Jun 4, 2024


If you are always doubting yourself, if you think that you can't make it, if you're always in a state of fear then you need to move. Taking actions creates confidence, inaction creates anxiety and fears. But sometimes no matter how much you move you can't still make it, it's because you don't believe in yourself, you can repeat a million times but if you don't believe that it is working then it is still nothing. Just like a basketball player practicing shooting 100x a day, he can do it forever but if he doesn't believe that it is working, if he doesn't believe in himself then his work will be useless. When you practice, when you prepare... make sure you believe in yourself, affirm that it will work, affirm that you are getting better because if you don't then all of your work is useless, you will never be able to use your skills and you will never take the risk or push further until you become successful. The process is one thing but believing is another thing. It is cool that you are working hard and being consistent but if you don't think that you're getting to another level then you will stay on the same level. Every action is the right action if you believe that it is working. Just believe and work hard, that's it. Stop working hard if you don't believe that you will win. The process is good but it gets bad if you don' trust yourself. Everything you do, everything you prepare will help you if you really trust with all your heart that you can win. It's only just a matter of time before it happens, it will happen if you expect it to happen. It's alright if you keep on failing, what matters is you believe in yourself and you give everything you've got. Believe that you can do anything you want, believe that you have the power to finish and you're almost there. Believe that every step is taking you closer and closer to the finish line, believe that everything you do will give you something in return. It's a game of belief, he who can believe in himself will conquer anything. The more you believe in yourself the harder you will work, if you don't believe then you will just exert a mediocre effort, you will give up when things gets harder, you will complain and make excuses. But if you believe... you will become unstoppable, you will do more and do it faster. You will never be afraid of failure, you will take risks and push your boundaries, you will become unlimited, you will become more creative and free. So keep believing yourself because it is free, nobody can limit your belief, nothing can control your mind. Control your thoughts and force your mind to see greatness inside of you, create the state from within, create your own energy and never stop trying. You may lose your confidence but you can bring it back if you take actions, heavy actions and never ever limit yourself.  You can do the impossible if you believe, you can move mountains, you can dry the ocean, it's really up to you. So look at your mind and study your thoughts, what are you thinking right now? every thought helps, every imagination will create a result, it really depends on your belief if it is positive or negative. At the end of the day you will believe in something, you will feel something why not believe in yourself? why not feel invincible? 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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