Jun 6, 2024


Speed will give you everything. It will give you chances, opportunities, money, success, greatness, health etc. When you are slow you will lose everything, you will lose the greatest experiences that could have been yours. You will lose the hot girl because you are slow to get here number, a random ugly dude that pretends to be rich and smart will get her because he moves fast. You will lose a job opening because you are so slow to make a resume. You will lose an opportunity to get stronger today because you are so undecisive to go to the gym and in the end you will decide to just do it tomorrow but you will still never do it anyway. If you know the answer to your teacher's question and you are so hesitant to raise your hand somebody will make a wild guess and make the right answer, you will lose a grade, you will lose something. Slowness is next to failure, being slow means you don't want it bad enough. Everyday you are getting slower and slower every time you hold yourself back. You must train yourself to become fast. There are only two people in this world, one who is fast and one who is slow. Which one are you? 


Don't be afraid of the rain, learn to power through the rain. Most people will never do anything because there is an obstacle, there is an excuse that they are trying to build inside of their heads. If you really want it then you will do it, as simple as that. Charge like a buffalo, the buffalos were not afraid to get wet, they are looking forward to get wet when the storm is there. It's because they knew that they will have a hard time even more if they are avoiding to get wet, they will never be able to get where they are trying to go. At the end of the day it's your choice if you're going to act like a chicken punk or man up and fight the adversity in front of you. Any adversity or challenge will make you better so you have nothing to lose even if you lose. You are gaining something every time you face a problem. So be fast and avoid being slow because you already lost your momentum every time you delay something. 

It may not be perfect but you can do it your way. You may not have the perfect result or technique but you can become creative or simply act a little bit courageous and do it your way. It's much better if you will take matters into your own hands rather than being a follower and following someone who is no better than you. 

Move fast, decide fast and don't be afraid to fail. Welcome discomfort and embrace everything. It is much better to be moving and trying rather than wondering what could have happen if you try. Be trier rather than an overthinker, it's much better to become a trier than a talker who couldn't even take the first step. be a doer, just give yourself a chance to evolve. You are already growing every time you are moving, being an action taker is 100x better than a dreamer. You need to stop daydreaming, stop wishing for luck, stop trying to change your world by your thoughts and hope and force fate by moving. Step by step.. do it, be fast and never care if you fail, never let any failure make you feel bad. This is a process, you may fail now but you will succeed later if you don't give up. It's a trial and error method. You are in control if you are fast, if you are early and decisive. You will have a very strong momentum if you're not like others who were just good in talking but very pure in executing. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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