Jan 18, 2022


If you are being challenged, if you are being tested, if you're struggling and not making any progress it only means your belief was being tested, you are going through a trial, the universe is only testing you if your belief is intact. Actually, any challenge is a fuel for belief, it's a choice if you're going to believe or not, it's a choice what to think so don't ever feel bad if you're having a rough day or rough journey because it's only fueling your belief, it's elevating your mindset and taking your toughness to another level. Be happy because you will get stronger every time you face your fears and struggle. It's ok to have a hard time, it's ok to push and get tired, just keep on fighting because your situation will only change if you don't give up. There's no storm that you can't weather, there's no suffering that you can't endure, there's no problem that you can't solve, there's always a way, you have the strength to overcome anything in life, all you need to do is believe, the more it gets harder the more you need to have faith in yourself. Trust the process, trust that everything will work out, all you have to do is keep moving forward and be brave a little bit, that small courage can grow really big time if you keep on moving forward without wasting anytime overthinking and worrying what will happen, just take it one step at a time and enjoy life, enjoy this journey. 

Face your challenges, don't run away from it because every time you do it you're only making the stress and pressure stronger. Face it now no matter what, face it even if you're scared, face it even if you're not motivated. Don't worry about your feelings and just focus on the process, that's what it is all about. You really have to push forward even if it feels so uncomfortable. Repeat the process over and over again until you get rewarded. 


Your time will come, just be patient and do what is needed. It hasn't come yet because your efforts were not yet enough, you need to pish for more, you need to work harder today. Just keep waiting and keep working, you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. Make it a habit to go hard everyday, the moment you wake up... go as hard as you can and never look back. Never regrets any hard work you did even though you didn't get anything from it, repeat the process over and over again until you finally made a breakthrough. Always believe that what you're looking for is also looking for you, you have nothing to lose if you work hard and keep waiting, that's all you can do, you can never rush the process, you can never force success to come into your life right exactly the moment you want it, all you can do is wait and work hard and that's it. This is a waiting game, success will be possessed by people who are willing to work hard while waiting, your patience should be above the roofs if you really wanted to win in life. Never quit, never think about giving up because only cowards and losers does that, you're different, you can persevere until the end and make yourself a king.  


Learn to control your feelings, you should feel nothing when you're working hard, you should even enjoy it and feel happy about it. But most people can't become successful because they're always complaining about their work and situation, they feel underpaid, they feel that the world is unfair, they don't want to enjoy the process that's why they can't make any progress. Just keep pushing and believing and that's it, there's no need to worry or overthink, that's all you need to do. You're getting better everytime you fight fire with fire, you're getting closer and closer to what you want every time you stop thinking about losing and simply do whatever it takes to win. Don't worry if you fail, it's ok, just keep failing until you finally win. Keep on working for your dream, don't stop, don't quit and you will have it, as simple that. You must think like an assassin, you just do the work and feel nothing about it, have no regrets when taking actions and just look forward for the next step. Keep pushing like it's nothing, make it as your identity, push whenever you are free, push whenever you have time. 


You can overcome anything if you believe, you can get anything if you believe, nothing is impossible if you will try and believe that anything is possible. So it doesn't matter if you're down or badly wounded, it doesn't matter if you're facing a lot of problems, you just need to believe and you will be alright, you just need to keep your head up and move forward and everything will be good again. It's easy to believe, it's hard to maintain it because challenges will test your mind, it will test your character but if you will fix your mind and simply remind yourself that you need to believe no matter what then there is a 99.99 percent chance that you will win, you will be able to overcome anything. So check your belief all the time, is it gong up or down. Check your thoughts are you conditioning your mind to stay positive or are you poisoning your own mind? Remind yourself that belief can move mountains, it can create miracles so whatever you're going through right now... you can change it if you will believe. You can believe anytime you want, it's up to you, you can choose believing over being scared. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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