Dec 11, 2023


are you fast or are you slow as a turtle? can you just do it? or are you thinking twice or even thrice before you do a simple task that has no risk at all? check your speed because you're lacking it. You're so slow you still need to ask your wife if the color of the shirt you wanted to buy fits you, you're still looking for validation before you decide on a very small thing. You're making the things that doesn't matter matter, you're too worried about the future, you're focused on being perfect instead of trying to make your hands dirty by taking massive actions. Stop the calculation, stop the hesitation, stop the overthinking and just do it, stop analyzing things that doesn't need analyzation, you're worried if you're right or wrong and that makes you stuck in a quicksand forever. You're even thinking if you're going to exercise today or not, how crazy was that? you're too soft that's why you can't make a progress, a little pain and discomfort is stopping you. You must push through whenever it is hard, that's how you evolve and become something better than what you are. Don't correct your small mistakes, don't dwell on it and just do something else that will make you more productive. Looking at your flaws and mistakes will only make you feel bad about yourself, just do more and overwrite the past. Just do it, that's how you do it, that's how to win. You're thinking too much that's why you lose power and momentum, you will fall on your bike if you stop pedaling, you need to keep on moving forward if you wanted to win in life, as simple as that. Because life and success is simply about movement, it's nothing complicated, it's not a subject that only genius wins, you can win too if you're just fast and willing to take the risk at any given moment. Show up, make yourself vulnerable to failure and make mistakes, you will never know what is right unless you made a mistake. Just show up and stop acting like you're entitled of something you didn't work for. 

The faster you get the better you become. You will be able to do more if you're focused on taking actions instead of making reactions. Stop reacting to different pointless subjects and happenings, stop fighting for something that will never make you grow. You have to fight for your dream, fight for what you're trying to become. 


The world today is full of garbage and that's the sad reality. People were addicted to internet and they're consuming contents that are garbage. There are only two kinds of people in this world... the garbage collector and the garbage thrower, are you throwing garbage or are you collecting garbage like other people? if you are throwing garbage then you are producing, you are giving them garbage, if you are a garbage collector then you keep on consuming useless information that destroys and poisons your mind, you're already controlled by influencers that are useless and pointless. So stop being a scroller, stop scrolling everyday on tiktok, facebook etc. It's stupidity, you are frying your brain with useless information that doesn't even natter. So what if your high school classmate is an astronaut now? is he going to give you some money? is he going to fix your life? that bum is just showing off, if you're really happy with your life then you will make it private. The key is to become fast, do more and never stop. That's what your life should be all about if you're trying to become great. You must ignore the clown everywhere and start taking care of your own life. Become a fast starter and a strong finisher, if you really wanted to make a difference then you  better focus on yourself and the things that you've been doing. Stop destroying yourself by saying to yourself that you will  just do it later or tomorrow. You're better than that, you can do it now so why not do it now? make a choice, do you want to become a slave of their content and waste your life watching their garbage? or are you going to make your own garbage and be the one who manipulates them? it's either you are a manipulator or being manipulated, there is no in between. All of the content now are garbage, the only question is are you consuming their garbage? or are you against the rotten system? 


You can't get what you want because you're not at your edge, you're always holding yourself back, you're always stopping yourself form taking actions, you don't want to reach your limit, you always have a reserve and that kind of mentality is the one that's stopping you from growing. Your job is to move forward, to do as much as you can and use your life to the fullest. Your job is not to win but to see what you are capable of if you give your all without any reservations. Stop conserving your strength, stop acting like there's a lot of time left, always think that what you need to do is an urgent thing and that you must finish it now. Stop delaying because only weak people do that, choose to do  it now, choose to become present and be the best that you can be. Show up, start it and finish it no matter what. Get disgusted of yourself if you're wasting time and getting addicted to entertainment. What entertains you will never help you, what is punishing you will elevate you... as simple as that, so do the hard work and never stop. Be a finisher, train yourself to have that killer instinct, push yourself to the edge and never give up. You have to love every step, you have to love the work... that's the key to become successful. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...