Jun 4, 2018


You have a process, you have an idea but it is very simple and not flashy, it's ok, there's nothing wrong with that. If you will work hard and become passionate about it then it will become powerful and outstanding, it will standout and become popular.

Every idea starts small in the beginning, it starts weak and looks like it's not going to become successful but if the creator of it wants it to succeed then he will do everything he can to make it a huge success.

It's all up to you if you will work hard for your idea, it's all up to you if you're going to give it some life. It all depends on how hard you work for it and how big your heart is, if you really love your idea then it will succeed. Your idea will become bigger each day if you will do something about it, it will become bigger than yesterday if you will only put something on it. It's like a piggy bank, you put one buck each day and your money will become very big, same as your idea... you put a little effort each day and one day it will become evident.

So don't feel bad if your idea is not that popular, you should be proud of it because you're working hard for it, who knows? it might become popular one day and give you fortune.

It's all about giving it some time, energy and focus. If you are serious about it then it will work no matter how weird it looks like, people will appreciate it, they will ask questions about it, they will even apply it to their lives.

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