you can never live again today without it? Stop focusing on what is missing and simply focus on what you have, appreciate what you have and try to make it grow. If you want to change your situation then you have to accept it with all your heart, act as if you choose it. Look around you, there are many things you can be happy about, happiness is everywhere you just need to lower your standards about happiness. It's up to you if you will look for something missing in your life, my advise is focus on what you have and appreciate it and you will never feel bad again.      


No fancy shoes, no girlfriend, no car, no money... it's ok. You can have all of these things in the future if you work hard. You may not have it for now but eventually you will on the right time. Never let anything make you feel bad, it's ok if you have nothing, it's not the end of the world. You are still living, your breathe is the most important thing in your life. Your happiness lies in your head, it depends on how you think and see things. You should let emotions controlled by you and not be controlled by some random wishes that you really don't need. You don't need what you don't have because you have everything you need for now. If you can't have what you want, if it's really impossible to make it yours then just let it go, set it free, never hold grudge nor ill feelings, just let it go, it may come to your life one day if you stay positive. Stop being a wish washy, stop letting something control you or set your temper. You have the power to feel good anytime, yo just need to correct your mind and know what is it that you really need. 


Always remember this so that you won't feel so bad if you can't have what you want... YOU WILL NEVER GET SATISFIED, this is the truth, even if you get what you want today... tomorrow you will look for something else, you will wish for something new that you think will make you happy. The truth of the matter is you don' need anything just to become happy, you just need yourself. There will always be another form of desire, another wish list, another something that makes you go crazy for it. So don't ever feel bad if you can't have it because your feelings towards it will change when you already have it, you will never get excited about it anymore. Always remember that something will make you crave, something will make you chase so if you can't have what you want now just be happy because it's just another thing that is trying to control you, you think you need it, you will find every reason in the world why you need to have it but months or even weeks will pass and you're already looking for something else. Because you're weak if something is making you feel bad, you're soft if you're letting something control you. It's our human nature to always look for more but if you can control your eagerness to have more then you're already rich, you don't need to work for more. It's because your belief is making you feel abundant. 


There will always be something that will distract you, there will always be something that will catch your attention, there will always be something that will make you crave, in other words you will always feel that your life is not perfect. But that's how life was designed... it's not suppose to be perfect because if it is then it will become very boring. Problems makes your life more colorful. So don't ever feel frustrated if you can't get what you want to have because it's just another thing that's playing with your mind, you don't need it at all, it's ok to chase it but don't ever feel so low if you can't make it yours. 

Life is not perfect so deal with it, accept it or else you will have no peace of mind. You can feel that you life is perfect if you will accept everything about it, embrace everything including the imperfections. Life will become much simpler and easier if you will accept the fact that no matter how hard you try... you will still feel that something is missing in your life. 

A real happy person doesn't look for what is missing in his life, he just use what he have and make the best out of it. He is simply happy having less, and he doesn't even know that there is something missing in his life, he's just focused on what he have and trying to enjoy himself with it. 

Jul 27, 2020


When it's all said and done, when it's over, when you can't do anything about it anymore the only question is did you really gave your all? did you really push yourself to the limits and destroy your boundaries? did you let yourself gas out? did you fight with all your might for your dreams and ambitions? you can never fool yourself, you can make excuses all day long, you can fight for your case and tell everyone that the world is unfair but the truth of the matter is you only give your 50 percent or maybe even lower than that. You know in yourself that you wasted some time, you know in yourself that you procrastinate a lot so stop fooling the public, stop trying to explain yourself because the world will never believe you, if you're a loser then you're a loser, accept it, you're the only one to blame for your life and nobody else.


1. You're not wasting your time.
2. All of your actions were related to your goal and dreams.
3. You don't easily get bothered by petty things anymore.
4. Your discipline is so strong, you're not looking at some other things that are wasting your precious time.
5. You just do it, you don't care about how you feel, you don't care about what time is it, whether it's already 3:30 am... you just do it. You have no hesitations, you feel so unstoppable.
6. You don't quit even if you failed a million times.
7. You keep pushing even if the whole world is telling you to stop.


The reason why you're not confident, the reason why you don't trust yourself is because you're not giving your all, you're just hoping and not executing, you're just waiting for luck. If you will give your very best every single day, if you will force yourself to become the best version of yourself then you will feel invincible. So give your best now, go all in for something and never mind about anything else, your worries and troubles will go away if you're focused on simply giving everything you've got with zero reservations. Confidence on yourself will be felt if you're giving your all no matter what. Give your all even if it's hard, give your all even if time is running out, give your all even if there is a strong resistance that is stopping you from taking actions, give your all even if you're not focused, give your all even if your mind is not calm yet.


The more you procrastinate, the more you postpone something... the more your mind will become negative. People were trap in a rut because they let their minds wander anywhere, they don't have a strong foundation. So whenever you feel lost... just start something positive, whenever you feel out of tune... just play the music, whenever you feel luck is not on your side just work hard and try to become lucky again, whenever you feel stuck just move forward and never look back, whenever you feel that there is something wrong just do something right. You can create another strong momentum if you never let your mind think.

Stop hesitating, stop judging yourself, stop thinking that your work is useless, stop thinking that you're bored and have to do something else. Stick with the process, start it and finish it as fast as you can. Be fast but don't rush, be aggressive but be in control.


