Mar 26, 2024


Everyone was busy when they're scared, everyone is busy when they don't want to do it. Excuses means you're being a chicken, it means you don't have balls to do it, you don't want to force yourself even if part of you is telling you need to do it. You suddenly get busy doing something stupid that you couldn't even identity, the truth is you're just making excuses because you don't want to show up. You're too lazy, you don't want to force yourself, you just want to feel comfortable. You want the easy ways. You get busy for other things when there is an important task, you're hiding from challenges, you're not dragging yourself to take actions. And that's why you're so weak and lazy, that's why you can't finish anything. You want to do something but you're not cultivating the willpower to take actions. 


Suddenly the weather is not good, the traffic gets heavy, your stomach is aching, you have some other things to do, you got sick for no reason, you get busy even if it's sunday. This is what usually happens when you feel uncomfortable a little bit... you're making a lot of lousy excuses that are so funny and weak. 

Make your balls bigger through taking actions. That's all you need to do. If you say you're going to do something... do it no matter what. Stop making excuses, stop acting like a bum. You're better than that, you can improve now, you can strengthen your mentality by facing what is hard and not stopping until you're done. Stop the stupidity, stop the weakness by being active and busy. Focus on trying to develop your perseverance and punctuality. If you need to do something now... do it without even thinking. Stop looking for comfort, stop looking for excuses. You can push anytime you want, it's an ability that you must use if you want to get better. It's all in your head, you have to do whatever it takes to get to the next level. It all starts with your mindset. If you believe that you can take actions anytime you need to then your body will move automatically. See it in your head and it will manifest in reality. Your body will follow your mind. But to have a strong mind you need to create a habit of just doing it even if it is hard. Practice everyday to take actions no matter what, believe that you can finish anything, believe that you can start anytime, you will become unstoppable if you believe in yourself. Just do it, just start no matter what, never care about making it right, just try. Because it's not about winning or losing, it's about showing up and trying. Don't be scared to embarrass yourself, don't be scared to fail, because the reality is you can try over and over again, nothing can stop you. You are the only one who is holding yourself back by entertaining your fears and laziness. Laziness creates fear, fear will immobilize you if you don't drag yourself into movement. Move now, the best time to move is now, not later, not tomorrow, it's always now.  

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...