Jun 10, 2018


You will see who you really are if you put yourself into deep waters, you will see how tough or resilient you are if you will face a difficult challenge. You will become something else if you're facing a serious adversity, it's either you become stronger or you fold like everyone else because you can't handle the pressure.

Your true character will be revealed during tough times and not during easy times. An adversity is not something that will make your life worse, it can make you stronger and better if you will only think the right way. Embrace it and process it, that's how to handle it. Never shy away from it, confront it and look it in the eye, show it that you're not afraid of it.

Some people were only strong and confident if everything is going right but once they saw that it's hard and they feel that they can't do it... they will quit, just like that. Life is not all about looking dominant or powerful, it's not all about looking like you're succeeding... it's about standing again once you fail.

So if you want to see who you really are... accept a tough challenge, face the biggest adversity in your life, stay with the problem and see what you can do with it. Watch how you feel, if you still feel hopeful despite of those hard times then you are strong but if you feel weak and you don't want to move anymore then you're weak, you will never thrive in any difficult situation.

Tough times don't last only tough people do, if you really want to win in life then you should make yourself very tough, don't shy away from any kind of challenge, move still despite of being overwhelmed with problems. Because you can always find a solution if you keep moving forward, you can always find a way if you have enough willpower in your system.

So don't ever think that any adversity is bad luck, it's just testing your character, it's just challenging your will and determination. Are you going to just fold every time an adversity strikes you? are you going to move forward despite of feeling the pain? you should know what is your real identity in any kind of situation, are you a quitter or are you a doer? what is your true color?

So stop acting like tough when everything is smooth, stop acting like a real winner because you're having a good time. You will see what you are all about when danger and pressure is there, you will know who you really are if you're in a terrible spot. Don't act like tough if a simple problem is shaking you, don't act like you're the king of the world if a simple challenge is making you quit.

This world is tough, only the strong survives, if your mental game is weak and cannot stand the pressure then life will eat you alive, you will be stunned, you will quit as fast as you can.

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