You're the only one who's stopping yourself and the thoughts you play inside of your head, you have to realize that, you have to admit that you're destroying your own life. But the truth is you can recreate it again and make it better again. Stop stopping yourself, you have to move whenever you feel so lazy, you have to do the most important thing right away. Stop holding yourself back because it's not helping at all, free yourself, free your mind, do whatever you need to do with all your might and power. You have nothing to lose when you move, you have everything to gain, you're getting better, your confidence is going higher and your experience is adding up. So whenever you feel procrastinating and getting lazier again... stand up and do something, stop the useless entertainment, stop the useless thoughts and just go all out. You're always stopping yourself but the sad thing is you don't know it. You let your fear eat your courage, you let the fear of the unknown immobilize you. You're better than that and you can become better than that, it's just a matter of changing your perception and attitude.


Have fun doing the process, have fun taking it little by little. Never waste your life gain, never grow old without achieving anything, be a dreamer and a doer. Don't just dream, take actions, you should be 10 percent dreamer and 90 percent doer. Just do it, regardless of what may happen... just do it. Treat your life as something precious, it is full of possibilities and opportunities, it has a large room for growth so don't ever get stuck up on something that isn't worth giving any attention. Live your life to the fullest, you can only do that by working hard everyday and enjoying your work. Try everything, don't be scared to fail, be scared if you're not giving your all. Don't be afraid to get exhausted, don't be afraid to miss out a lot of happy moments and just go all in, this is how to celebrate your life, this is how to know who you really are and what you are capable of doing, this is how to reward yourself... go all in, give your all no matter what. Believe in the power of your dreams, believe in the power to create. 


If what you're doing is related to your goal or to the life that you are dreaming of... that action is right, keep doing it. Every action is the right action if the intention is good. Just push and never mind if you're doing it perfect or not, go all the way, try with all your might and tenacity. Never quit and just keep pushing and pushing. It may sound crazy, you may look like a fool, you may not get overnight results but the reward is really promising and it is guaranteed that you're going to win if you don't give up. So just keep grinding and do whatever it takes to win in life. So don't be afraid to make mistakes because it will teach you something, don't be afraid to fail because it means you're trying. Making mistakes and getting frustrated is all part of the game. But if you can make yourself believe that everything you is helping you even if you can't see results yet... that's the time you will have a breakthrough.


Just enjoy what you're doing, you can do this by being patient and not rushing. Slow down if you need to, be attentive to your actions, be aware of what is going on. Feel your body, feel your senses, no need to hurry because you can finish everything, you can arrive at your desired destination. Just look for what you can do that is related to what you want and just do it. Never hesitate, never think twice and just do it. All it takes is one push to get a momentum, all it takes is forcing yourself to take actions and stay committed with the process until it's done. You can enjoy any kind of work if you're being patient and observant. Observe what is going on, learn to feel everything, learn to face all of the challenges and pressure, you will soon realize that it's not difficult at all right? it's not difficult at all if you will start right away and endure the pain of laziness. It feels so hard because you're lazy, admit that, but you have to fight it if you want to go to another level. Laziness brings pain, it's a lot of resistance, it's a lot of war going on inside of your head, but the good news is you can overcome laziness if you will force yourself to just do it no matter what.


Do it even if you feel so lazy, do it even if you're not motivated. Trust me, you will only feel lazy for the first 2 minutes, but after that you will be able to create some momentum that will make you do more. Because the truth of the matter is feelings doesn't matter anymore. Your emotions is killing you, it's controlling you, you're too addicted to temporary high and that's why you can't move anymore. But if you will just face the pain and just do it, if you will just force yourself to do it... good things will happen to you. So take actions even if you feel uninspired, just do it, making this a habit will make you a better person, this will make you go further and further. Always remember that you don't need to become perfect at all, you just need to start and give your very best. And even if you can't give your best, just still try, do something even if you feel lazy, push yourself, give a strong effort and soon you will see that you are already enjoying what you're doing. The reason why you can't make an improvement with your life is not the lack of skill or opportunity, it's the lack of discipline and willpower to just do it and feel hopeful even if the odds were against you.


It's not about the results, it's not about getting what you want in an instant. It's about being joyful with the process. Because the truth is you will become happier if you are moving, look at yourself... you feel depressed and weak if you're just thinking right? you feel so stuck, you want something but you can't get it, you're hopeless and miserable. But if you are moving, you are a little bit happier, your confidence is going up, you are beginning to think clearer.

And even if you're not happy, even if you feel so heavy... it's ok, happiness will come later. Just don't forget to do what you need to do, hard work is the key and nothing else. You have to take your journey seriously or else nothing will happen to you. Always remember that happiness comes from taking actions, you will feel free and independent if you are moving, so what are you waiting for? start now and do what you want to do, give yourself a chance to go further and further. Go for your vision and never let it go, chase it, keep going further and further and never give up. It's only just a matter of time before you get what you want.


What are you being afraid of? you're afraid of uncertainty? you're afraid of not knowing what to do? you're afraid that you might fail? well guess what? you already failed if you don't take risks, you already failed if you don't take matters into your own hands. The unknown is your friend, the unknown offers possibilities. It's pretty scary but it's the path to success, it's the path to better opportunities. GO there even if you're afraid, go there even if you don't have any idea what's going to happen. After all, you're already stuck in your place, it's because you already knew what's happening there, you already memorized the events there, there is nothing more to get there, it's too comfortable that's why there is no growth. The place of the unknown is what will give you what you need, go there even if you are scared, embrace your fears, don't resist it... embrace it and see what will it give to you. 

Jul 26, 2020


If you want to change your life then change everything in your life. Change your perspective, change the way you see things, change they way you work, change the way you speak and think... change everything to get something different. Change everything to see a dramatic change in your life. Change what you wanted to change, change what you don't like. Change can happen now if you will force yourself. 


