Dec 31, 2023

use what you have

Live you life, just move forward and give your very best. You can overcome anything if you will just persevere, believe and guard your mentality. Always believe that you can survive any problem, you can live today and live again tomorrow. There is nothing else to worry about, you don't need any stupid validation from other people, you don't need a lot, you really don't need anything. All you need to do is appreciate your life and stop being needy. Stop caring about what people say, stop caring about what people think and focus on your own energy, you can create something big, you can experience greatness if you will just do what your heart tells you to do. What good thing about being human is you can make yourself better, you can change your life unlike a cockroach or a rat that keeps on hiding, anytime they could get killed. But you are alive, you have the right to dream, you have the right to chase what you want. Just never let your goals control you or make you bad, just treat it like a game, see if you can get it or now with the game plan that you have in your mind. You can overcome anything, drag yourself if you need to. Stop feeling so special, stop feeling so entitled, just stay humble while working hard and never give up on yourself. You can change you situation now, just endure the struggle, enjoy the pain and take the next step available. There is always a next step, there is always something you can do. 


never take this day for granted, treasure the moment and treat it like the most precious thing in your life because it is, you never know what may happen tomorrow or later. Life is full of surprises, just enjoy the moment no matter how difficult it is. Without difficulty, without resistance there is now growth. So enjoy the struggle, enjoy the suffering, it is worth it. After it is happiness, success or maybe a valuable lesson. You have nothing to lose if you keep on fighting. You will learn a lot if you try and never quit. At the end of the day it is not about having everything, it is about giving your everything. Give your very best to the world, give your best to your family, it is worth it. Just keep fighting and never think about what's going to happen in the future, focus on the now, the power is in the present moment. Life is so fun if you will treat it like a game, never take your problems seriously, focus on the solutions, focus on overcoming everything that is on your way. You can make yourself unstoppable, you can make yourself something greater than your situation. 


What you have is what you have, you don't need to look further and feel bad for what is missing in your life. Use what you have, treasure what you have. It can be an old shoe, fat girlfriend, old car, roofless home, broken heart, weak relatives, used underwear, stupid mind etc. Whatever you have use it and believe that you can make it better. Always look for something to improve, always find a way how to make your situation a little bit better. It's worth trying, don't just live not using the potential that you have. Whatever you have, use it and appreciate it, be proud of it, don't brag about it but believe that it can get better. 

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Don't focus on the date, focus on what you're trying to create. Many people are setting their New Year's Resolution thinking that they can change their lives right away. They were focused on the results that's why they can't get the results. They were focused on trying to get sexy and hot and not focusing on the process alone. They're focused on the change that's they they can't change. They're waiting for the new year thinking that this date can save them, thinking that it is the start of their new lives but after 2 or three months or even weeks... they go back to their old habits again. Never care if it is new year, start now, never care what the date is, if you really want something new in your life then you will do it, you will force the change even if it's 3:58 am July 34. You will never care what time it is, you will just take actions and start the process. You will only care about the next step and the next one and the next one, you will never seek for results for the work that you didn't put it. 


The start of change is when you define your vices and bad habits and stop it right away. Stop it now even if you're addicted to it, it's possible, you just stop it and you never look back. My father in was a perfect example of leaving a bad habit right away. He is a chain smoker and he can finish 10 packs of cigars a day then one day he notice a lump on his neck, he was scared that it might be something and he was thinking that it's because of his cigarette addiction so he decided to stop puffing cigars right away and it's already been 20 years since he stop his addiction. If he did it then you too can do it. All you need is a willpower and decisiveness to change the direction of your life. If you really want it then you will embrace the stress that was attached with it. You will never care if it is hard, all you want is to make it happen regardless of the consequences. So if you want to change your life then you better stop something that is stopping you, making you weak or slowing you down. Once you define what is the poison in your life... you will heal immediately. All you need to do is accept that it is your responsibility to make it happen. Nobody will help you, you are the one to blame for the ugliness of your life. You need to push yourself, you need to force the change and never give up. You are creating your life everyday, you are not living it. It's your fault if you're on a downward spiral because you're wasting a lot of your time, you need to man up and do something about it. 

You have to start where you are, never care what time it is, just do it. If you're really serious in transforming your life then you need to make big time sacrifices, you need to push yourself to the limits and never give up. The time is now, ask yourself if you want it or not, ask yourself if you're really into it. You have to decide, are you willing to go down the wire? are you really willing to give up everything just to experience a new life? or are you ready to live a life full of regrets by being mediocre, weak and do discipline? the choice is always yours, if you want to feel something different then be different. Change your energy and intensity. Increase your tenacity and perseverance, you can do it by challenging yourself, you can do it by choosing what you want to be. 

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Let's see what you can achieve if you will just work hard, stay humble and focus. You can't save money, you're having a hard time achieving your goals, your mind can't see success, you can't improve yourself because you're too arrogant and trying to impress people. You're focused on other people, you're trying to impress them, you're trying to make them respect you. You're following them, you're part of the crowd, you're not doing what is best for your life. You're buying a lot of stupid stuffs, you're doing what you don't want because you want to look great to the eyes of other people. Social media is your life, you're living a fake life like others, you're not creating, you're simply GOING WITH THE WRONG FLOW. If you will just focus on yourself, if you will just stay humble and focus on getting better then life gets better. Make it simple, follow your game plan if you have and never disobey your own philosophy. You will become unstoppable if you will just follow your game plan and stay consistent every single day. You're thinking too much, your mind was crowded and that's why you can't win. You have to stick with the basics and keep working harder everyday, have a laserlike focus and never let any stupid posts on social media distract you or manipulate your mind. 

It's not about the talent, it's not about how good you are. It's about your focus, tenacity and vision. If you believe you can do something, if you believe you can achieve it then you will get it if you're working hard and focusing on it. The reason why you can't get what you want is because you want everything, you're focused on different things. You want to know what's going on with the world. You're interested with celebrities, crimes, trends, politics, food etc. You are not using your mind properly, you are letting it be manipulated by stupid stuffs and topics that makes your life worse. It's time to get real, it's time to create a new culture that will make you thrive in just a couple of months. You need to see the improvement in just a few months, you need to force the growth, it will only happen if you will stay humble and work hard. Stay on your lane, never care about what other people are doing. Just do whatever it takes to win regardless of what talent or resources you have. It's game time, it's time to bring your A game, never get satisfied of what you have, you have to see what you can achieve, you have to discover your full potential. 


if you're chasing a goal you should work hard but never take it seriously. Just treat it like a practice so that you will feel free and loose. Don't expect for results right away, don't expect for what you want. It will come on the right time, just enjoy the ride and give everything you've got. Allow yourself to win, allow yourself to lose. Stay humble and just play the game right. Don't get hard on yourself whenever you fail, just stand up again and try again. Never stay on the same place, never lie on the ground for so long. You will look disgusting even more if you will never stand up and try again. Stand up fast whenever you fall, go back hustling, go back looking for a way using your willpower. 

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Dec 29, 2023


Life will never become perfect, there is no such thing as a perfect life, wife, home, job, friend or path. Life is hard and you need to get use to it, it is hard but you can make it easier by thinking right. You have to accept that life is really like this and there is no other way to get happier but to change your mind. Change your perspective, change the way you see things. You will become happy if you're in the moment and nothing is controlling you. People are sad because they are being controlled. Social media is controlling them, they spent hours and hours on facebook and instagram or even nonsense tiktok. Their bosses are controlling them, their bad habits is controlling them and make them do useless actions that make their lives worse. If you want to become happier then choose to not be controlled. Never let the society control you, never let video games or vices control your life. You are going down every time you let something or someone control you because you are getting weaker and weaker everyday. 


