Don't worry if you fail, don't be scared about giving your all and getting nothing in the end. Don't be scared to try so hard even if success is guaranteed. If success was guaranteed then it will be very boring, what is the use of the word "greatness"? The real reward here is trying, showing up and giving your all, it is being brave and giving everything you've got even if failure is so evident. Not all people will experience this, not all people will do this because they are so afraid to fail.
if it is hard then be happy because it is all worth it, if it is hard then do it hard, if it is easy then do it easy, never care about the degree of difficulty. Just be a doer and go further as much as you can, you will never know your full potential if you keep on complaining that it is hard. Don't make excuses, don't brag that it is hard, don't be proud that it is hard, never make dramas about it and just do it. Expose yourself to adversity, face every challenge in front of you and never ever give up. The best story of your life hasn't been written yet, write it now because you are the director and the script writer, you can do whatever you wanted to do with it, you can achieve anything if you will persevere and keep taking steps until you're done. You will only grow when it is hard, you will never get anything from easy things.
A currently hired employee will always ask his team leader if the job was hard or easy, this is a weak move, this is a weak mentality. Don't ever ask if it is easy or hard and just do it, just give your very best and enjoy the journey no matter what, if it is hard so be it, never complain like a diva, never look for what is missing, never care if it will punish you, you will get stronger if you will face the adversity and that is something you should know and learn. Accept that life is hard, any goal or job is hard and do it anyway. Because complaining will never get you anywhere, looking for a shortcut will only make you weak. Face what is hard and never give up. It's a survival of the fittest thing. The time for being a soft chicken is over, you need to go hard, go harder if it is hard and never stop, as simple as that.
If success was not given to you, if they didn't pick you, if they didn't appreciate you then t's time to make a new journey. Stop making dramas, stop complaining, you will get what you deserve in the end, don't take the unfair treatment seriously, don't whine about it because there are plenty of opportunities to get better, there are millions of ways to do some good stuff, you need to be mindful where your energy go, you need to focus on what really matters not on the dramas that will make you weak and stuck.
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