You're drinking like a maniac everyday, your breathe already smell like vodka even if you brush three times. Alcohol is running in your veins, you're so worse and it's impossible to see a good future in you. But you can still turn things around. If you're an alcoholic before then starting today... stop drinking any form of alcohol, even a Cali drink... don't drink it. It is what it is, if you really want to reverse the course then you better face the pain of changing right away, no warnings, no signals, no practice... just stop it.

Reverse the course. Throw away all of your alcoholic drinks from the refrigerator, stop thinking about drinking now. Of course it is hard but if you really want to change then you must do what is hard, you must sacrifice and forget about feeling good. Smash all the bottle of beers, stomp on all of the beer cans, have no conscience in doing it. If you really want to change then you must sacrifice a lot, you must not feel regretful about throwing away the things that you think are valuable to you. 


Reverse the course. Knowing that you can work hard and willing to work the hardest, knowing that hard work pays off... there is nothing else to get worried about, what you want will come into your life if you will trust hard work. Hard work will give you confidence, the reason why you don't have it is because you're giving a mediocre effort, you're not even trying. Or maybe you're trying a little bit but your effort is like a baby's effort, there is no force, there is no power, you have to be real here. Confidence will only be felt if you have something to present that not all people can present, if you can do something that not all people can do. And you can only do something special if you're willing to work for a lot of hours everyday. Not 8 hours, not 12 hours, you have to go all in, stay focused and committed to hard work. Once you really work hard for a long period of time and it becomes your habit... your confidence will become unlimited, you will feel invincible because you keep on getting better and better each day. 


All you do is sleep all day. You can't even wash your panties, you can't even brush your teeth, all you want to do is eat chocolate cookies and reheat pizza in the microwave oven, you're watching WWE all day long even if you know that it's fake, you're copying the moves of Ultimate Warrior but you don't have a warrior mentality, you love Andre the Giant but your actions are so tiny like an ant. Being a failure is a choice, you choose it, you let laziness take over of your life and that's why you're completely lost.

You can work hard now, you can give everything you've got now, all it takes is a decision that you're going to give everything you've got no matter what. The time for being lazy and still surviving a little bit is over. You can never survive this world anymore if you're too lazy and not doing anything. he truth is anybody can work hard but not all are willing to, it's because they're thinking about the rewards first, they're thinking about winning right away. And if they can't see themselves winning after working hard for a little bit... they will immediately quit and look for some easier things to do. Stop being stupid, stop looking for some shortcuts because it is not real, there are no shortcuts to success, you have to climb your way to the top. Reverse the course and start working hard now, change your perspective about hard work, change your perspective about success. You have to give everything you've got to get what you want in life. 


It's fun to be thinking about negative things, it's fun to be gossiping about other people's lives, it's the easiest thing to do... to hate. It's harder to love, I guess humans were built that way. But being a negative thinker breeds hate and bad feelings, you also feel sick every time you hate, if you can't love somebody then just ignore him, attached any negative emotion to him. Reverse the course, just let go, there are more beautiful things in life. You can have a more meaningful life if you will stop being a negative thinker. Being negative will never make you go further, it will stop you, it will make your life miserable. 

At least be a little positive, you don't need to be kind, you don't need to be an angel that can't even kill an helpless ant, just think positive all the time, feel hopeful, look for opportunity not tragedy. 


Everyday is an opportunity to do something great or at least be something better than yesterday. But the problem with you is you don't realize that the opportunity in front of you is only a one time thing. Never take any day for granted because once it is gone it is gone. You have to be working hard every single second or else the opportunity given to you will be taken away. If you really want to see a transformation in your life... take your life seriously, believe in something and focus all of your energy to it. Treat your life as a serious business, treat your goal as an air that you breathe... without it you're going to die, let's see if you still can't make it with that kind of mindset. 


Change is really uncomfortable and you have to deal with it. So if you're too comfortable right now then it means progress is not happening. Feel happy having a lot of mud in your face, feel cool having a lot of problems to work with. 


If you don't feel good about hard work then it will never have an impact in your life. You should feel good about it every now and then, you should feel powerful every time you work hard. Hard work will only pay off if you're enjoying the process and never complaining with the result that you are getting. Hard work should be your best friend, it should solve all of your problems because the truth is it's better to be moving than not moving at all, you will feel much better if you're moving forward and not thinking backwards. Just work hard, work as hard as you can and see where it can take you. Trust the process, trust that all of your labor will be rewarded in the end. 

Hard work cures everything, it cures loneliness, it cures boredom and poverty, it cures stupidity and inferiority complex. You will feel very powerful when you're working hard and giving everything you've got. Don't be afraid of hard work because anyone who's afraid of it failed in life, you will fail for sure if you're not willing to work as much as you can. Respect hard work and put it into your system, you should feel free while doing it, you should feel powerful and invincible. Everything is going to become easier if you will embrace hard work, everything will be like a breeze, nothing will scare you, nothing will bother you if you'er focused is to work hard every single day. 


You will feel like a king if you're the hardest working person on earth, trust me on that, don't look for fast results, don't look for shortcuts and just work hard as much as you can. Don't stop, don't look back, don't worry if you're making progress or not... just work hard, trust hard work because hard work always pay off, it will never let you down, it will always put you on top. Hard work is the key to success and nothing else so the only thing that you should be worried about is if you're not working hard. Always remember that for as long as you're moving forward... you will be alright. Get lost with hard work, be like a work horse, be like a machine. Never stop when you're tired, stop when you're finished. 

A real king is someone who is outworking everyone, a real king is someone who is willing to take full responsibility of his own life. So if you want to stop feeling like a slave... work hard and do it your way, commit to something, dedicate your life into something and never stop until you finally reach the top of the mountain, climb the highest tower, swim the deadliest sea. 