Yu feel so sad, regretful, weak and depressed because you're not pushing yourself. If you will push yourself to do the right thing then you will feel much better and confident, you will feel stronger. Push yourself to exercise, work harder, clean more, do more, learn more, create more, do your responsibilities. Every time you work harder you get better, as simple as that. Push whenever you have a chance, push whenever you feel weak. Inch by inch do what you need to do, start now and never look back, never care if it takes a million hours to finish, never care about the future and just focus on what you're doing now, as simple as that. Make it a habit to push yourself and do what is necessary. Even if you don't like it... still do it, pull the trigger now and keep following through. Once you're done with the first step look for the next step right away. Enjoy the process and never give up when it is hard, difficulty and resistance should be your motivator, you should love being challenged, you should love the struggle and pain. Once you accept that it is hard and you decide to finish it.. you already arrived to a new level. 


Be slow but don't waste time, you're not happy because you can't do what you want or need to do. There is a lot of resistance. You feel lazy because you're always thinking about winning fast or finishing fast. You always want the end result right away that's why you can't move. But if you will slow it down and just take it one step at a time then you will be able to go further. You will only become fast if you start slow, once you feel your pace and establish your rhythm, life is not a race so why rush? it is a marathon. It's a battle of endurance, it's now how good you are... it's how tough you are. Many people become successful fast, they rose to the fame fast, they get everything fast but they also fall fast because they don't know how to handle the pressure of winning, they don't know how to maintain their money because they didn't experience how it feels like to be struggling. They take everyday for granted because they think they can always replace everything and that's why when they fall... they can't stand up. Happiness is in the present moment, be still, be calm and enjoy the present moment even if it is hard and uncomfortable. Stop looking too far, stop thinking about the future because it will come. What will happen will happen but still give your best and focus on what you can control only. 

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Dec 28, 2023


Looking for results, scores, latest posts from stupid and fake influencers, products, gossips, news, food, trends, etc. You're always looking for something and that's why you can't focus and make yourself better. You're always looking for something to grab or consume, your mind is always looking for a useless information that somehow entertain you but make you worse. You're looking for messages, emails, notifications and any other thing that fries your brain. You're becoming a looker and not a doer. And that's why you're completely lost, depressed and unable to get up when you need to. The key to thrive in this generation is to stop looking for something all the time, never use your eyes for useless information, use it for something that will make you improve or will make your life a little bit better. Trust me it's better living this way, it sucks being a spectator because you are being controlled, you're not being disciplined, you are completely lost. 


The greatest skill you can ever develop if you want to become successful is to stop wasting your time for useless people and things. Everything is a trap nowadays, if you're not aware of where you are focusing on then they will catch you and eat a lot of your time. The stupid tik tok post about a sexy girl or a place that's been edited, a stupid viral post about a cop or a black person with a victim mentality, a useless trend about food. Everything is a trap, how is it helping you? it's eating a lot of your time and energy and you're not are of it. That's the reason why you're not productive and effective, you are giving away your time and energy for free, you're not using your strength for manufacturing some growth. You better be good in staying away from those traps before you get addicted to it. You can become great if you're not wasting your time. Everyday or every second is an opportunity to get better mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. 


This is the best game plan you can ever have and I am giving this information for free so you better grab it. Don't scroll for a year, let those people cram for attention, let them get crazy over stupid things while you're on your way working to the top. Trust me, you will get better if you're not wasting your time, you will become a beast if you're focused on something and taking it seriously. You better act now, stop wasting time, stop giving your energy for free. Focus on your vision, enjoy the process even if it is boring and always believe that it will work. Just don't scroll for on year and you will become a different human being. Never mind what is going on with the fake world of social media, never let your attention get caught by useless information. You have to protect your energy and stop wasting your life becoming a worse human being by getting hypnotized by those influencers that feeds you nothing but trash. It's ok if you're learning something and gaining something from it but if all it does is make you weak then you better stay away from it because it is a poison. Stop looking, stop trying to entertain yourself with scrolling and simply entertain yourself by moving and creating. There is something you can do, you can learn, you can get richer, you can get healthier, why spend your time for something that will make your life miserable? they don't discuss it but the number one source of depression is social media because it controls your mind. It makes you envy, bitter, lazy, weak, jealous, dumber and useless. 

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Building a strong habit will give you more time and energy because you automatically do it. You don't need to think about it anymore, your body is moving by itself, it's looking for the habit all the time. A strong and healthy habit will save a lot of time because you can do something faster. You memorize it, you will never get lost and you will spend lesser energy because your body is very familiar with it. Once a habit is embedded in your system... you only need lesser effort to finish it. This will give you a leverage and huge advantage to do some other more important things. Good habits is the key to success. You will save more time if you repeated something a lot of times because it will happen automatically. 


Mindless scrolling on social media is really eating a lot of your time. You will only know it when the day is over. The stupid posts on instagram and facebook is killing you and frying your brain. It's controlling you and once you get addicted... you can't stop it anymore. 


Ads will manipulate your mind, it will temp you, you will spend a lot of time looking at the product. You will spend a lot of energy thinking if you're going to buy it or not. You will study it, do a research about it, it's controlling your emotions. You will never notice that you're already wasting a lot of energy and time. 


You're too involve in a forum or topic that doesn't even help you to grow. You're too invested with the new topic roaming on the internet. You're hating on something or someone that you're not even related to. You're too in love gossiping about somebody and that's why you're time is being eaten without you noticing it. 


Start fast and just do it, never stop until you're done. You're thinking too much that's why you can't start, Overthinking is the real killer, it builds doubts and fears, it makes you scared for no reason. Your mind will wander everywhere if you're thinking too much. Just define what you need to do at the moment and do it as fast as you can. Pull the trigger, it doesn't matter where you end up what matters is you take actions and you never waste a single second. 


Make a plan of what you're going to do today and execute them all. Trust me this will save a lot of time and energy. By having a plan you have a direction, your energy will not scatter everywhere, you will have more time because you will be able to stop overthinking and you will be able to stay away from activities that is outside of your plan. Make a plan and stick to it no matter what, doing this will make you very productive and fast. 


Become a doer. Choose action over inaction because making yourself a mover will give you more energy. You will be able to save a lot of time because you're so productive and you have the habit of doing something fast. Get addicted with the process. Move more and rest less. 


If you can learn this skill then you will be able to save more time and energy. You must shift emotions fast, you must learn how to change your emotions right away. The key is to be mindful of how you feel and ask yourself is it really worth it to spend a lot of time and energy on something that doesn't even matter at all? is it really ok to get angry with small things and feel that way for a long time? 

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Try this for once in your life and you will never regret it, you will see a different outcome, you will become a force to reckoned with, you will become a beast... use speed as your number one philosophy. Not being smart, not being successful, not being talented, not being a popular stupid influencer, not living your life to the fullest but speed, nothing but speed. If you need to get a girl's number just get it, don't get intimidated even if that bit*ch is so damn gorgeous, never care if you didn't brush your teeth or you didn't put deodorant on your armpit... just go and ask her. It creates an impression that you are braver and you don't care, once she felt that you are reckless and you don't care about getting rejected... you will be imprinted on her mind, she will think about you for a while and might consider going out with you, she might even offer her soul to you if she fell in love with you for unknown reason. 


The most successful people in the world are the fastest people in the world. They don't think, they don't care about failing, they only care about executing and making a small but fast progress. A person who is stupid but take his chances already had a big advantage over you, he is already ten steps ahead of you because he take action. If you're still overthinking then you will eat dust, you will be left behind and you will never be able to cope up. Focus on being fast, don't focus on the result, just focus on using your speed. If you need to do something just take the first step and then follow through, go further as much as you can and never quit, never stop when it is hard, keep pushing when you're struggling, that's how to live a noble life. At the end of the day you will only have regrets when you didn't do anything, you will never feel regretful when you try and did it your way. 


