Jun 4, 2018


When you grow old that's the time you shouldn't become afraid anymore. Why will you entertain fear? you're already old, your time has passed, your time in this world is getting slimmer and slimmer. You should be taking risks without conscience, you should be moving fast and not wasting time anymore.

What else do you have to lose? nothing right? you will never lose anything, you are meant to get everything you want. So go for it, stop hesitating and just go for it. Stop thinking about what people say, stop thinking about what people might say... start now and pursue your dreams relentlessly.

You're already old. You're calmer, wiser, stronger and more experienced this time. You already experienced a lot of different emotions from very scary fear to deep depression.... you already experienced all of these things, you shouldn't be scared of failing anymore because you already knew how it feels. You already knew how to become very tired, you already knew how to work hard and still fail... nothing is new to you anymore. You should be braver this time, stop wasting time and give everything you've got.

Always remember that you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain, why not push yourself to the limits and squeeze everything that you can squeeze in life?

Stop focusing on fear, focus on winning instead. Your mind should be filled with thoughts about victory and overcoming challenges. Always remember that you only have one life... you should be unafraid to any kind of challenges along the way.

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...