Jun 3, 2018


Shut down everything that is running inside of your head, forget everything, forget every problems that you have and just follow the game plan... that's the best thing to do, follow the game plan and give your best.

You can find a way, if you will only trust your strength and at least make an impact to whatever you're doing... you will make it, you will be able to establish a rhythm that will give you a very good flow to become successful.

Squeeze something from your game plan, the focus should be getting something from it not losing something from it. Your game plan will work if you really believe in it and executing it consistently. The game plan is to simply follow the plan and nothing else, make it simple, be fast in executing.

Because you need a tremendous focus here if you want to make your game plan work. You can't make excuses why it is not working, it's not working because you're really not working, you're not taking it seriously, you have to make a stand for your game plan, you need to get rid of the things that are not serving you... as simple as that.

Shut down everything and just follow the game plan, be a single minded person, just think about success and do everything you can to get it.

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