You have to move now and do what you are suppose to do. Never let your mind overthink because you will never be able to start anymore once that happened. So just do something whenever you feel lost. Sweep the floor, do your assignment, look for a job, write a shitty article, sell your dog... just do something to get going, do anything to make a little progress. You are not stuck at all, your situation is not bad at all, your mind is tricking you because you're not moving. If you keep on worrying or thinking then you will go crazy. Hard work should make you feel good, trust it, trust that it will put you on a better position to succeed and become much happier in life. So start doing something even if you're having a hard time to move, don't be afraid to get super exhausted, don't be afraid to feel weak because of using a lot of energy. Your energy is renewable, it is unlimited, it will never run out. So push yourself to do something and just feel happy about it, feel happy that you are trying. 


They don't want to get tired for nothing. They want their works to get rewarded right away which is not possible all the time, sometimes you have to wait, sometimes you need to to wait for something to grow and develop. Hard work is very intimidating to a lot of people because they always think that it's too painful and long, they think that it is never ending. The reality is if you will just enjoy hard work then it will make you stronger, it will give you more energy, you will never become tired. You will have a lot f fun because you will see yourself progressing and getting better, you will see a lot of improvements in different areas of your life. You have nothing to lose if you work hard, you have everything to gain. You're in a win-win situation so don't be afraid to give your all because it will make you something. 


You know why you are not satisfied with your life? you know why you have a lot of regrets? because you're not giving your all. You're just waiting, you're just hoping, you're taking your chances for granted. You're wasting your time doing a lot of things that only makes your life worse. Regrets will be erased if you will decide to give your all. Giving your all means doing whatever it takes to win, doing everything within your power and not believing in your limitations. You will feel amazing, powerful and strong if you will try to give your all, never have any reservations of your strength and just try giving your all, trust me... you will feel like a different animal if you do this. Depression can be cured through hard work, loneliness can be erased through hard work, pick something where you can work hard and give your life and never stop. Trust me, all of your problems will go away, you will become a different person, you will see the world through your eyes. 

Jul 25, 2020


Being unstoppable is good, you will become very productive, you can take massive actions and produce massive results.  If you can become unstoppable then sky is the limit for you. Everything is possible, you can reach the stars and play with the Gods. You will discover more in life and you will be able to see things you haven't seen before.

1. Don't think and just execute.

Look for something to start and just move. Regardless of how you feel... Move. I know it's going to be hard but it's possible, really really possible. Taking actions will become much much easier if you will not think at all. Procrastination is getting out of control because you're using your brain the wrong way, you're thinking too much, it is unhealthy because you're starting to get more and more negative. Thinking too much creates idleness and stagnancy, it is stopping your growth, so just keep moving forward all the time and focus on taking actions. 

2. Never think that you're wrong, always feel right.

It's not about having a big head or ego, it's not about not admitting your mistakes. But sometimes you're already judging yourself that you are wrong even if you haven't seen the right process yet. You should give yourself a chance to take risk, never hesitates and just do it. Because every time you feel wrong then you're already wrong, every time you feel right then good things will come to you, success will be attracted. 

3. Don't be afraid of failing.

The most unstoppable people in this world were not afraid to fail. They will take big risks, they're not playing safe, they're not afraid to go down because they knew from the beginning that they can stand up and try again, they knew they can try for so many times and in the end they are still going to become victorious. Failing is normal, what is so scary about it? if you will never think that you are suppose to win everyday then you will become unstoppable, have a mindset of nothing to lose because you really have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. 

4. Don't think about the future.

What will happen will happen, you don't even need to think about the future because it's not real at all. Life is happening now, we're in the present, we're not in the past nor future. If you keep on thinking about the future then you will never be able to enjoy your life and that will lead to depression and being unproductive all the time. Confine yourself with the present moment and try to grow or expand as much as you can. Enjoy the process, enjoy the struggle, enjoy everything. Because you will become more creative if you're not thinking about the future. 

5. Enjoy everything even if it is hard. 

Enjoy life, enjoy everything, enjoy the struggle and the pain. Enjoy everything... that is how to become really unstoppable. Enjoy even if it is extremely difficult because the reward in the end will become pretty special. Because the truth is it's not really hard, your perspective makes it hard, the way you see and feel about it makes it hard. The trick to make anything easy is to trick your mind that it's easy and you can do it well. Learn to smile even if you're stuck in a mud, learn to laugh even if everything is falling apart. Being unstoppable means you're not afraid of any work may it be a work that requires millions of hours. 

6. Stop trying to look cool.

Trying to look cool, trying to look like a rich kid and having an image to protect is making you weak. It's avoiding you from taking actions, it's stopping you from doing things that you need to do. It breeds laziness because you don't want people to see that you are losing or suffering. 

You wanted to look good, you wanted to look so chill, you wanted to look like a winner all the time. This kind of mentality is stopping you from doing things that makes you look like a fool, but those things are the only things that will take you to the next level. 

7. Don't get too emotional. 

If you invest too much with your emotions then you're in big big trouble. Emotions has nothing to do with being strong and successful. So what if you feel bad? so what if people disrespect you? so what if you're being treated unfairly? so what if you don't have enough sleep? so what if your mama is not ok with your decision? so what if people are blaming you? so what if you're having an argument with your girlfriend. Your emotions is stopping you from going to the next level. If you want to become great... forget your emotions and simply do what you need to do. Because at the end of the day, it's not how emotional you become, it's how much actions you take. 

