Jun 16, 2024


There's only one thing to be concerned of.. and that is yourself. Look at yourself, are you giving your best? are you focusing on getting better? or are you focusing on thing that are outside of your control? because at the end of the day the only thing that you can control is your effort, thoughts and decisions. You can never let yourself be worried about the things outside of your control. It's not the strong opponent, recession, bad government, bully boss, bad neighbors, worse people around you, lack of help that you should be concerned about, you should be worried if you are not giving your all for what you want. Don't worry about what other people are doing or thinking, don't worry about the unfair treatment, don't worry about the difficult challenge, worry more about trying to get better every single day. Focus on strengthening your mind and work ethic, focus more on improving your mental stamina and perseverance. People lie but effort don't, did you really gave your all and push yourself to the limits to be complaining like that? Did you really made unimaginable sacrifices? did you really do what other people can't do? you can't be complaining and acting like a victim if you only exerted a little effort and expect big results. You will only have a breakthrough if you really paid the price, again... it's not the challenges that you should be worried about, you should worry if you will give your all. It is not about winning or losing, it is about trying and giving your 110% effort. Are you hungry? are you focused and committed? are you giving everything you've got and not worried if you will fail or get exhausted? Stop worrying like a chicken and start taking actions now. Force yourself to move even if you're not getting any results, repeat your mistakes, repeat the process until something clicks. It is not about being insane it's about giving yourself a chance to win, you are insane if you want to become successful but not exerting any effort at all. You're not insane for dreaming big if you're doing whatever it takes to get it. So start now and give everything you've got for what you want. Don't stop taking actions, don't stop believing, don't wait for the right time because it will never come. The right time is now, take matters into your own hands and force fate. You've go to believe in the power of hard work. Laziness means fear, if you're not working hard then it means you are scared of taking actions. Why will you be scared of failure, exhaustion and rejection? it's a normal thing it's part of your life, it's part of the process. Don't give up on yourself, don't stop working hard. You have what it takes to win if you will just give yourself a chance to be the best that you can be. You will never get better if you keep on waiting. Feeling the resistance means growth is waiting for you, you need to face your fears and just take the first step, follow through until you get the job done. Just give your best and that's it. Stop exerting a weak effort, stop lookin g for comfort and simply face the pain. Now is the time, stop playing the weak game and force yourself to move. Force yourself to take actions and never stop, the journey of greatness will never end, it is a lifestyle, it is your culture, it will become your way of life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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