Mar 6, 2024


Desperate times calls desperate measures. If you are desperate you will become faster, hungrier and bolder. You will no longer be afraid of failing, the resistance will go away. Because if you will not get desperate then there is no sense of urgency, if you are slow then you will never achieve anything, you will never improve. That's why you need to get desperate, you have to want it so bad, you have to think about it 24/7 and never stop grinding, the time is now, stop waiting for the right moment because it will never come. When you feel uncomfortable, hesitant and scare then that is the best time to move. Discomfort is the way, your problems will make you better, it will make you tough so embrace it. Whatever you need to do it right now... do it without even thinking. Do it without any form of hesitation, because everytime you think... you're just strengthening your fears, stop focusing on what you can't control and focus on taking actions. Every action build a momentum that will lead to success. Just believe in yourself, believe in the power of your willpower. You can find a way if you don't stop. 


The only way is to become a doer and not a thinker... that's it. Become a creator and not a consumer. Produce your own product, create your own idea, build your own empire, build habits that will lead you to success and not to misery. You have to start now, if you want to experience a new life then you better build yourself up, make yourself better through hard work and discipline. Stop looking for results right away because it's killing the process, the real results here is the person you become. You will only become a beast if you're taking the process seriously and not giving time for stupid garbage that is making you weak and slow. Stop worrying and just give your very best, if you're really giving your best then there is nothing else to worry about. 


If you want to get to the next level then stop wasting time, that's it. If you're not wasting time then you will be forced to move the right way, you will take actions that are related to your dreams. If you want to feel or see greatness then you need to get addicted to the process, there's no other way around. When the challenge is there... don't make excuses. Just do it and look for the next step right away then it's done, you are in control here, nothing can control you if you will use your willpower, you have what it takes to win, just don't give up and you will thrive, as simple as that. Every time you feel lazy and tired... take actions, this is the only way, you will never win if you keep on holding yourself back. The truth is you're really not that tired, you're just too lazy. Build the right habits to become successful, build yourself day by day, watch everything that you're doing and always be present, be mindful f your thoughts and eliminate everything that is demotivating you. Block all the thoughts that are making you scared. There are millions of reasons to believe, there are billions of actions you can take. 

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...