Mar 7, 2024


Never care if you have weaker teammates and stronger opponents, never care if it is rainy and you need to go outside for a job interview, never care if you have no money but need to start your own business, never care if there is a traffic, never care if you don't have any idea how to win... just do your best and the rest will be taken care of automatically. You don't need to worry at all, worrying is for the weak, if you want to be in control then you need to face any kind of challenges and just give everything you've got, as simple as that. The challenges presented doesn't matter at all, what matters is you have a strong mind, you can only have it if you keep on pushing and keep embracing what scares you the most. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow, it will make you stronger so don't be afraid of it. 


IF it is hard do it hard, if it is easy do it easy. It doesn't matter if it's hard or easy the question is are you going to do it? You can still take actions even if it is hard, you can still try even if it is impossible. Hard is nothing. Stronger opponents, difficult tasks, out of this world questions, unsolvable problems... these are nothing if you don't care. If you only care about moving and trying then it will get easier 2x. You don't need to ask if you can do it or not, you don't need to question your skills, you have to ask yourself if you will try and give your very best... that's the main thing. Hard or easy doesn't matter, the most important thing is honing your willpower, you can only do that if you keep on facing the problems, facing what is in front of you and doing whatever it takes to win. You can conquer anything if you want to, you just need to push yourself to take actions and never quit when things gets harder. Because nothing is easy and nothing will get easier, it will get harder and harder if you don't face your fears. You need to detach from anything, detach from competing against somebody, detach from the outcome, detach from your ego... this kind of mindset will make everything a lot easier than it use to be. So what if it is hard? are you just going to quit if it is hard? are you not going to give your best if it is hard? difficult situations will measure your character, you will see who you really hare if you face everything and never give up no matter what. 


Just give your best and everything will be alright. Giving your best will get the job done, it's on you. Are you going to give your all or are you going to give your less? the choice is yours all the time. Just do it, just take actions and never give up, as simple as that. Everyone can give their best but most of the time their choice is giving their less that's why they can't thrive in life, you've got to decide where you want to go. Never think that you are limited, never care about the challenges because without it there will be no growth. You will only evolve if you keep on fighting the status quo, stop being like everyone who is playing it safe, give everything you've got every single day and let the difficult situations reveal you who you really are. 

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...