The basics that are beneficial, the basics that will give you something in return, stick with the basics. You don't need to overthink or complicate things, you just need to stick with the basics and give your very best, as simple as that. Most of the time you're thinking why things are not working, you think this way because you want fast results but if you will stick with the basics and take it one step at a time then you will go very far, you will accomplish a lot of things. Stop worrying about what you haven't done yet and just give everything you've got. Just take the first step and then follow through. Don't complicate the process, don't make your life harder by thinking too much. You don't need to know everything, you don't need to be involve with everything, just focus on what you need to do and think and then repeat every single day. Consistency is the key here. Just stop wasting time and you will become successful. Ignore all the useless, forget the nonsense and get rid of your bad habits. If you can create a very strong foundation then you will become a winner. Discipline will give you speed, it will give you freedom, it will make you very productive. So be mindful of what you do and be honest to yourself if it's making your life better or not. You know what is right or wrong, you know what will give you something in the future. Stick with the basics and grow as much as you can. 

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Don't be afraid of losing, when you lose you will learn, when you lose you will feel the pain. Pain is the best teacher and strengthener, it will make you mentally tough, it will mold you into a different beast. The more pain you feel the tougher you get. Don't be afraid of failing, it's a normal thing, it's part of the process. After losing is winning, you can never lose forever, time will come and you will win too. So keep losing, the truth is you only feel bad because people are judging you. But if there is no people to laugh at you, you will never feel like a loser anymore. The moral lesson is, never care about what people think and just keep losing. Lot a lot of times, lose a million times, it's the best path to success. Losing is nothing but a phase of your life, there is no winning without losing, you will never see greatness if you don't lose a lot of times. Even the millionaires, most successful men in the world lost a lot of times and they're not denying it. Defeat makes you a real warrior, a warrior is not a warrior if he hasn't experienced any defeat yet. 


Go to the edge, go to the finish line, go to the farthest, go to the deepest, use all of your energy and strength to create something great. Don't ever listen to other people, if you feel something within your heart and you really believe it you need to try it. Losing is winning, if you're looking forward to try all the time and you're no longer afraid of losing then that's the time you're going to become a winner. Lost a lot of times, feel the pain and grow from it, you will see that it's not that bad to fail. Always remember that you can only focus on what you can control, you can never control the outcome of everything, you only have power on your effort. Go to your limits to see if you have limits, push so hard and take matters into your own hands. You don't need to win, you just need to try everything you can to win with all of your power. It doesn't matter if you fail big time, what matters is you give your all so you won't have any regrets in the end. 


Winning is not guaranteed but you can increase your chances of winning and that is by being fast. To become fast you don't need to force your body to move fast, you just need to eliminate what makes you slow and that is bad habits and instant pleasures. Temptations makes you slow, procrastination makes you slow, doing stupid stuffs makes you slow. You must be a no nonsense guy if you want to make it in life. Treasure your time and don't use it for nothing, treat your time as the most important thing in the world. BE fast, eliminate all the activities that are slowing you down like watching TV, eating junk foods, gossiping, scrolling on social media, mindless procrastination etc. You know what makes you slow, you know what is eating your time. Success loves speed, if you want to increase your chances of winning then eliminate what makes you slow and push forward towards your dreams. 

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Dec 27, 2023


One big mistake is when you let other people control your outcome, you let other people be your strength, you let them decide what is best for you, you let them be your commander. Don't expect from other people, expect more from yourself. Be the diver of the steering wheel, be the captain of the ship. The reason why your power depends on others is because you don't believe in yourself, the reason why you don't believe in yourself is because you don't want to fail. But if you make yourself vulnerable to failure and criticism then you will feel free and powerful, you will feel loose, you will become more creative and decisive. You will feel weak if you let people take over, especially with the smallest decisions that you could have done by yourself. You let other people be the director of your life, you let them get your power instead you controlling your own power. Take over of your life, take control, be the one who is in charge. Don't be afraid to take the blame, don't be afraid to fail. When you don't care about success anymore and you just care about doing it by yourself then you will feel so powerful. Don't strive for perfection, don't be afraid of getting judged by other people, it is normal, people will judge you no matter what. 


Stop being a perfectionist, the reason why you can't move is because you don't want to be called stupid. It's ok if people criticize you, just do it your way and never give up, as simple as that. Always move and do it your way, build your own philosophy and live and die with it. Go and get what you want, get it by yourself, never let anybody get it for you because they won't. You are the controller of your life, the writer of your own book. Just do what you can, it doesn't matter if you're perfect or not. Take the power back and make the commands. You don't need your teachers to praise you to feel confident, you don't need your coach to pat you to feel great, you don't need people to like your posts to feel empowered. Your power should come from within and not from the outside. If you're ok losing, if you're ok being alone, if you're ok not getting any support then you will feel so powerful. Power comes from forcing fate and taking matters into your own hands. Get your hands dirty, embrace the mistakes and imperfections, accept your flaws. Don't be afraid to look stupid, weak or not great, It's all about trying and giving yourself a chance to win. 


Don't try to change yourself, don't hate yourself, just live in the present moment and try to give your best, as simple as that. You're hating yourself too much that's why you're losing confidence. You have to live in the present moment an squeeze what you can squeeze out of life using your willpower and judgement alone. Trust your decisions and don't be afraid to fail. Being afraid to fail means losing your power and not embracing life. You have to live in the now and face what is in front of you. 

Don't ever let the outside be the source of your power, don't let it be someone or something. Never let help, luck, support, influence, connection, relatives, friends be the source of your power. Never let money, cars, fame, likes, things be the source of your power. Let it be you, know who you are, know that you can survive anything, know that you can find a way whenever there is a problem... it's your mindset that should be the source of your power. 

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Don't worry if you're stressed because you have a lot of work, once you finished it... there will be another work. The hustle never end, what you need to develop is a mentality of not feeling bad or overwhelmed whenever you have a lot of work. Just keep going, follow through, whenever you need to do something... do it without even complaining, do it without thinking about how are you going to do it. Never think about the future, never think when are you going to finish it. It's a journey, it is not a destination. Wherever you are right now, whatever you are doing right now is always right, the only question is what are you doing with your time? are you using it to make your life better? or are you wasting it to make your life worse? the call is always yours and will always be yours, you are the author of your story. So stop judging yourself, stop judging your life and just fall in love with any kind of work, the hustle never end. There will always be a job that you need to do, there is no completion so whenever you are stressed right now you just need to change your perspective. Stop rushing yourself, stop crumbling because once you finished it... there will always be another challenge. You will be tested again, you will be pushed again, that's how life goes. All you have to do is never quit and that's it, you will be ok if you keep on moving forward, just don't judge your struggle and everything will be fine. The truth is.. you can weather any kind of storm, you can pass any kind of test, you can solve any kind of problem, it all depends on how tough you are. So develop a strong mindset, always think that everything is working for you, always think that you are in good hands. There is always something you can do, just breathe and keep going. 

Cultivate a winning mentality, you need to keep going and keep adapting no matter how hard the situation is. Embrace all the challenges, embrace all the adversity and treat it like nothing. Things will get good again, you have to hustle for the moment and just do whatever it takes to win. Sometimes you don't even need to think about winning at all, just show up and do what you can do. Never be afraid of any challenge because its main purpose is to strengthen you, it's taking your mentality to another level. Don't ever feel threatened, you got this, you are strong and you have the energy to survive anything. So whenever your boss is bossing around and bullying everyone, just smile, just smirk and always believe that nobody can take you down, nobody can make you quit. Let him do all the bullying and abuse but don't ever feel hurt. Once you choose to not get harm you will not get harm. It's all in the mind, just stay still, be quiet, don't complain and keep going. 

