Mar 6, 2024


Money is very easy to find, it's very easy to keep and very easy it multiple, just stick with the basics and that's it. It doesn't matter what job you have, it doesn't matter if you come from a very poor background, what matters is you have the right money mindset and you will get rich. All it takes is patience and hard work. Work hard, save money and build your own business. If you don't want to become a business man then just keep grinding and save as much as you can. You can flip burgers at the McDonalds and still become rich, you can become a janitor and still become rich, what matters is the vision and the willingness to take risks. You need to evolver everyday, learn new skills, study some materials and use it to make more money. It doesn't matter where you come from, what matters is your desired destination. Think about money think about billions and do whatever it takes to get it. Never care about the difficulties, never think that it is impossible Anything is possible if yo believe, money is just an energy, it's just a belief. You will get what you think about, it's a law that everyone must follow. So if you keep thinking about lack then you will have no money, but if you will feel abundant and stick with the basics then you will have more money. 


Debts are dangerous, it's a trap, you thought borrowing money will save you but it's putting you at the rock bottom, you will become a slave if you have debts. The most dangerous thing about it is you're thinking about it all the time especially if something is threatening you. Stay away from this trap because you will drown and it will be very hard to save yourself especially if you're already addicted to it. Some people got addicted to debts that's why they can't make a comeback. It's not the solution, the real solution is saving your money and not spending if you have. Learn to keep your money or invest it into something that is legit. Debt is a trap to make you broke, stay away from it, it's better to keep your money than to spend it. If you really love money then why the hell are you overspending? it is better to look like a broke but has money in your pocket than trying to look rich but in reality you are broke. Looking for debts as a solution is the stupidest thing you can do because it will become your habit, you will never escape that rut once you get use to it. The worst thing is your debts get bogger and bigger and it is making you crazy, it is affecting your mental health and you're having a hard time taking actions. There will be a lot of resistance and heavy feelings once you're in debt, there will be a very small space for flexibility, you will have fewer options and you will feel like someone is strangling you. You will have no breathing room, you will get suffocated and stress will attack you all the time, do you want that? the result is you will become broke forever. Stay away from debts and you're already rich, it's not about the money you have... it's about the freedom. 

Stop trying to impress others just to look rich. You buy expensive clothes, take a car loan and in the end you are broke. This is a poor mentality, you need to stop pleasing people, stop being too generous and just focus on increasing your net worth. There is a time for giving, there is a time for saving, you need to know where you are and what is your financial status before you burn your money. Practice delayed gratification all the time, never waste your money for nothing, learn to say no, learn to multiply ypur money. 

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