8. Stop having a lot of ceremonies and rituals. 

Always looking for something before you start, having a long warm ups, waiting for that good feeling, doing something stupid before you work. You have a lot of ceremonies before you start and that is not good, it is eating a lot of your time. You don't need to feel good before you start, you can start anytime you want to if you will force yourself to do the first step. Once you did the first step... the next steps will become a lot easier. 

9. Never hate your situation.

Always love your situation, because by doing that you will have a better mind. Being appreciative of what you have will attract more wealth, progress and success. You will be able to move peacefully if you love your situation no matter how ugly it is. Ugly place, weakling body, toxic work, bad environment... you can change all of these little by little if you will never complain and simply give your very best every single day. 

10. Always be down to earth.

If you're humble and simply focus on your own life and journey... there is no pressure on your side, there is nothing to worry about. Don't ever retaliate if you feel that people are not respecting what you can do. Just keep on working, don't open your mouth, just focus on getting your dreams. You will become unstoppable if you're humble and simply getting what you want little by little, you don't need to get loud and broadcast your success, let the gossiping people talk about you and the accomplishments that you made. 

11. Train yourself to hate laziness.

Look at yourself... are you doing something? are you really grinding? if not then you should be ashamed of yourself, you should feel bad because you're wasting a lot of time. Every second is a potential to earn money. Because laziness is next to ugliness, look at those people who were so lazy... they hate their lives, they have ugly lives, they feel miserable all the time. If you want to feel good all the time... learn to work hard, hate laziness and never feel that way again. 

12. Give only attention to your own growth.

Never give attention to people and what they are doing, mind your own business. Just focus on trying to improve yourself one day at a time. Minding other people's business is stopping you from growing, the process is getting slower every time you do that. Mind your own growth and improvement, focus on getting a little bit better each day. One percent improvement is much better than no improvement at all, time is fast and you should be aware that every second you mind other people's lives... you are depriving yourself from growing. 

13. Use your mind as a weapon. 

Your mind is a very powerful tool that you can use to your advantage if you will use it the right way. Condition your mind everyday that you are ok for as long as you are moving forward. Use your mind to create patterns that makes the process more enjoyable and easier. Play nice images in your head, see yourself winning so that you will feel good about yourself and you will be forced to work hard. 

14. Ignore people's reactions.  

Throw away everything they say against you. Never give any attention or feelings to how people feel and think of you. They will judge or criticize you even if you're doing well. You can never please all of them. If you want to become unstoppable then feel free from their reactions, comments, critics or even praises. Because enjoying too much appreciation from people is always bad for you, what if they are not happy with your work anymore? how would you feel? are you still motivated even if nobody cares about you anymore? Ignore people's reactions may it be good or bad and just focus on giving your very best. 

Because at the end of the day, you can never control how they feel or think, you can only control your thoughts and emotions. Why not stop thinking about how they feel so that you will feel more free and creative?

15. See to it that you're exhausted.

You have to push like hell. You have to be extremely exhausted if you really want to go to the next level. Because sometimes you are not working at all, you feel like working but the truth is you only work for 3-4 hours. Even the guys in the office or corporate world, they have 9 hours of work but they are only working for 3-5 hours. They were full of stops, breaks and any other unnecessary activities. And even if you're badly tired... you can still do something, you can still push a little bit so stop pampering yourself all the time and never feel bad when you're tired, feel happy because it means you're doing the right thing. 

16. Put your energy on what you can control

Stop engaging yourself with things that you have no power. Focus on what you can control and that is your ability to work hard and push forward. You can never control the limits set by the government, you can never control how people behave or treat you, you can never control something that is not in your hands. It's energy draining trying to force or control everything. You will never be able to do more things if you're always focus on something that you can't control easily.  

17. Don't focus on success, focus on the process

Focusing too much on success creates frustration. The reality is you can never get success on the exact date that you want it. It will go to you little by little, it's the process that creates success, it's not success that creates success. Thinking about success will never get you anywhere, but thinking about the process and executing it will get the job done. Focus on taking it one step at a time and be happy that you're moving forward and giving your best. 


Don't get frustrated of how you feel. Don't get overwhelmed with the problems that you are experiencing. It's normal, it's ok, time will pass and you will be able to feel good again, the good times will roll again, as simple as that. All you have to do is wait, be patient, endure the pain and keep moving forward. It may sound hard but it's doable, you can survive any storm and you can also thrive of it. It's going to be hard... maybe, but you can survive any kind of storm, for as long as you're alive and moving forward... you will be alright, there is nothing else to get worried about. 


Don't panic, don't freak out, don't do stupid and nonsense things that will even make your situation worse. Just stay calm even if you're scared, stay still even if you don't like what's going on. If you're calm and composed while being afraid then that fear will go away instantly. Fear is afraid of a still mind, if you can just calm your mind and make yourself believe that everything will be alright then everything will be alright, as simple as that. Don't give up even if the problem is so big and overwhelming. Just don't quit and that's it, good thing will happen to you if you don't give up. All you have to do is give your best and keep moving forward one step at a time. Giving up is not an option anymore, giving up is for the losers, are you a loser? it's ok to be afraid but keep in mind that you still have to do something, you still need to push forward or else you won't be able to weather the storm. It's possible to keep moving forward all the time even if you're frustrated and scared, it's possible to make a small progress even if things were really super hard. Fear is just another feeling, it's just an emotion that poisons your mind. 


Focus on what you want and never believe in what you don't want. Never believe that bad things will happen, never believe that you can't do it. Of course you can prevail in the end if you will stay confident and positive. Do one positive thing every now and then until the storm is over. The storm will pass faster if you're not waiting. Protect your belief because for as long as you believe you will be alright, for as long as you have confidence in yourself everything is possible. Stop entertaining negative thoughts because it's harming your mind and sanity, see only the good pictures in your head. Because if you don't believe in yourself then nobody will believe in you. Believe in yourself no matter what, believe even if the problem is overwhelming, believe even if there is no evidence that you will be ok. 


