Mar 21, 2018


You know why your confidence is going down? you always give up, when everything becomes hard... you will give up, you give up on small things, you give up on bigger things, you develop yourself to become a quitter and not a fighter.

You are killing your spirit by giving up, you feel that you can't accomplish anything anymore. Even opening the bottle of a soda... you will ask someone to do it for you if you can't open it. That's a weak attitude, it will never take you  anywhere.

Most of the time you give up but you don't know it. You give up your dreams, you give up reading a book because watching tv is easier, you give up courting a girl because you don't feel being welcomed, you give up trying out on a varsity team because you see taller applicants, you give up studying something because someone told you that it's hard, you give up applying for a job because it's too traffic, you are giving up every now and then but you don't know it.

Every time you decide to not do it anymore... your spirit become weak, your mental toughness is going down.

If you're not successful now, look at the things in the past that you give up. Even the smallest things... it makes an impact to your soul, it makes your soul weak, your character is diminishing bit by bit.

Every time you need to do something... do it, don't think just do it. See the ending, finish it.

Your confidence will soar high every time you finish something may it be a small or big task, you are becoming a finisher, you are developing a killer instinct. You will stick with the process even if it gets harder and harder each day.

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