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don't look for success

If you want to become successful then don't look for success, don't chase it, attract it. It means you need to make yourself better, always look for something you can do, always look forward to the next step. Just do more, improve yourself, get faster and be more productive. You've been chasing success for a very long time and you can't get it, why? because you energy goes to the chasing, you need to use your energy for taking massive massive actions if you want massive results. Do more and wish less. Always look for the next step, what else can you do to get closer to success? what else can you do to make yourself better? in order to attract something you must become something... something better, sharper, faster stronger, wiser and decisive. You will never attract success if you're not trying to upgrade yourself. In order to upgrade yourself or level up you must watch yourself, watch your thoughts and actions and stop the bad habits forever. try to cultivate the good habits that will make you one step closer to success. Try to force the change by facing the pain of the process. Do the next step right away and then follow through as much as you can. Never expect fast success, it will come if it is about to come. Just keep going no matter what, take massive actions and never stop even if you're not making any result. Something will click in the future, you will be able to make something work. Just keep going no matter what and never quit. You will get better and better every time you move, you have nothing to lose when you're taking actions you have everything to gain. 


You may not always get what you want but you will get what you deserve. They can never deny you if you're really working hard and giving your all. So keep attacking, stay hungry and never give up. Embrace all the challenges and enjoy the process. You will get what you deserve, it's only just a matter of time before you get it. So be patient and never give up, what is meant for you will come to you, what you are looking for is also looking for you. So stop wasting time, stop worrying if you will win or not. Of course you will win, you just need to keep going. Be a doer not a results seeker, you need to move fast, practice speed. Success loves speed, success will be attracted to you if you are fast and not wasting any second. The good news is anybody can do it, it all depends on how hungry a person is. If you want it bad enough and treat it like your life depends on it then you will become successful. Your level of hungriness will serve as a barometer for your success. So stay hungry and never stop, keep pushing forward and do whatever it takes to win. You will get what you deserve so just keep going and keep pushing. Time flies, you just need to wait for a short period of time. Enjoy the process and sooner or later you will see that you're already on top. Focus is the main thing here, what you are focusing on will be your reality. Develop a laser like focus and believe that you will win. Because if you really believe it then you will do everything for it, you will execute all of your ideas and work like hell. 

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Basics are powerful, basics will create a very strong momentum. Yes, it maybe a boring thing but it is better than engaging with a bad habit that is making your life uglier, weaker and badder. It's better to be walking than watching a stupid Korea novela. Walking is plain, it is very basic, it is so boring but it will make your health better, it will make your mentality stronger. Korea novela is fun, it is entertaining but all it does is mess up with your mentality, it is not helping at all, it is eating a lot of your precious time that you could have use for making yourself stronger. If you're willing to leave your bad habits and forcefully enjoy the basics then you will be able to separate yourself from the pack, your skills will get sharper, your mind will get stronger, you will have a big advantage over everyone. Basics are so easy but not all people are willing to do it, it's so learnable, it's so doable but most people think they're already good enough to do it. They think they're deserving of something more difficult but they don't know that you have to become disciplined first before you master something. That's why people doesn't want to walk, they want a coach that will teach them a system. People don't want to read, they want a technique that will teach them how to earn money fast. People don't want to work hard, they they think they're already smart enough to build a business that will make them a millionaire only to end up being broke again. Just stick with the basics, do it manually, leave the bad habits and you will go very far. There's no secret formula to success, you just need to stay humble and prioritize self improvement everyday. Improve a little bit, do more, be faster, enjoy the boredom, watch yourself being a fast starter and keep on tweaking your skills. It's too simple, stop trying to look cute and adorable all the time, get your hands dirty, be willing to get laughed at, be willing to look like a fool and just keep trying. 


just lift it, lift the heaviest weights you can ever lift. Forget the program, forget what is right or wrong and just lift the weights, make your muscles explode, repeat as much as you can and that's it. Forget the protein shake, forget the steroids, stop looking for a stupid coach that uses PED, just do it on your own and see if you can make something. If you don't have a money to purchase a gym membership then just do push ups, just do it. DO 100 push ups everyday or even more. You don't need to become an Arnold Scwarzenger here, you don't need to become a Mr. Universe, you just need to build a strong habit of trying to get stronger everyday. The good new is you already made a progress when you try, you already made results when you just do it. Even if you're not doing it correctly, something will click in just a matter of time if you don't give up. So stop quitting, stop comparing yourself, stop looking for fast results and just do it. I have a friend who gains a lot of muscles for a short period of time because of using steroids, he is laughing at his gym buddy for not making a progress for not using steroids. But his gym buddy is lifting weights everyday, after three years his gym buddy is bigger than him because he stops going to the gym. See, it's not about fast progress, it's about willingness to do it and being consistent. Just do what you can and tweak it later, make adjustments if needed but focus on building a habit of doing it everyday. Building a culture is more important than getting a result. 

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What if you don't care about what people say? what if you can be unstoppable? what if you can move when people doesn't want to move? what if you believe you can achieve any kind of dream? What if you don't care if you win or lose? what if you're all about actions and you don't care if you fail or succeed? you will become unstoppable right? you will be able to move fast, make decisions fast and know if you can make it or not. Because most of the time you don't know if you can do something great or not because you're always stopping yourself from trying, you're always letting the resistance win, you're letting the fear of failure stop you from trying. Don't you know that life is all about taking risks? If there is no risk there will be no reward. 


The first step is always available, you always knew it but the reason you are confused is because you always believe in your fears, you don't have any philosophy at all. But if you will believe in the power of trying, if you will think that you only have one life and you can never experience this wonderful gift anymore for the second time then you will become fearless. You don't need anything to move, you just need to accept that you don't need to become perfect on the first, second or even third try. You just need to start and do something about it. If you're ready to fail all the time then you will become unstoppable, if you're willing to take the risk, if you're willing to move and you're focused on taking actions then sky is the limit for you. You don't need a coach to tell you what to do. You don't need an overpriced rubber shoes to jog, all you need is a willpower, all you need is a discipline to just do it. Just start and forget how you look, you're trying to look cute all the time that's why you're so afraid to try. Embarrass yourself and take the risk. What's the worst thing that could happen? nothing right? Stop trying to be perfect all the time and just take actions, focus on failing, focus on making mistakes and that means taking risk and doing it now. Remember that an ugly kid who quickly ask for a hot girl's number already has a big lead over a cute boy that is so scared to move and get rejected. just do it, it's ok to be scared but never stop yourself from taking actions. 


the more you practice delayed gratification the more you become productive and disciplined. You can't take actions, you can't do what is right because you're always rewarding yourself for doing nothing. You're always allowing yourself to get lazy, eat a lot of food, watch TV, get comfortable, delay something, watch this watch that, like this or like that. You're always choosing what is comfortable and accessible, you're always choosing the activities for soft and weak people, that's why you're not a doer. You wanted to feel good all the time, you're addicted with comfort and easy times. Don't you know that easy times creates the weak version of you? don't you know that avoiding an important task is weakening your mentality? If you want to become a doer then avoid an activity that is easy but useless. Avoid taking an action that doesn't make an impact for your improvement. You know what to do, be mindful of what you do and think so that you will be forced to do the right things. 

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Whenever your momentum as stopped, whenever you got disturbed or you do some other things that are not that important... go back the main plan, make the main thing the main thing and forget the past right away, detach from the useless activities and go back to real work. Keep attacking, keep pushing and never stop. Don't stop attacking, stay committed even if you lost your focus a little bit. And even if you're struggling to make a progress, even if your focus was on and off, just keep fighting. Force yourself to follow the blue print and never stop until you finally made it. You are not perfect, accept that you're just a human and you will lose your focus every now and then, accept that you make mistakes and get tempted every once in a while but you have to come back to the game plan fast. Attack right away whenever you have an opportunity, do something and never judge yourself if you are right or wrong, the most important thing here is you take actions and did your best. At the end of the day it's actions that will make something work, you can never dwell on the problems and do nothing. You can never solve anything if you're always thinking and not taking the first step. Just take one step and follow through, that's it. Never mind what is useless and just go for the kill. It doesn't matter what's going on with the world, what matters is you focus on your beliefs and you keep believing it. Continue the attack now even if you don't have any momentum, speed is the name of the game. Just be fast and never go back. Start fast and finish strong. 