Mental toughness is everything, a tough mind means easy and good life. A tough mind is all you need to withstand anything that is uncomfortable and unwanted. You can make your mind tougher through meditation and practicing stillness every time you feel uncomfortable. Look at your mind whenever you feel uncomfortable, stressed or tired. What are the thoughts that you entertain?  Visualize what you want to happen and keep repeating it everyday, never get tired with the process because it will only work if you repeat it a million times. The more you make your mind tougher the more you will attract better experiences in life, your situation will get better and you will become a winner. Learn to solve any problem once it is there, learn to take any responsibility in front of you. Make your mind tougher by facing any problem and not trying to escape from it. The more you face discomfort and stress the tougher your mind will become. Always push forward no matter what and believe that you will make progress. 


Love your situation no matter how hard it looks. Never rush the process. Things will keep getting better everyday if you're doing one positive thing at a time. Relax but don't be lazy. You don't need to rush because you have a lot of time. Rushing will only make things worse. Just chill while working your way to the top. Keep climbing that mountain even if the road is rocky, keep swimming that sea even if the tide is so high, little by little you will arrive at your desired destination. Patience is the key. If you are patient then good things will happen to you. Just believe and stay positive, do something good and that's it. The storm will pass faster if you're doing the right thing, it will stay for a very long time if you keep on doing things that are not making your situation a little bit better. Just like for example in finding a job... if you can't find a job for months then it means you're in a storm right now but things will get worse if you're lazy and not doing things that has possibilities to give you a job, if you're still drinking and partying when jobless then it means the storm in your life will become stronger. 


You think you can't do it, you think you can't endure it but the truth is you can. There is no problem that you can't survive, you can embrace every pain and overcome it to turn into a stronger person. Never under estimate yourself, always think that you are strong because that is the reality. The storm that is happening now ill pass and it will be over soon. Things will become better again, great things are coming. All you have to do is trust and keep moving forward all the time, never let your mind go crazy because of worrying and overthinking. 

Because most of the time you're underestimating yourself, what did it made you? what did it gave you? Feel strong and invincible all the time because your reality depends on how you feel. If you feel you can do it then you will but if you feel you can't then for sure you're going to fail no matter how hard you try.

Jul 24, 2020


It's not motivation, it's not talent nor skill, it's not your power nor abilities... it's DISCIPLINE. Discipline is what get things done, it will make you go further. It will give you anything you want in this world. Discipline to just do it and stop thinking about anything else is what will make you productive. The discipline to embrace boredom, the discipline to embrace the pain... this will separate you from the pack. 


Stop worrying about the future and simply think about what you want. Focus on what you need to do, stop thinking about having a hard life if this or that happen, stop thinking about failing, stop thinking about not making it and just focus on making a move. Always start fast and finish fast, never let yourself slow down even if you're tired. 

For three straight days work super hard and do everything you can to become very close to your goal, having this kind of mindset will give you power. You will be able to move faster and become more creative. Just think that you need to get what you want within three days but don't ever feel bad if you can't get it. You're just testing your willpower here, you're just training your body and mind to do more and do everything you can to win. Always move fast, never procrastinate, train your body to act right away whenever there is an important task to be done. 


Stop eating cake, stop eating ice cream, stop drinking diabetic sodas, stop eating burgers and fries and just eat the healthiest foods you can find in your refrigerator. You can pick something, if you can't find a healthy food just pick what you think has the fewest calories. Sometimes you don't need to fully eat the healthiest food on the planet, you just need to pick what is less tastier and not so delicious because it can do lesser damages to your health. Picking the healthier food is building your mental toughness, discipline means stopping your craving, it means stopping the urge to get fast gratification. Eating unhealthy foods will make your body slower and mind rustier. Your system will become weaker because unhealthy foods produces bad chemistry with your body, it's making you weaker and weaker but you're not aware of it. 


You're having a hard time sustaining your discipline because you always look for fast changes, and if you can't see it... you get frustrated easily and give up. Change will happen naturally, you don't need to force it nor watch it, just let it happen, trust the process and keep doing it until you finally see that your life has transformed. Be patient because always looking for results will only create depression, it will destroy your motivation. Motivation can only be found by doing the process. Life is a journey, it's not a destination and will never be. If it's a destination then why are rich people still striving to have more? why is there no satisfaction? no human being will get satisfied of what they have, and that's the reality. Every person will always look for more, so stop dwelling with what you don't have and simply enjoy what is going on. It's easier to manifest success and opportunities if you will live in the moment and appreciate what you have in your life. There is no such thing as completion, life will go on as always, don't look for fast changes because it will only make you go crazy. 


There's a lot of drama in your life, and this is making your life harder. You love dramas, you love entertaining a lot of it even though it's not helping you at all. Once you see yourself making dramas or reading and watching stories about other people's dramas... stop it right away. You don't need it in your life, you need to stay focused on things that really matters. Drama and negativity is really interesting but it's making your life uglier and harder. You have to be aware that it's just a waste of time and it's not giving you any edge at all, it's pulling you down, it's making you slower and miserable. 


Your cellphone is eating a lot of your time, you never know how much time you've wasted by simply playing with your cellphone. Put it down, let it run out of battery and don't charge it for three days. If you will use it then use it to make your life better and not to make your life worse. The installed games, chats from frenemies, news, posts that are useless... it's not helping at all. It's making you lazy and useless, your cellphone is just eating all of your precious time. 


