Jun 5, 2018


Metabolism becomes slow not because you are aging but because you're not active anymore. That's why people who are 30 years old above becomes fat easily, it's because they're not active anymore, they don't have a lot of activities like when they were young, they were focused mainly on one thing and that is their work.

If you don't want to get your stomach to get big... you have to move, take actions, stay active. Your body is deteriorating because you're not using it anymore, you're just sitting on your chair at the office and looking at your computer the whole day. You're not sweating anymore, you're not making your body move.

Your stomach will get fat, your body will become weak, your cells will regenerate slow if you're not doing something that will push your body. You have to keep your body in motion, don't ever think that you're too old to do things, if you will push yourself and make your body active then you will look younger.

You have to believe in a process, some believe in yoga, some believe in just simply jogging everyday. If you can believe in a process and do it everyday then your body will change, metabolism will start to kick in and you will look younger than before, you will have a nicer body and younger skin.

It feels good to look good and in shape, a lot of people will blame metabolism that's why they are getting fatter, the truth is they were just too lazy to move, they don't want to sweat.

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