Dec 5, 2023


Nobody is really great, somebody looks great because he is a risk taker, he is not afraid of failing, he is willing to go down the wire and give everything he got, as simple as that. He is willing to embarrass himself, he is willing to take the last shot and take the blame if he misses. He is scared too but he is always looking at the bigger picture. He is trying, he is giving his all without thinking about the consequences of his decision, win or lose he will accept it, what he can't accept is not trying. So if you want to become great too then don't be afraid to try, don't be afraid to push yourself and face your fears. Feel the fear, look at it, embrace it and never let it freeze you. Move despite of your fears, move despite of feeling anxious and terrible. The good thing about being a human is we can still take actions despite of feeling something negative. Nothing can stop you, even your emotions can't stop you. Fear is a signal that you must do it, that you must embrace the situation and do something about it. Never take the moment for granted because it is an opportunity to grow. Just go, take the first step and just do it, follow through and never stop until it is done. You have the power to do something. Don't ever think that you can't do something great, you have the right to become great, you are the authority of your own journey, nothing can stop you if you will just do it. If you want to become great then prepare yourself to fail, be ready for everything. Take chances and never care if you succeed or not, believe in yourself but detach from the outcome. You will only attract winning with your risk taking. You can never become great if you're always playing it safe. This is too simple, you just need to manage your emotions and you will win, just enforce your will and forget what everybody says. 


just take actions, pull the trigger and take the risk, don't be afraid of failing because it is normal. You will really fail a lot of times before you win and that is guaranteed. No one who is great that didn't fail. You have to fail, fail whenever you have an opportunity to fail. Of course believe that you can win but the main thing is to focus on trying, because if you will always think about winning then you will not take actions, you will become stiff and conservative, you will calculate all of your actions, you will overthink and will play it safe, in other words... you will never leave your comfort zone. But if you're focus on trying, if you're focused on just doing it then you will feel invincible, you will never get tired, nothing can disturb you. Just believe that something will click in just a matter of time, something will fall on your hands, you will have that momentum in just a moment and you will be able to create a power that controls the situation. It's very simple... just do it, it's better if you don't feel good, a breakthrough will happen if you take actions even if you're tired or feeling so lazy. Growth will only happen through discomfort, it will never happen during the most comfortable moments of your life. So whenever you're feeling hesitant or lazy... that's the time you must execute. Force yourself to move, that's all you need todo and you will become great, you will win because most people nowadays were too lazy and feeling entitled. Stop being one of them, stop feeling entitled of success if you haven't done the work. Stop looking for great results if all you do all day is watch TV and listen to gossips from different negative sources. 


Destroy your identity, never think that you're a perfect human being, never think that you are suppose to become perfect, you are here to enjoy the journey and that will only happen if you will make your hands dirty. At the end of the day you can't control the outcome, the only thing you can control is your effort. You will never be able to control everything especially what people say, never care about their thoughts and emotions and focus on being you. It's ok if you look rugged, flawed, scratched, tired, defeated, crazy, fool, weak, imperfect or dumb. Just make sure you are taking actions every now and then, just make sure you are taking risks and you will have a chance of winning. Stop looking for perfection, this is not about results, this is not about winning... it's about trying and not giving up. 


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