Jun 7, 2018


A lot of people were happy if they're not working, they thought that it is good, they thought that it was cool. What they don't know is the moment you are not working anymore... that will be the start of your failure, that will be the start of your life going down. Laziness is next to ugliness, it is the path to a miserable life. My father keeps working hard everyday even if he is already successful that's why he has a strong mind and body, that's why he never get old.

If you're not working then you're deteriorating, you're destroying your own life. You are slowing down, you're not learning anything, you're not evolving... the habit of working hard is no longer in your system and that is a very dangerous situation.

Some people are so happy if they are earning money without working, they get it from support, scams or whatever money making activity they have, they were so happy, they don't know that once that process is not working anymore... they will go back to zero, they will not know how to earn money again. If the work ethic is not there... you are still nothing because you don't know how to make a comeback once you fail.

So even if you're working hard and not earning too much... be happy because the work ethic is already there, the mental toughness has been fully developed, the resiliency is in your system, you can make a huge comeback every time you fall... you will never be afraid of any kind of process no matter how difficult it is because you already worked so hard in the past.. any difficulty is nothing new to you anymore.

Work will make you happy, laziness will make you depress.. as simple as that. Rich people who doesn't want to work anymore become depressed, they don't know what to do, they were lost... the result is they become broke, they go back to zero. So be happy if you can still work hard, that means you're on the right direction in life, that means you will still grow and become a better person.

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If you really want to become unstoppable then stop judging yourself. Stop regretting the past, stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop caring ...