Mar 15, 2018


You're so relaxed nowadays that's why you're always left behind, that's why you can't make a significant progress in your life. You need to hurry a little bit and make things happen. You need to force a miracle in your life if you want to have a better life. Look at yourself... you're procrastinating a lot right? you want to become great but you're always supporting your soft side, you're always training your lazy side. If you want heavy success then you need to take heavy actions, there is no room for soft people nowadays. Stand up and do something, don't make lying in bed and watching TV as your number one hobby. You're better than that, you can always do better and live better. The choice is always yours, if you think that your life will never grow anymore then you're right but if you think that you can still grow and become successful then you're right again.


Because you always want to have fun, you think that life is all about having fun, you want to do the easy things, you don't want to sacrifice. You don't know that you can have a lot of fun working hard, you can make hard work as your world, you can make sacrifice as your hobby. If you will only program your mind that working is better than resting then you can become more successful than 90 percent of other people in this planet. This planet is full of lazy people with no ambitions, they think that happy go lucky is the right way to live. They will never push themselves to the limit but tin the end they will always complain about how hard it is to live in this world.


You made it a habit since day one, you think that it's alright being slow, just because you're earning a little money and you have a job... you think that you're already secured. You think that it's cool to be slow and doing things late.

Once you wake up... stay out of your bed. Stand up fast and do your tasks immediately. Don't think, don't dream, there are lot of time you've been wasting because of staying on your bed for so long and daydreaming. Even if you're dizzy a little bit... stand up and do your thing. Even if you feel so heavy and lazy... stand up, that feeling will change the moment you start what you're suppose to do. Just keep moving forward, that is the best life style in the world... to always stay in motion and never patronize laziness. Once you have something on your mind... do it, do it without hesitation. Your life will become happier and easier if you're moving.


Time is so valuable, a lot of people are wasting it because they think that they have a lot of it, they don't know that time is so precious and they can't replace the time wasted anymore. Time is not gold... it's everything. If time is gold then it can be replaced but it can't. Hurry now, push yourself and never think about what may happen next. Just do something positive one day at a time, do something that can make your life better. It can be anything, you know what is good and bad, you know what can give you results in the future. Treat your time as something that is so expensive that nobody can by, treat your time as the most important thing in the world.

Don't ever think that you're slow, you're fast. No matter what age you are... you can still become fast if you will push yourself and believe in yourself, just always believe, believe that you can do it, believe that you can push it. There are lot of things that you can accomplish if you will hurry a little bit.


Treat everything as an urgent matter, if you need to do something regardless if it is really important or not... do it right away, do it fast, never think twice, that is the how to develop a habit of moving fast. Put pressure on yourself, always think that something bad will happen if you don't do it. Think that there is a knife on your throat ready to cut you if you don't move. It is what it is, it's not fun but if you will not put yourself on a sense of urgency then nothing will happen in your life, you will remain as a loser forever, do you want to be a loser? Nobody wants to be a loser but not everyone wants to work hard, only a few are willing to take their lives seriously. Only few people are going to become successful.


If you're always uncomfortable then it means you're on the right path, it means you're setting yourself up for success. You are pushing and you are playing outside of your comfort zone. If you're too comfortable then you're not working, you're just relaxing and taking your time for granted which is not a good thing if you're pursuing some level of success. Most people wants comfort, they think that being comfortable is really comfortable but the truth is they are only making their lives worse by doing that. They want comfort through laziness, not playing outside of the box, asking help from other people, shopping, consuming, eating a lot of food. If your life is always about comfort then you will never evolve anymore, you will deteriorate, you will get lost and slow. You can only learn and grow through stress and pain, you will only evolve if you're suffering a little bit.

Hurry because not all the time your life will wait for you, life is short, just a blink of an eye and it's over. You have to get what you really want and go for it fearlessly, and even if you're scared of getting it.. still get it because not all the time you have time, time will come and your time will be over. You have to hurry now, you have to think now and move before your campaign is over.


