Mar 11, 2018


It's that simple... just do the task needed at the moment. Never do something else, once you start something... never stop until it's done. Work hard, give your best, push yourself and forget about the easy ways, forget about the fun activities.

Just do it, do it again and again until you're done. Forget about comfort, forget about drinking water, forget about drinking, forget about eating, forget about watching TV. Just remember that you need to finish it. Put yourself some pressure to finish it, fool yourself, scare yourself, think about negative things that will happen to you if you don't finish it.

You can pause, you can rest for seconds but don't ever stop, don't ever think that you can still do it later or tomorrow. Do it now, repeat, enjoy boredom, enjoy having a hard time finishing it.

It's all about training your mind to finish a task whether it is big or not. The truth is... you can do a lot of things if you will take it one step at a time, forget about finishing fast, just take it one step at a time. Be happy if you're taking baby steps, be happy if you're moving.

Staying focused is super easy, just do it, never stop, of course your thoughts will disturb you, there will be a lot of flying thoughts that will distract you but it's your duty to fight it, it's your duty to not entertain them.

Never think about perfection because that will make you feel heavy, that will make you feel bad. Just finish it, give your best, take it seriously and you will be surprised that you finished it in just a short period of time.

Focus on finishing it, forget about the time, forget if it is hard or not... just finish it as fast as you can.

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