Mar 24, 2018


Wishing for something is like waiting for a unicorn to show in your face. It's like waiting for the world to stop revolving, it's like wanting a celebrity to have a crush on you. It's too impossible, if you will wait then you are setting yourself up for an epic fail.

You can do something, you just don't realize it because you let laziness take over your system. A lot of celebrities become broke because they were too lazy, a lot of people became crazy because they can't escape their old selves, they were always wishing for something but they are not even acting at all.

If you want it then get it, as simple as that. Do something, take actions, there is always something you can do. Just take it one step at a time and you will get there.

Some people will just dream and some people will do, are you a doer or a wisher? Aladin's lamp will never show on your door, any genie cannot grant your wish because they are not real. Any miracle won't save you, you have to save yourself.

If you will start doing something now, you will get closer to what you want, you will build a momentum. And once you have that momentum... keep building it, never stop until you get what you want.

Wishing will never get the job done, it's just a waste of time, stop thinking about your dream... do something about it. It's either you get tired today trying or you get sick because of overworking.

There is nothing wrong in working hard, people hate it because it's hard but if it's the only way to get your dreams then try it.

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This is the way, no hesitation, no doubts, no worries and just do it. Take actions and never give up. No matter what thought is distracting ...