1. Consistency - even if you're slow in moving, if you're consistent enough and you're doing it everyday then you will look fast, you will accomplish more than others. You move slow but you're not wasting time, you never let a day be over without doing something that will make your goal reachable. Consistency is powerful, you will never notice that you're already succeeding because of it. Being consistent means you're embedding something into your system forever.

2. Wake up early - Never stay on your bed for too long, once your eyes were open... stand up and do something for your dream, forget that dizziness and laziness... just wake up and do something for your life. Sometimes you thought you're already awake but the truth is you're still sleeping, you're still lazy, you're still slow. If you're awake then show the universe that you're awake so he won't be sleeping on you. Show the universe that you really want it, impress it and you will be rewarded. Set your alarm clock to 3 am and once it ring... never go back to sleep again.

3. Destroy all the distractions. Destroy any activity that eats a lot of your time, get rid of them. The key here is to be aware if you're wasting time or not, if you feel that a lot of time has been wasted then it's time to change your habits, it's time to change the present activity. Do something productive, never engage on something that will never make you move forward. There are lot of bad habits that you have, you just don't want to admit it because you're having too much fun with them, you think it's good for you because you're enjoying them. It's time to become weird and boring, it's time to do something special, you can only do it by sacrificing a lot.

4. Repetition. If you want to become fast in anything that you're doing... you have to repeat it again and again, repeat it even if you'r so sick and tired of it, repeat it even if you feel lazy. Repetition is genius, just like a child learning how to play a guitar, once he repeat playing the guitar everyday for one straight year... he will become very fast, faster than an adult guitar player. Never underestimate the power of repetition because it's too powerful than you know, you think you are getting bored and lazy by repeating but the truth is you're improving a lot.

5. Don't think. You're thinking too much that's why you can't start something, you're thinking a lot that's why fears and worries were building up. Don't think... just do it, thinking is a sin, it will make you slow, it will make you scared. You want to do it then do it, you will do it anyway so why not do it now?

You need to hurry now, you're enjoying too much but the truth is you want more, deep inside of you I know you want more and you want it now. But you can't have it now, you have to be patient, keep your cool but never relax, stay calm but never slow down. Hurry up before it's too late. Time is running, it will never stop, it will never wait for you. You will never get it fast but you can move fast, you can take actions fast and make momentum fast.

Life is fast so why will you slow down? time is running, you will never be able to stop it, all you can do is become faster than it. Time gets faster and faster everyday, the more you get older the more your time will be lesser. So stop holding yourself back and do what you are suppose to do. Never think twice... just do it. Put your heart into it and you will find a way to succeed.

A lot of people are rushing, but they are rushing the wrong way. They rushing because of traffic, they are rushing at the mall to but the sale items, they are rushing to become rich. They are rushing for things that doesn't even matter in the long term. What you need to hurry about is taking actions for your dreams, taking the right steps to reach your goals. Stop rushing for activities that will make you one step backward. The movement should always be forward, you should be evolving and progressing everyday.


It's not too late for a change, you can change your life now, you can create habits that will make you successful and faster. Even if you're old you can still learn, you can still manipulate your brain to operate the right way. As long as you have time, you still have time, you can still become a winner. But you need to force yourself to get out of that old version of you, kill your weak version, destroy your slow version. Unleash the best inside of you, show your true strength. I know you're so sick and tired of being a loser so it's time to become a winner.

Work hard on yourself, be hard on yourself and blame yourself if you're not getting the results that you want. Hurry now while you're still alive, while you're still strong and capable of taking heavy and bold actions. Go all out and don't be conservative. Upgrade your mind, upgrade your work ethic, increase your speed, it's time to see a different side of you... someone who is willing to get full steam ahead, someone who will not step on the brakes, someone who is unstoppable.

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Feeling stuck is just a drama, being stuck is because you are lazy and not moving, if you are working hard then you are not stuck, you feel ...