It's the attack that matters, if you are aggressive and hungry then you will attract opportunities. Never let any circumstances that you don't want affect you. You need to continue the attack and be the best that you can be. Never care about failing or making a mistake, what matters is you do it your way and you stick to your intention of winning. Keep moving forward, doing something is much better than doing nothing at all. You have to start now and give your very best, stop acting like a punk, stop acting like a weak clown because you're better than that. Continue the attack, choose to move and not rest. Resting is for the weak, why will you rest if you can push? pushing will give you something while resting on the other hand will hand you a loss. You better step up your game and do something about your situation, if you hate your current life then do something about it. If you hate being weak then start being strong, do strong activities. Never let defeat or past failures define you, you have to take matters into your own hands and become something you haven't been before. You are strong, you have unlimited energy, you know who you are, you know what you can do. Id you haven't discovered your true potential yet then try pushing as hard as you can, try working as hard as you can and never stop, you will see who you really are and what you can do in just a short period of time. It's time to give it a try, what the hell are you waiting for? Christmas is over, don't wait for new year before you start, don't wait for something before you start, the best time is now. Do something and never stop. 

You can attack anytime you want to, it all depends on you. Are you just going to stay there forever or are you going t o push yourself to make a small progress? it's your role to push and see what your real potential is, don't accept your current situation if you don't like it. Keep attacking, something will fall on your hands if you're aggressive and committed. Go as hard as you can and never give up, you have what it takes to win, keep winning and keep grinding. Never stop until you can't try anymore. 

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Dec 26, 2023


You care too much about what people say or do and that takes away a lot of your energy. It makes you weak and unproductive, it stops you from doing a more important task. It ruin your day, it makes you slow, you are thinking too much why are the like that. You want them to be like you, you want to lead them and guide them but you yourself is not strong because you're getting weaker by giving them a lot of attention. You need to just lead by example, be the change you want to see the world. Don't talk, just act, just show them, it's up to them if they get inspired or not. If they don't like what you're doing so be it but don't force them to follow you because it will only make you weaker and frustrated. They will never follow you if they don't. Mind your own business only and continue to improve yourself. Stop being a fool, don't give them any attention. Use your energy for your own life only, if they want something from you then help them, if they want the information then give them but if they don't care about you so be it. You don't need their validation, you don't need their approval. Approve yourself and get big as you can be. It's hard being disciplined but it will give you freedom, it will make you stronger and better, it will give you a sound and focused mind. Because the truth is you will only suffer if you focus on them, never try to control anyone because it will drain your power, you will lose a lot of energy that you could have use for some other more important things. At the end of the day your life is your only life, their lives was not yours and will never be yours, you have to wake up and do the right thing, do what is best for you and everybody. Stop trying to control everything because it will wear you out, it will make you a loser. 


Count your own bread, count your own blessings and money. Never care who is getting more or less. Just focus on counting what is yours and never compare your life with anybody. Everyone has his own journey. Because trying to know other people's blessings means jealousy. 

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The answer is very simple, it's your choices. You are not good in picking the right activities. You are picking the wrong things that makes you a loser and weak. You're invested with weak activities, people and habits. It's not that you don't have a talent or a gift, it's just you're investing with the wrong choices. You are choosing something for every minute of your life. You are choosing your thoughts, food, activities, enemy, things to buy, challenge, problems etc. The only mistake you have is you always choose the weak subjects, you always want instant gratification. You're always choosing drama over strength, you're always choosing what is easy but useless. And that's the reason why you can't control your life. Discipline means freedom, you get stronger and stronger through discipline. Problems will go away, the money will come, strength will be produced, a skill will be manufactured through discipline and commitment. The only question is are you willing to train yourself to become disciplined and have a strong mentality? Watch your mind all the time, you need to know if you're wasting your energy or not. You better focus on what will give you something in the future not on what will give you a misery in the future. The choice is always yours, you are the driver of the steering wheel, the captain of the ship. Stop blaming people for your stupid and weak life, you are broke because you can't choose the right people, activities and habits that will give you a better life. You're wasting a lot of time that you could have use for making yourself a little bit better. You will keep on losing if you will keep doing the same thing, it's time to stop the madness now, it's time to stop bein weak and start getting a little bit stronger day by day. You have the power to change your life, you have the power to believe in yourself. Your confidence will get stronger each day if you're disciplined enough to pick the harder option but a more beneficial one. There's no strength in watching Netflix all day long, there's no money in gossips or social media, there's no growth in lying on your sofa all day long, there's no health in pizza. You have to pick the right things and appreciate it even if it's harder and more boring. You have to choose vegetables over junk foods, it tastes like sh*t but it produces strength, unlike junkfoods that are delicious but will make your body weaker and older. Choose tasteless foods over salty and sweet foods. Choose water over softdrinks, choose a bread without a spread, use a cellphone with no apps installed on it. The more boring your choices are the stronger you will be, choose boring and goal oriented friends over noisy, fun but toxic people. It's time to get real, it's time to pick the right and difficult things over what is easy, accessible and fun. You can do it if you will stay present. It's simply like taking care of yourself, day by day do the right things even if it's too plain and less entertaining. One day all of your sacrifices will pay off, you just need to be patient, it's better to start now than to start late. You still have a time, you're still on the game, just make sure you play it right this time. 


then start investing. Invest on your mind, body and soul. Start preparing, exercising, studying and practicing delayed gratification. Why the hell will you celebrate your birthday if you are broke? why the hell will you but that branded shoes if your credit card is already banned? you need to wake up. Why in the world will you expect winning if you didn't prepare and make sacrifices? who do you think you are? you're not a super human, you need to slap yourself and wake up to face the reality. It is what it is, you will get what is connected to your activity  now, accept this and you will start to think if what you're choosing now is helping you or destroying you. 

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If you want a different life then you need to have a different focus, a different perspective and mindset. You need to see things differently, something must change. Leave the weakness and negativity in your body. Stop wasting time doing the things that you know will never give any results, it's just a waste of energy. Start focusing on where you want to go and do everything you can to get there... as simple as that. The problem with you is you're doing a lot of nonsense things that drains your energy, you think you don't have time for your goals and self improvement but you have a lot of time for other people. You criticize them, talk about them, watch them, praise them, support them but those people has nothing to do with your own personal growth. Be mindful of your actions, what the hell are you doing now? why are you doing that? is it making you better or worse. You need to have a different focus if you wanted to change your life dramatically. 


DON'T SCROLL TODAY AND YOU WILL WIN. Don't scroll on facebook, instagram or any other stupid social media that poisons your mind. Social media is making you weak because it's eating a lot of your precious time. Don't ever think that you have an eternity to chase your goal, don't delay your progress just because of a stupid post from a fake influencer or celebrity. They're just trying to get your time and you will never get anything in return. They're taking too much from you and you're allowing it. It's time to stop this nonsense, be the time getter not a time giver. Stop giving too much of your time for free. Maybe you should start being the content creator, create your own garbage and get their time. This generation today was divided into two groups, one who gets the time and one who gives the time for free. You are losing if you are giving away your time for free. You are losing your health, you are becoming obese by scrolling and lying on your bed all day long. You are becoming broke, you lose a lot of money because you use your time for liking and not for selling your own brand. You lose a lot of free time that you could have use for your own passion, you are losing your happiness because they are controlling your mind. You're on a downward spiral by giving your time for free and you're not aware of it. You could have been more but you choose to become less instead. You could have been stronger, richer and healthier by now but you choose to waste your time and never get anything from it. It's time to take the power back, focus on something else. Focus on making yourself better, focus on getting richer or healthier. Just work hard and never scroll on social media again. Never mind what the hell are those people doing, mind your own business and never look back again. Never go back to your old bad habits again. It's time to become real, if you really want success then you better change your focus. It's simply about changing your perspective and vision. Strive to become a little bit better today through discipline and delayed gratification. Stop being a punk, you're not a clown anymore, you're not getting any younger, you must make a stand to pursue some more meaningful things and not just being satisfied with pleasures that doesn't last for an hour. You need to change the way you think, speak and move. It's time for a different focus, focus on making yourself great and do it with patience, never rush anything, never get frustrated with small results, a small progress is still a progress, just trust the process, be quiet while working hard and never open your mouth. 


