Dec 23, 2023


Some people are only motivated when they are winning, they're only good when everything is smooth and easy, they're only working hard when money is coming and that's why their hard work is not sustainable, that's they they get tired easily. Don't let the results inspire you, taking actions should be the motivation, the journey should be the reward. Enjoy working hard, enjoy the struggle and the failures, never are if you win or lose... just go out there have dun and give your very best. There is nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain, you will win and feel better if you're pushing yourself to the limits. To chase greatness you simply must show up and do what is uncomfortable, that's it. It's a life style, greatness is a culture, it's not about how many times you win... it's how many times you fail and try again, it's how many times you push yourself to do the work even if you're so damn lazy or tired. The reason why you're failing is you're not taking the process seriously. You want big results but you're not willing to make big time sacrifices, you're better than that. It's time to grind and hustle, it's time to feel blessed because you were able to take actions. Stop acting like a clown, stop being lazy because it's a law of cause and effect. What you do now will give an effect in the future. 


Sometimes no matter how much you work hard you still can't force an outcome. It is what it is, you will never be able to control the future, success will come to you if it wants but one thing is for sure... you already failed if you didn't give your all. You will never have a chance if you're taking the days for granted. You can only control your effort, you will feel more powerful if you're focused on taking actions and going hard every single day. You will feel good if you're not controlling the outcome. What will happen will happen but there is one thing for sure... you will go down if you're lazy and not giving your very best. Discipline your mind to fall in love with actions, doing the process should be the priority not checking for results every now and then. If you want to feel powerful... just focus on getting better. Do more, do it fast, start fast and finish strong. Never let your mind think, overthinking is for losers. Become a doer, you do it even if you're not going to win, you do it even the chances of winning is very low. Just do it, keep moving forward and never stop, that's all you need to do. You don't know what the future holds, all you can do is keep trying and never give up, that's it. Thinking about winning and success will only make you conservative and stiff. You will never feel loose if you're afraid to lose, just go out there and show up, focus on the next step and enjoy every situation. May it be easy or hard... have fun, learn to enjoy any kind of difficulty and you will never notice that it is hard. Always remember that there's only power in effort, there is no power in hoping or wishing. Stop wishing for luck, success or breaks. Create your own opportunity, devour every second and believe in yourself. Confidence will get higher and higher every time you work hard and take the risk. Your confidence will go down every time you feel lazy and not do something about it. The power is in pushing not in worrying about the outcome. Free yourself from the outcome and you will become invincible. Don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to take chances, remember that this is a one time thing, you never know when your chances will run out, you better squeeze what you can squeeze and eliminate the fear of losing or taking the blame. 

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