Dec 26, 2023


The answer is very simple, it's your choices. You are not good in picking the right activities. You are picking the wrong things that makes you a loser and weak. You're invested with weak activities, people and habits. It's not that you don't have a talent or a gift, it's just you're investing with the wrong choices. You are choosing something for every minute of your life. You are choosing your thoughts, food, activities, enemy, things to buy, challenge, problems etc. The only mistake you have is you always choose the weak subjects, you always want instant gratification. You're always choosing drama over strength, you're always choosing what is easy but useless. And that's the reason why you can't control your life. Discipline means freedom, you get stronger and stronger through discipline. Problems will go away, the money will come, strength will be produced, a skill will be manufactured through discipline and commitment. The only question is are you willing to train yourself to become disciplined and have a strong mentality? Watch your mind all the time, you need to know if you're wasting your energy or not. You better focus on what will give you something in the future not on what will give you a misery in the future. The choice is always yours, you are the driver of the steering wheel, the captain of the ship. Stop blaming people for your stupid and weak life, you are broke because you can't choose the right people, activities and habits that will give you a better life. You're wasting a lot of time that you could have use for making yourself a little bit better. You will keep on losing if you will keep doing the same thing, it's time to stop the madness now, it's time to stop bein weak and start getting a little bit stronger day by day. You have the power to change your life, you have the power to believe in yourself. Your confidence will get stronger each day if you're disciplined enough to pick the harder option but a more beneficial one. There's no strength in watching Netflix all day long, there's no money in gossips or social media, there's no growth in lying on your sofa all day long, there's no health in pizza. You have to pick the right things and appreciate it even if it's harder and more boring. You have to choose vegetables over junk foods, it tastes like sh*t but it produces strength, unlike junkfoods that are delicious but will make your body weaker and older. Choose tasteless foods over salty and sweet foods. Choose water over softdrinks, choose a bread without a spread, use a cellphone with no apps installed on it. The more boring your choices are the stronger you will be, choose boring and goal oriented friends over noisy, fun but toxic people. It's time to get real, it's time to pick the right and difficult things over what is easy, accessible and fun. You can do it if you will stay present. It's simply like taking care of yourself, day by day do the right things even if it's too plain and less entertaining. One day all of your sacrifices will pay off, you just need to be patient, it's better to start now than to start late. You still have a time, you're still on the game, just make sure you play it right this time. 


then start investing. Invest on your mind, body and soul. Start preparing, exercising, studying and practicing delayed gratification. Why the hell will you celebrate your birthday if you are broke? why the hell will you but that branded shoes if your credit card is already banned? you need to wake up. Why in the world will you expect winning if you didn't prepare and make sacrifices? who do you think you are? you're not a super human, you need to slap yourself and wake up to face the reality. It is what it is, you will get what is connected to your activity  now, accept this and you will start to think if what you're choosing now is helping you or destroying you. 

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