It's not a destination, it's not an end result... it's a journey. You have to keep on grinding and never give up when things are hard. Push yourself to the limits, look for that one small action that you can execute. Just keep going no matter what, don't think about restarting, don't think about clicking that stupid post again. You need to be mindful of your decisions, always ask yourself if what you're doing now is making you better or worse. Answer yourself honestly and never cheat. Never make excuses, don't complain if the process is hard, if it is hard then do it hard. Stop whining and looking for an easy way out. Stay in hell, mold yourself in fire, feel the pain and boredom, that's how you create a phoenix. At the end of the day it's your choice if you want to get stronger or weaker, no matter what you have or what you don't have... it's on you if you will do some stupid things or great things. It's a journey, it's going to take a million steps but who cares, just enjoy every step of the way and never ever regret that you work hard and gave your all. 


What does strong people do... they work hard, they stay disciplined and committed, they never give up. They exercise, study, prepare, practice, invest on the right things and always practice delayed gratification. That's what strong people do, it's all about growing and trying to make themselves a little bit better. It's patience and cultivating a momentum that will get them on top. It's not about getting money or success fast, it's about being patient and taking it one step at a time. It's not about the results, it's about the process. So if you are sick all you need to do is do what a healthy person does. Exercise, cure yourself, stay away from vices, do anything you can to give yourself a little bit of energy. It can be exposing yourself to sunlight, eating vegetables, exercising, meditating and staying away from negative people and activities. All you need to do is be disciplined and you will go very far. What does a weak person do? get lazy, eat unhealthy foods, stick with negativity, fall in love with gossips and procrastination, focusing on problems instead of solutions. See, it's on you if you wanted to win in life, the question is what are you focusing on? 

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Don't be afraid to punch again, eat again, start again, write again, apply again, ask again, love again. Don't be afraid to repeat, repeat it a million times until you make it right. Don't be afraid to give a lot of effort and get nothing. At the end of the day it's not the success that really matters... it's you giving your all no matter what, they will never get it because they don't know how it feels to become great. Greatness is simply giving your all, it's taking the risk and making yourself vulnerable to all kinds of fears, pain and failure. It's a bitter path that only few people will experience. Don't judge yourself with failures, don't judge yourself with shortcomings. You have to feel proud of yourself if you keep on fighting. 


People will disrespect you more, as simple as that. When you become weak they will run over you. You have to force yourself to stop doing or thinking about what makes you weak. Detach from weakness, what controls you makes you weak. Addiction is weakness, wasting time is weakness, being on an auto pilot mode is weakness, thinking about the past is weakness, thinking about the people that hurts you is weakness. Detach from weak behaviors if you want to forget a different life. You have to know what is weakness and completely stay away from it. Stay away from thoughts that makes you weak, stop all the nonsense activities that makes you slow and useless. You are in control here, you just need to be mindful of yourself. What are you doing, what are you thinking? it's really up to you. You will get stronger every time you choose an activity or thought that is helpful and will take you to another level. 


In this generation, this weakest generation all you've got to do is keep pushing. This generation is full of lazy people and if you work hard enough then you will thrive, as simple as that. This generation is full of quitters and wannabes but doesn't want to put in the effort. It is full of soft people who always complain. Your job is to focus and turn down the noise. Your job is to use all of your time for being productive and hard working. Stop being like others, they're all wasting their time and complaining about life. The formula is too simple... don't give time for people and things that doesn't serve you at all. It's too simple right? all you have to do is pick a goal and go towards there, go as far as you can and as fast as you can. Repeat it a million times if you need to do but don't ever quit don't ever stop. You have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. The game plan is to follow the game plan, stay disciplined and committed, never give up, push as hard as you can and never complain. Don't focus on things that doesn't even matter at all. Stop getting interested with other people's drama and start focusing on your own story. Build a very great story about your life, your struggles, your comebacks and your victory. Don't get hyped up with the news, stop getting fooled with gossips and negativity. You need to mind your own business only, be mindful where your time goes. Make an inventory where you spend your time and you will be surprise with how you brutally waste your time for nonsense subjects that doesn't even contribute anything for your growth. 

Look at yourself are you being controlled or are you controlling yourself? if you can control yourself then you're already a winner. But if you're being controlled by products, news, trends, people, negativity, petty problems then you're going down, you're losing, you're losing it. You need to be mindful of your decisions and focus. What are you feeding? what are you focusing on? are you focusing on what makes you weak or are you focusing on what makes you strong? the decision is always yours. If you are practicing discipline and delayed gratification all the time then your mind gets stronger and stronger than ever. 

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Dec 25, 2023


What you're doing now is right, if your intention is for the good and it is positive then it is right. Stop judging yourself all the time, don't worry about making mistakes, don't worry about failing because you will experience it every once in a while, you can never hide from it. You will fail especially if you're serious about something. Those who didn't fail didn't take it seriously that's why they didn't feel anything. It's just pain, feeling is just pain. Getting zero is just an emotion, the pain will be lessen if you will not think about it for a long time. GO back to your work and try again. Keep in mind that it's just a numbers game, the more you try the better chances of winning, it's always a win win situation for you when you try. So keep going and never stop, it's only jut a matter of time before you win. Don't be hard on yourself too much, love yourself because you are trying. And even if you're not making any results, just keep moving forward and never quit. You will get it if you want it bad enough but you must be so hungry, you must do whatever it takes to win and never give up, never let those problems make you weak, you should feel unstoppable when there is a challenge challenging you, you must feel powerful all the time because you are limitless. 


you're so hard on yourself because of the past. You're production is so less because you're thinking about what you didn't do that you could have done. You're thinking about the failures, mistakes, cowardice, passiveness, opportunities that go away, enemies, embarrassment etc. The truth is... if you don't think about it it will never hurt you. You are the one who is hurting yourself. The technique is to focus on yourself and try to become a little bit happier, if not happier then just stay neutral, don't go low, don't feel so bad, it is possible if you don't think, the hurt will go away if you let go of the thoughts that are stopping you. Because your thoughts is the only thing that is stopping you.  Your anticipation about the future, the bad things that might happen, the people that might be against you, the blame, the rejection, the missing of opportunities, the people that might get mad at you. These are all just illusions, if you will change your mind and think positive all the time then you will be free, and once you're free... you will become more powerful, you will be able to do what you want. It's time to live a worry free life, and it will only happen if you focus on yourself and not the people around you. Don't think about the bad past, forget the sad past, it's time to let go, once you let go you will experience absolute and real freedom. If you don't think about it it will never hurt you so let it go. Even if it's in front of you, even if it's stopping or distracting you... just don't think about it, think that it's gone, think that it's nothing and you will feel so invincible. 

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It's time to wake up and do something. You've been living like a bum for years, they're not treating you right, they feel you are weak, why are you allowing that to your life? It's time to wake up and become greater than your situation. It's time to become greater than who you are today. Look at you, you're a bum, you're a clown, if you don't want to become like that forever then you better force yourself to take actions and do everything you can in your power to become great. Stop wasting time, you're wasting a lot of it already that's why you're stuck in a mud forever. You need to force the growth, you need to give everything you've got. Create a mind that will be able to withstand everything. 


