Mar 10, 2018


Stand up... nobody will help you so you have to work harder, that's all you can do. What are you? are you successful? are you the son of the king of England? do you have rich parents? do you live in a palace? if not then what are you waiting for? Hard work is your only ticket to success and nothing more than that, you're not special, you're not blessed and lucky... stop acting like you're entitled of being lazy, stop acting that you have a lot of time, you have to make a move now and do what is best for your life.

You need to push yourself, stop babying yourself, stop acting like the world owes you something. Nobody will help you especially if you're a loser, if you're not creating results now then nobody will believe in you, nobody will help you.

All you can do is work harder, establish a momentum and make significant improvements everyday. I know it's hard especially if you're just starting, I know it takes time, but the key here is to stop looking for huge results everyday, stop rushing, stop comparing yourself to others, stop getting jealous with others who are already making success and money.

The focus is you, the focus is to take actions, destroy all of your excuses now and do what is necessary. Again, you don't need to look perfect and exciting, you don't need to look interesting an great. All you have to do is work super hard and that's it.

Only you can help yourself, nobody can help you, nobody will put his money on you. You have to become independent, destroy what makes you weak. Thing such as support, borrowing money from others, blaming others, always asking for a favor... these shits will not even help you, it is degrading your value, it is making you lazier even more.

Only you can save yourself, only you can make your life better. What are you waiting for? start now, do what is needed, draw the first blood.

Stop living in fantasies and embrace the reality, it is hard, life is hard, success is hard but losing and having regrets is harder.

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