Make your mind believe that every step is the entertainment, make yourself believe that everything you do that is related to a bigger picture is making you love life more. No matter how hard and boring the step is... you should enjoy it, every step that you take should be related to your goal. This kind of mindset will give you a stronger discipline, it will make you very productive and useful. Be passionate about every step that you take. Every repetition, every mistake, every discovery of a step that is working... you should love all of it, always think that every step is putting you closer to the top. 

Jul 23, 2020


Getting angry for no reason is a big sin, you might do stupid things, you might take actions that you will regret in the end. It's normal to get angry but you still need to think right, you need to picture what will be the outcome if you act like a savage and let your emotions control you and make you do regretful things. Acting like a savage will make you look like a fool and uneducated. It will put you on a very bad situation and the worst thing is it's hard to get out from that place, you will be needing a lot of time, explanation, process to put your life back to normal. As the saying goes "once the damage is done it will be hard for you to fix it". So think twice before you hurt someone, think twice before you kick something just to let your anger come out. Trust me, you will never feel good if you hurt someone, you will regret it right away, you will get lost, your mind will go blank, look at the NBA players after fighting... they were so quiet after the punches were thrown, they were just looking at something and it seems like they regret what happened. I am not saying that you should be kind and act like an angel that can't commit any sin, but the point here is you better control your temper or else you will end up living in hell. 


Did it kill you? did you lost millions because of it? or maybe your ego is just giving you the illusion that it's really bad and you need to burst out in anger? It's no really a big deal so don't make it a big deal. Never let your emotions control your mind, I know you're feeling angry right now but you can always change that feeling. It's just a matter of changing your perspective and giving the subject that makes you mad a different meaning, a meaning that is less destructive, a meaning that doesn't come from hate. 


You might go to jail if you hurt someone, you might hurt the feelings of other people, you might hurt the feelings of people who are close to you. You might do things that will make you look so bad. You might get a severe punishment because of the trouble that you create, many ugly things might be attracted to your life. You will get hurt too, your life may change in an instant especially if the damage you did is  big. You may even hurt yourself because of carelessness and uncalculated actions. 


Think about your family, do you think they're going to be happy if you made a bad decision? do you think they will have a good life if you're put to jail? do you think they will not get affected if they see you getting punished because of the immature decision that you made? Your family will suffer too if you did something stupid because you can't control your temper. Your family is what matters to you, it's the more important thing to you than your anger. You don't want to hurt our family right? then stop trying to snap out and destroy something. Stay cool, stay composed, stay relaxed because you don't even need to do something stupid. Calmness will solve everything, 


Is snapping out going to make your life better? is it going to give you money or security? is it going to take your life to another level? of course not. The only thin that will improve your situation is your patience. Be patient, everything can be fixed, everything can end up nicely, if not nicely then peacefully and in a well educated manner. If you don't like something just ignore it and go back to your goals, go back to the things that are really valuable to you. 


Trying to hurt someone, trying to force them that you are right and they deserved to get hurt is not making you a better person, it's making you worse. Stop trying to make a revenge when somebody disrespect you. You're better than that.  You can do something much better in a well mannered way, you don't need to look like a rascal or an untamed beast. And the worst thing is... it will only put you on a bad spot that is very hard to escape from. 

Jul 21, 2020


If you've tried everything you can possibly try and yet there are no results that are happening, there is only one choice left for you and that is to BECOME A MONSTER. Become a beast, be the hardest worker as you can be, believe that you can do it and stop feeling weak all the time. Anybody can become a beast if he wishes to, it's just a matter of choice and commitment. You can become a beast  now, stop waiting, stop wishing for good things to happen before you act. Force yourself to just do it, start fast and finish strong. You can transform your life in an instant if you will just do the right thing and then follow through and follow through. Choose to become unstoppable, choose to become relentless and positive. 


Your reign for being the laziest guy on this planet is over, you need to transform yourself from being a bum to being a beast. You want a new life right? So make your value bigger. Work more, study more, improve more, sacrifice more, push more... Make yourself standout by being the hardest worker in the world. Hard work will never fail you, it will only reward you. You're pretending to be weak and that is probably the saddest and baddest part of your life. You're not moving even if you can move, you prioritize how you feel, you're so scared of failing, you're so scared of what might people say. BE fast, star fast and move fast so your mind won't entertain a lot of negativity. If you're moving you will get entertained, time will fly fast, you will enjoy every moment and you won't even notice that you're done for the day. 


If you can enjoy the process then you will be able to create more progress. I doesn't matter if the process is hard, if you can enjoy it then it will become easier, progress will happen faster than how you expect it to happen. You can change your perspective about hard work, you can feel happy about it, you can feel blessed by simply working hard. It's in your mind, if you can see yourself improving through hard work then you are improving, if you feel like suffering and struggling through hard work then you are really struggling. What your mind think is how your body feels. So condition your mind to believe that the process is fun even if it's not, you can teach your mind, you can tame it, you can direct it where you want it to go. Never let it wander anywhere, never let it entertain thoughts that will only make the process harder. Never think that everything in your life, always think that every step is easy, always think that all work is easy work. 


Outworking everyone is the surest path to success, outworking your old lazy self, if you can do this then you will see tremendous results, you will become unstoppable. So be real, don't say that you're working hard if the truth is you're not, don't say that you're on another level if the truth is you're just a same bum like other people. Separate yourself from the pack, never let your mind think, never focus on some other things other than your work. It's in your hands, success lies in your hands, nobody can give it to you, it's only you that can give it to yourself. You owe it to yourself, you could have been very successful a long time  ago but you choose to become mediocre. So starting today, try to do the impossible, become a beast, try to push yourself as much as you can, discipline yourself, stay away from subjects and information that distracts you. Put your mind into one thing and that is your goal. You may have lesser talents, you may have the weakest skill but if you can outwork everyone then you can outshine everyone, you can go to the top, you can become really successful in the end. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and believing in the hard work you can put in, as simple as that. 