Produce something, stop resting because it will never help you. You can rest forever when you die so why rest now, you're still alive. And what real alive people does? they make waves, some people were still breathing but were already dead because they feel dead inside. You will only feel alive if you're going all in and get excited with the process. You must believe when you truly believe, the excitement will get stronger, when you truly believe you will work harder. Use all of your energy for production. Don't waste it for hating, watching, procrastinating and being bitter. You need to move now and do something with your life, aspire for something and chase it all the way. 


Don't do something because you love it like watching TV, watching porn, eating pizzas and junk foods, playing video games and any other nonsense stuffs. You love these things right? they are easy fun and accessible, they're delicious but useless and will only create damage to your life. Do something you hate like exercising, diet, studying, working hard, lifting weights, creating your own business. Do the hard things that are beneficial, everything you need to do is what you hate to do. Everything you need to do is difficult but will make your life so much better. 


Don't forget who you are, remember that you can do amazing things in amazing volume. Don't forget that your power is unlimited and that you need to use it every single second to become more powerful. You get weaker not because you get older, you get weaker because you're not moving, you're not using your power. 


If you're taking actions and doing something positive... keep moving forward. Don't correct yourself when you made a mistake. Mistake is part of the process, don't get hard on yourself too much. Love yourself, forgive yourself and do the process again. Try again and hit harder this time. 

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Dec 24, 2023


If part of you is telling you that you can do it even if the whole world is telling you that it can't be done... choose yourself, agree to yourself. Even if you're not so sure about it, even if there is no hardcore evidence that you can succeed... still agree to yourself. If your heart is telling you to do it then do it, what the hell are you waiting for? Don't be a chicken, stop letting your fears take over, you need to control your mind, affirm that it can be done, affirm that all it takes is willpower and you will be able to get what you want. Agree to yourself all the time, if you think you can do something... do it. If you think you can do the impossible then try it, if you think you can finish it then start it and finish it. Most of the time you're contradicting yourself that's why you can't do something great, that's why you don't want to try. You have to agree to yourself 100% and never doubt yourself again. Anything is possible if you will work hard and give everything you've got. Push yourself to the limits and never look back. Making sacrifices is all you need to do and you will become anything you want. The harder the path is... the better it will be. 


Most of the time you are hating yourself, disagreeing to yourself and always finding what's wrong with you. That's not a very good mentality, you have to be your number one fan, you have to love yourself and be proud of yourself in a silent way. Be humble but always feel proud of yourself because you're giving your best and not wasting your life. So take care of yourself, never belittle yourself and always find a way how to groom and improve yourself, celebrate yourself and always try to become happy even if things are hard. It's nota bout being a narcissist, it's about being yourself and giving reward to yourself. If you're really working hard and giving your all, if you're not hurting anybody and just focusing on your dream then what's so wrong about that? you have the right to believe in yourself if you really work hard and put in the effort. You are your best ally so stay loyal to yourself, choose yourself over the others. Never do something that you don't want just to please people, make boundaries and never let anybody cross it. At the end of the day you don't know who will be there at your side, but one thing is for sure... you can count on yourself. You can fight back, you can make a comeback, you can do what is best for you, you can survive, you are free if you will choose yourself and not let anybody control you for their advantage. Never let anybody use you, create your own empire and be the commander of it. 

If you want to be totally free then you should believe in yourself. Never let anybody control your mind and make you their toy. You are free, you can establish your own brand and create your own energy. The choice is always yours. You have the right to become a commander too. You have the authority to chase your dreams no matter how big it is. You will never fail if you will follow your heart, you just need to keep on trying. You only have one life why will you always hold back? why will you let anybody control you? never let them dictate what is best for your life. You've got to do what you need to do and never let anybody treat you like a dust. Agree to your goals, have strong intentions and believe in the power of your dreams. 

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Impossible or not, doable or not doable... just do it. Give yourself a chance, you will never know if you can do it unless you try and give your very best with all your heart. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is knowing you can make it or not, it's not the results... it's the answer to the question of your soul. It's aching to go hard, it's asking you to just go all in for one time in your life, you will never regret that you push the boundaries and gave yourself a chance to conquer the world. It doesn't matter if you fail, what mattes is you try, you can never go wrong if your heart is guiding you. Go for the kill, never rest and dedicate your life to your goal, you have to know how far you can go, you have to know if it's really for you or not. There is nothing wrong in giving your all, you have the right to know if you're born for it, the only person who can answer you is you. Going all the way is the only path, you will never know the right answer if you're always looking for shortcuts. Doing the impossible will make you see your true character, your true color will be revealed. Be ready to feel the pain and the struggle, it's not going to be easy but the reward is very fulfilling, you will go to a different level, you will never be the same person again. 


if you are really serious in doing the impossible then you can never quit. Never care if you fail a million times... just don't quit. That's why it is called impossible, it is hard to do but it is really not impossible, people who are cowards labeled it because they don't have the heart to fail and try again, all they want to do is win but they don't have what it takes to burn on fire just to get what they want, they simple want it, they're trying to look cute all the time, they're trying to look smart but the truth is they couldn't even get started. People get the same results because they have the same pattern and that is quitting when it gets harder, they don't want to try a million times, if you can't try for as long as you need to try then you will never win. Quit talking about success, quit talking about greatness if you're a quitter because you're a loser, you have no place in greatness.  The sad truth is you will never get better if you didn't feel any pain, there's no gain without pain, it will be painful and hard if you wanted to change yourself. It will be a lot of uncomfortable moments if you're seeking for an improvement, you can never forge a new identity if you're always feeling comfortable, assured and ok. You need to make yourself vulnerable to stress, pain, confusion, frustration and failure. It is what it is, you will never get to a new level if you're always feeling the same way, the same comfort and mediocre effort will never give you anything new in life, it will produce the same weak results that doesn't even excite you at all. If you want something new then you can never quit, you have to work all day long, you really have to push yourself to the limits and go outside of your comfort zone. This will be a slow process but it will be very effective. be patient and keep moving forward, your time will come, something will click and the impossible will become possible. All it takes is perseverance and burning desire to go the extra mile, all you need to have is the hunger to do what most people can't do. You have to think about your goals 24/7, never rest your mind, never give any space to laziness or unproductivity. Doing the impossible means trying with all your might, it means having no time for nonsense, it means building a new culture that will put you on a better position to succeed. 

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Dec 23, 2023


There's no ending, there's only continuation. There's no completion only evolution. Just because you got promoted in your work from being a slave to a semi slave doesn't mean you're guaranteed of special treatment already. Never think that you're allowed to rest or slack off because when you get lazy that's the time when your career falls apart. Just because you earned a hundred bucks today doesn't mean you're already made it, that cute money will run out in just a matter of days or even hours, it depends on how stupid you are when handling some money. You need to move forward all the time, whenever you experience a small amount of success... never relax, keep grinding hard and never take days off. Resting is for the weak, it's for the losers, what will you get by resting? exactly, nothing. Your bones get softer every time you get lazier, your mind gets rustier every time you bum around. So never allow yourself to get lazy, whenever you have a chance to move... do it now and never wait for the right timing. It is not true, the right timing is always now, not later nor tomorrow. You are only fooling yourself every time you delay something, you're only making things harder, the situation will get worse whenever you decide to just do it tomorrow or later. Pull the trigger now, it's not that hard... you're just being a soft diva. But if you choose to pull the trigger and flow through then life will get easier and more exciting. More opportunities will come, an improvement will happen. Life gets harder because you're not doing the right thing. Life gets harder because you choose to make it hard by being lazy and choosing instant gratification all the time. The time for being a great person is today, push yourself to do as much as you can and never give up, face the challenges, eat it like a peanut. 


