Mar 25, 2024


Be happy if you are struggling, it means a breakthrough is about to happen, it means you are changing, you are about to go to a different level. You just can't see it yet because you want to win right away. That doesn't work that way, you really have to work hard and enjoy the process if you really wanted to win in life. Keep making mistakes, embarrass yourself, lose a lot, taste defeats, be ready to repeat again, be ready to get laugh at, it is normal, you are trying to create something great so be ready for everything. Never give up and just push forward, if you're willing to give your all then a miracle will happen, the universe will reward you, you will get what you deserve. Struggling is part of the design, your struggle is your strengthener, it will turn you into a different beast. So don't be afraid to struggle, be happy if you're suffering because it means you are trying. 


If you want to win you should know that it takes heavy sacrifices and hard work, you can't be wishing for something big without having the willingness to go all in and give most of your time and energy. Stop looking for comfort and easy ways because you will never make a progress by having that kind of mentality. You have to stay hungry and committed, push yourself to the limits and never give up. Sometimes you just want something but you're not willing to give your all that's why you always fail, you don't know what it takes to win, you have to seek for challenges that will make you better, you have to seek for uncomfortable situations that will make you improve. 


Some people will take it slow because they are struggling. They are making excuses already, they are accepting their situation, they're letting the challenges slow them and make them weak. That's why they can't make a breakthrough, that's why they're stuck forever. Stop caring about your struggles and keep pushing forward, it you lose you lose so be it but never get lazier, never think that you're allowed to complain and make excuses because you're losing, never let defeats define you, you have to force fate and bend reality to your will. Do whatever it takes to change your situation a little bit and keep repeating the process that works over and over again. Be fast, don't think about the right thing to do, if what you're doing is connected to improvement then it is the right thing to do. Hold yourself accountable for your life, nothing is holding you back except yourself. You are in control here, you just can't see your advantage because you're too focused on the outcome not on the process. Take actions as fast as you can and never stop. Execute whatever ideas you have in your mind and never care if it's perfect or not, focus on taking actions because it is the only way to make a progress and feel much better. Getting out of your struggle requires confidence and you will only become confident if you're working hard. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...