Jan 2, 2022


It means you have to sacrifice big time, it means you have to leave everything and risk everything you have, it means you have to become extraordinary, it means you have to have real discipline, do you have what it takes to succeed? You can't be working for a few hours and expect results to happen, you can't be just talking the whole day and expect that things in your life will change, that kind of mentality will never make you a winner. You have to give an exceptional effort. Stop acting like a fool who doesn't know anything of course you know something and you have to do it now. Follow your dream, give everything you've got, show the world how bad you want it. 


It's not that you will isolate yourself totally, it means your level should be different, it means you should be ahead of them. You must work harder than them, you're more disciplined than them, you're more focused and hungry than them. You should take your visions seriously, you must stand out, your hard work must be scary. You must do what most people can't do, that's how to separate yourself from the pack. Your standards should be higher, you should aim for the highest quality you can ever produce. Set the bar high and keep breaking it. Discipline is the key, face the pain, face the boredom, enjoy doing the things that are useful but not entertaining at all. It's too simple, make the process simple and just do what is working, do the tasks that has a potential to give you something in the future. The process will become simpler if you will focus and never do some other things that are complete waste. You have to unique in your own way, you have to think different than others, all people want the easiest things and easiest activities, if you can do what they don't want to do then your life will become different. Stop reading what they read, stop talking what they talk, stop dreaming about their dreams, stop doing what they do everyday and create you own set of habits that will put you on the best position to become triumphant. The choice is yours, the more you choose the easiest things the harder your life will be, as simple as that. So push yourself now to do the work, do whatever it takes to succeed even if it feels so impossible. Train your body and mind everyday to take massive actions, never exert a mediocre efforts, always strive to become a finisher. 


What's stopping you, what's making you slow? what's blocking your journey to success? If it's television, if it's your girlfriend, if it's your friends, if it's your mentality then you need to stop it, you need to break it now. All you need to do is take actions to become successful but something is stopping you from moving. The ugliest resistance that you can have is laziness, you have to break it now, stop it, work hard now, do something, keep your motor running and never stop. You have to force yourself to take actions, be on a sense of urgency and never feel lazy again. At the end of the day you will choose if you will work hard or not do anything, what option will you pick? is it working harder and starting faster to have a better life or slacking off all the time and being so unproductive and useless? you've got to choose what is best for you, you know what will work, you know what will help you so pick the right thing even if it's harder. 


If you fail yesterday you must try today, right away, make a quick comeback. If you failed to discipline yourself early in the morning, discipline yourself in the evening, change your state from lazy to hard working, make a quick comeback. It's ok to slack off a little bit because you're just a human but don't make it a habit, be aware that you're not doing the right thing and go back to the right track. No excuses, no more delays, no more stupid reasonings, work hard and never stop. Comeback stronger after failing or procrastinating, comeback stronger after giving a very weak effort, the good thing about life is you can make a comeback all the time. Train your mind to move right away, be fast to try again for one more time. Because it's up to you if you will try again or not, it's up to you if you will b satisfied of being weak, there's nothing wrong with that but you are wasting your life by doing that. 


You should be the las man standing, you should fight for what you want, fight for your life. Make success quit and submit itself to you, make doctors quit, make your coach quit, make challenges quit, make your enemies quit, make sickness quit, make recession quit, make poverty quit, make weakness quit. You can do this by pushing and pushing and pushing, nothing can stop you if you will go all in. all you need to do is never give up and you will win, so simple right? no need to study calculus or some kind of a weird subject here, no need to become a nerdy lawyer here, just pick a goal and never quit until you get it. If there's is someone to quit let them be it not you. Don't ever quit because that's the most disgusting thing in the world. It's to easy to win right? just outlast everyone and you will get on top, no need to memorize the whole encyclopedia, you don't even need a hack, you don't need a cheat code, just keep pushing and you will win. 


You will outwork everyone, you will swallow your fears, you will never be afraid of losing, you will become faster than everyone else, you will become opportunistic, you will take massive actions, you will give your best every single day, you will never back down to any problem, you will embrace everything, you will try to improve everyday. You will look hungrier than everyone, you will never waste time, you will just chase success and never give up until you get it. 

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