When you're lazy, move. When you're feeling depressed, moved. Never stop attacking, attack life, attack your problems, attack your tasks. Be like a shark, you will die if you stop swimming. have that beast mentality, you just do it, you just attack, you focus on taking actions rather than being weak and lazy, doing something positive and beneficial is your hobby. Admit that no matter how rich you get, how powerful you become or how strong you become... your work will never end, there is no such thing as happy ending. There is no permanent ending there will always be another chapter, something will challenge you, you will experience another problem. It is what it is, you need to keep attacking forever so that you will never feel bad with your life. You will only feel powerless if you're not doing anything and just choose to become lazy instead. You need to go all in, use al of your time and energy for making a small progress. Manufacture momentum and never let it die, you have to keep the ball rolling, it's like riding a bike... keep pedaling or else you will fall or the bike will stop. Attack now, attack later and attack again tomorrow. Never stop attacking until you can't attack anymore. At the end of the day it is much better than being lazy and weak, you get weaker and weaker by not doing anything positive. 

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Some people are only motivated when they are winning, they're only good when everything is smooth and easy, they're only working hard when money is coming and that's why their hard work is not sustainable, that's they they get tired easily. Don't let the results inspire you, taking actions should be the motivation, the journey should be the reward. Enjoy working hard, enjoy the struggle and the failures, never are if you win or lose... just go out there have dun and give your very best. There is nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain, you will win and feel better if you're pushing yourself to the limits. To chase greatness you simply must show up and do what is uncomfortable, that's it. It's a life style, greatness is a culture, it's not about how many times you win... it's how many times you fail and try again, it's how many times you push yourself to do the work even if you're so damn lazy or tired. The reason why you're failing is you're not taking the process seriously. You want big results but you're not willing to make big time sacrifices, you're better than that. It's time to grind and hustle, it's time to feel blessed because you were able to take actions. Stop acting like a clown, stop being lazy because it's a law of cause and effect. What you do now will give an effect in the future. 


Sometimes no matter how much you work hard you still can't force an outcome. It is what it is, you will never be able to control the future, success will come to you if it wants but one thing is for sure... you already failed if you didn't give your all. You will never have a chance if you're taking the days for granted. You can only control your effort, you will feel more powerful if you're focused on taking actions and going hard every single day. You will feel good if you're not controlling the outcome. What will happen will happen but there is one thing for sure... you will go down if you're lazy and not giving your very best. Discipline your mind to fall in love with actions, doing the process should be the priority not checking for results every now and then. If you want to feel powerful... just focus on getting better. Do more, do it fast, start fast and finish strong. Never let your mind think, overthinking is for losers. Become a doer, you do it even if you're not going to win, you do it even the chances of winning is very low. Just do it, keep moving forward and never stop, that's all you need to do. You don't know what the future holds, all you can do is keep trying and never give up, that's it. Thinking about winning and success will only make you conservative and stiff. You will never feel loose if you're afraid to lose, just go out there and show up, focus on the next step and enjoy every situation. May it be easy or hard... have fun, learn to enjoy any kind of difficulty and you will never notice that it is hard. Always remember that there's only power in effort, there is no power in hoping or wishing. Stop wishing for luck, success or breaks. Create your own opportunity, devour every second and believe in yourself. Confidence will get higher and higher every time you work hard and take the risk. Your confidence will go down every time you feel lazy and not do something about it. The power is in pushing not in worrying about the outcome. Free yourself from the outcome and you will become invincible. Don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to take chances, remember that this is a one time thing, you never know when your chances will run out, you better squeeze what you can squeeze and eliminate the fear of losing or taking the blame. 

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If you want your life to change then you need to want less and do more. Stop wanting a lot of things, stop consuming too much, stop dreaming about this and that because you don't need it all. What you need is a mindset, a right mindset of working hard and doing whatever it takes to get better. The right habit is what you need, not results, not things, not money. If you have the right habit then you will get everything you want but if you have a hard time living your life. Use all of your energy for your work and greatness only, stop doing a lot of things that will make your life worse, you need to be mindful of what you do. You have a lot of time, energy and resources. Your only problem is you're wasting what you have because of getting addicted to easy things, pleasures, instant gratification and stupid entertainment. The law of cause and effect is real, what you're doing now will have an effect in the future, your actions and thoughts are investments. What you do and think now will have a huge impact in your future. You are drawing your life, you care creating so be mindful of your decisions and stay disciplined. 


You will only become successful if you are what you are talking about. You've been criticizing people for their lack of discipline and laziness, are you really working hard and doing unimaginable sacrifices? you've been talking about working for 24 hours a day are you really doing it? you've been talking about money do you really have money? you've been talking about this and that, are you really living it? quit talking and live the culture that you've been preaching. You talk too much that's why you can't make a progress. You need to use your energy for working and not for talking. Your mouth is too big, make it small, stay humble and let your results do the talking. You will only open your mouth when it's time to say checkmate. At the end of the day numbers don't lie, your mouth can lie but numbers won't. If you're not producing the numbers you need then you're just a fraud, you're a clown, you're nothing but a joke. If you wanted to be taken seriously then get serious about your life. Focus on taking actions and quit talking all the time, if you're really good then you don't need people's approval. 


You may lose, you may fail, you may make mistakes and need to repeat from the start but never wait like a chicken. Be about actions and never wait until something gets better before you move. Move now to get better, take actions now and force your fate to change. It's better to be moving than to just resting and acting like everything is alright. Nothing is right if you're lazy and always waiting, you're on a downward spiral everytime you waste your time doing nothing at all. Don't wait like a chicken, you need to move and do something to put yourself on a better position to succeed. What the hell are you waiting for? just move and pull the trigger, it doesn't take too much strength to draw the first blood.  

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You wanted to win but you don't want to struggle, you wanted to make an impact but you're not willing to push. If you're struggling right now keep struggling, keep pushing, something will click in just a matter of time. You need to increase your intensity and change your energy. If you really want something bad enough then you will get it, you just need to keep persevering and never think about quitting just for once. It doesn't matter if you're not getting the results, what matters is you are consistent and moving everyday. Try again after failing, never look for comfort, never look for an easy way out. The easiest way is grinding and not stopping. Struggling is part of the game, you have to know it, you have to understand it and accept it. Struggling will make you strong, it will make you a better person. It will make you tougher, stronger and more persevering, it will give you a strong mentality to withstand any kind of storm. So be happy whenever you are struggling because your character was being molded. all you need to do is move forward and that's it. So what if you like like suffering, so what if you're having a hard time with your life. It's ok to look like you're stuck in a mud, never mind how you look. Stop being soft, stop trying to look cute and just push yourself to do what is needed. Enjoy the resistance and pain, enjoy everything that is going on with your life at the moment. When you're struggling just keep struggling, don't look for shortcuts, don't look for an easy pass. Just deal with it, face what is in front of you and never quit. If you can say to yourself that you will never give up no matter what then victory will be yours for sure, that is 100% guaranteed. You don't need to worry about anything else, just keep pushing forward and do whatever it takes to win. 


Embrace the difficulty, embrace that is hard. You have to keep in mind that when you're chasing for something big... the storm will be bestowed upon you, all you have to do is weather it. Every suffering is making you strong, that's the reality, this is not about playing dumb or delusional.. it's the reality. A child will never get stronger if he didn't feel the pain. A mind will never expand if it didn't experience any problem. What's stopping you is making you grow, you need to embrace the resistance and push forward as much as you can. 


The problem with you is you want fast money but you're a slow worker. You want fast results but you're slow to stand up every time you fall. You want fast weight loss but you run so slow. You want progress but you're so slow to decide. You want fast finish but you're so slow to start. You want fast change but you're so slow to change yourself first. You want fast food but you're so slow to hunt by yourself. You need to change your game, you need to work hard and work fast. You need to do it your way, if you're struggling then keep struggling, a breakthrough will happen in just a matter of time. Change first, change fast if you want fast results. You will never be able to make a breakthrough if you're too lazy, slow and dependent. You need to do it your way, take matters into your own hands, do it even if it is hard, you are training yourself to become tough and independent every time you do it your way and make sacrifices. 

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