The key on how to sustain hard work is to embrace the pain all the time. It's really painful mentally not physically doing the things that you don't like a little bit. Exercising is painful, it's painful in the mind because you think it's hard and you think that you have a long way to go before you finish it. Studying or doing the necessary work is painful, it's because you think you're time is being wasted, you think that you could have use your time to become happier. Your mind always want to go for entertainment and that's what make the process harder, it's torturing your mind because you think you need to do it but part of your mind is telling you that it's hard and just choose having fun instead. 

If you want to sustain hard work you need to feel the pain, embrace every second and never rush anything. Little by little you will be able to learn how to enjoy it, especially if you are seeing small progress. Don't wish for big and fast progress, don't wish for instant results. Just embrace hard work and always think that the process is the reward itself. Once you can make your mind believe that the process is the result then you will become a beast, you will get addicted to work, you will be able to do the impossible. Always think that no time is getting wasted here, believe that every action is the right action and every step is making you closer and closer from what you want. Trust me, you will have a break through, you will accomplish bigger things in life. 


Always feel happy that you were able to give everything today even if t he result is not that big. Don't worry because hard work always pay off, you may not see the result for now but you will see it in the future. Just keep going, keep focusing on what you do and never regret that you use a lot of energy, never regret that you feel so tired. You should feel happy because you're evolving as a human being every time you give your all, you are destroying your boundaries... YOU ARE BECOMING A BEAST. 

Jul 20, 2020


You think it's already game over? No, not yet. There's still a fight left in you. You can still move, despite of being extremely exhausted you can still do something. So don't give up, you still have a chance. You still have a lot left in your tank. It's only over when it's over, if you can't do something about it anymore. But you can still do something so it means the fight is still on. Don't quit too soon, always go further, keep pushing for more. So put your head up and don't give up the fight.


Because you can't take the pain anymore. You think that the pain will not subside, you think that it's forever, you're wrong, the pain will soon be gone. Just deal with it, feel it as much as you can and never try to remove it right away, that pain will make you stronger. All you have to do is enjoy it, it sounds ridiculous but it's the only way to be able to push further... enjoy the pain. Quitting is for losers, always remember that, if you haven't quit yet then you're not yet a loser. It's better to be trying forever than to just accept your defeat. Remember that victory belongs to the most persevering, if you persevere now you will become a winner later. So keep fighting and never get discourage, you still have some time, you can do it if you will use all of your willpower and tenacity to conquer any obstacle along the way.

You wanted to quit because you want comfort, but the sad truth is there is no growth in comfort, there is no greatness in comfort. You can only win and become great if you're willing to face discomfort every now and then. Face the pressure, embrace the pain, exhaust yourself, embrace the stress and keep moving forward all the time. Greatness will come, greatness will be felt when you feel so tired and feel like giving up, just keep in mind that you have to keep moving forward no matter what. So force yourself to move, focus on the process and never do anything else. 


You may lose money, you may lose time, you may lose your dignity but the fight is still on. You may lose people whom you trust, you may lose respect, you may lose your identity but the fight is still on, you still have a chance even if it looks like there is no chance. It doesn't matter if you don't have anything for now, what matters is you never lose the fight in your heart, what matters is you still persevere and you keep moving forward no matter what. Don't worry about what is lost, there is still a lot to gain in the future, all you have to do is wait for the right time. Don't worry about the losses, it's in the past, were are talking about the present now, we are talking about what's going to happen now. 


Why will you complain, it's hard but you're still alive, you can still move and make an impact, you can still shock people. They've thought that you've already been defeated but you can still fight and make a difference. Don't think that it's hard, just feel lucky that you still have a chance to fight and make things right, it's hard because you always think that it's hard. What if you just take it one step at a time? what if you just keep being patient and just move forward every single day, what do you think will happen? Stop complaining too much and just do what is needed. The time you use for complaining could have been used for some better things. So feel happy, feel good because you're still alive, you have a big chance, you're still in the game, you can still fight and force fate to back you up. 


Just focus on winning, think about winning, think about moving, discipline your mind to think about positive thoughts only. Never think about the idea of defeat, never think about losing just for a second, always believe that you can do it because you have the power to do it. All it takes is the power to believe in yourself, the power to endure any painful feeling and still moving forward no matter what. Don't listen about what people say, don't believe the haters, just enjoy the process and keep moving forward all the time. Give everything you've got. Losers focus on losing and excuses while winners focus on winning and solutions, they keep on trying until they get the job done, they never quit until the make it right. So see yourself winning, see yourself raising your hands, it's possible to fill your mind with the most powerful thoughts that you can ever have, it's possible to control your mind. Just think about winning and never think about any other thing again.


The real enemy is you, the real obstacle is you. You are the one who's always scared, you're the one who's not giving your best, you're the one who's focusing on your weaknesses. The real enemy is you, once you conquer your mind you can conquer everything. It's all about how torrid is your belief in yourself, do you have real confidence or was it just a fake confidence? So conquer yourself first, once you were able to conquer and tame your cluttered mind... every thing will become clear, the path will become easier, the process will become lighter and smoother. Never look for excuses, never look for an easy way out, never blame other people... the real enemy is you, it's your decision, it's your call, you can do something and not feel anything if you made a mistake or you can feel bad about it and never try again. 


It's very simple... face the discomfort and pain, as simple as that. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself, you need to stop h...