Jun 6, 2018


Stop crying, stop whining, stop blaming... it's just a pain, it's just an emotion. Don't act like you never suffered before, stop acting like you're a virgin to pain, you already faced a scary challenge before so what's the big deal now? you're not new to it, you already tasted it before... don't act like you're entitled of not feeling it anymore, don't act like you're protected because you're not, you're not special so every time you feel the pain... feel it, endure it because it will soon go away, it is not there to stay forever.

The more you refuse to face the pain... the more you will face it in the future. And even if you're not in pain right now... you will still see it in the future, pain is part of your life so don't ever act like you don't deserve it, you deserve it because you're just a human, you don't have any super powers.

The truth is... who can face the pain more is the one who's going to become successful. Pain is part of your life so you have to deal with it, it will never go even if you're the most successful person in this world. Even the richest people were dealing with some kind of pain, they are also struggling, they are also in fear... just have the mindset of being ok with it so that you will never freak out every time you feel it.

Pain is just a feeling, it will never cut you nor kill you, sometimes it's all in the mind, you think it's painful but it's not.

Every time you are feeling it just feel it even more. Don't be scared of it, it's nothing. Pain is just temporary, glory is eternal.

The era of being a cry baby is over, this generation is full of soft people.. just a little struggle and discomfort makes them cry like a weak puppy. You can become successful in this world if you can endure any kind of pain, you can thrive if you have a thick skin and willing to face every difficult challenges along the way.

Be happy if you're feeling some pain because it will make you stronger and tougher, it will make you a different person, it will take you to another level. It will make you a different animal, all you have to do is feel it and keep moving forward. Never do something crazy, just stay positive because it will be over soon, once you're still alive after facing it... congratulations! you're already a different beast.


1. Just laugh at it, laughing at it will make you look invincible, you will also feel good about yourself, you will even be amazed with yourself because you were able to survive it even if it's too painful.

2. Entertain yourself. Look at some other things that will make you happy, appreciate life even more, diver your attention and focus it to some other things that will make the time faster. Erase it in your mind, think about some happy thoughts.

3. Have peace with it. If you can't remove it then have peace with it, be one with it, don't panic, don't rush. Never think about going to some other places so you won't feel it, just have peace with it and it will become weak, it will go away from your system in just a matter of time.

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